7 Days in Berlin – Part 10

By Takeo

Day 3 – Thursday June 13th – Playful afternoon

Franz probably deliberately left the alarm clock on the table. I have always loved being tied up for long periods of time, several hours at a time. But I cannot tell which is more difficult: having no notion of the time passing or, on the contrary, having a clock at sight. In the first case, I am constantly asking myself: how long have I been in this position? How much time is left? But in this situation, my brain quickly goes into subspace and wanders, letting time lengthen or shrink as my thoughts wander. On the contrary, with the clock in front of me, time seems to pass more slowly, with the time on the clock reminding us of the reality of things every time.

We have been attached to each other for nearly an hour now. Tom is surprisingly calm, given that he does not seem to have any bondage experience. It has to be said that the position is easy and, above all, pleasurable. The hardest part will be holding the standing position for 4 hours, but for now it is manageable, both for Tom and for me.

I do not know if he has seen, or even if he can see the alarm clock from his position. With the big gags in our muzzles, it is impossible to communicate. I wonder what is going on in his head right now. He does not seem afraid or tense. On the contrary, I can see in his eyes that he seems to be enjoying the situation. And not just in his eyes. Regularly, he rubs himself against me, caressing my back and buttocks with his hands cuffed behind me.

I can feel him tense up or tense up on a regular basis. I feel it too. After a while, I realize that our plugs are synchronized, and that we are receiving the strongest vibrations simultaneously. I can feel Tom’s frustration rising in the way he is touching and rubbing against me. I imagine he is getting frustrated with being tied up and would like to take advantage of me more.

The alarm clock reads 11:55 when the apartment door opens. Franz enters, wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. After placing his keys on the cupboard near the entrance, he turns around, startled at the sight of us. His expression of surprise soon gives way to the kind of wry smile he is always known for. He approaches the cell and touches my hands and caresses Tom’s bottom through the bars, who lets out a contented moan.

I am surprised that Franz did not seem to expect us here. In my head, this whole scenario was prepared and organized by him, but on reflection, I am not sure the handwriting on the sheet left on the gym locker room bench was the same as the one that awaited us in the cell once we got back to the apartment. I praised Franz’s organizational skills, but ultimately wondered if Florian was not behind it all.

“What a surprise to see you boys here like this,” he tells us. At this point, Tom relaxes. I realize that in his position he could not see who had come in behind him, and he is probably relieved to hear Franz’s voice.

“It’s going to be a very interesting afternoon,” he says.

He pretends to head for the kitchen just as his mobile rings, probably a Whatsapp message. He pulls it out of his pocket and stands there.

“Okay, obviously even more interesting than I imagined…” he says, before turning around and opening the first drawer of the cabinet on which he has placed his keys.

He pulls out a black plastic bag and a sheet of paper. He places the bag on the floor and reads the text on the sheet. After a few seconds, he turns his head in my direction and gives me a look halfway between excitement and apprehension. I had never sensed an ounce of destabilization in him before, but now I do.

He bends down and pulls an object with numerous leather straps out of the plastic bag. it is when he starts to put it on that I see it is a muzzle identical to the one Tom and I are wearing. It also appears to have a gag, and Franz rigorously tightens each strap and fits the item perfectly. Then he bends down, looks for something in the bag, and locks small padlocks to each of the straps. He finds himself in the same condition as us, muzzled, and without the keys.

It is now certain that Sir Flo is behind this setting, and he has obviously included Franz in his program.

Franz rereads the sheet, then undresses completely. He folds his clothes carefully and places them in the drawer from which he had taken the bag. My cock swells even more in my cage at the sight of his slim, muscular body. He is also wearing his chastity cage!

Tom realizes that something is going on behind him and tries to turn around, which is obviously impossible. His gaze questions me, but it is impossible to tell him about the spectacle that occur before my eyes.

Franz looks at me and seems to appreciate the fact that I am obliged to watch the show. He moves closer to me after taking an object out of the bag. He presents before my eyes a plug similar to those that are currently vibrating inside Tom and myself.

“Mfffff…” he throws into his muzzle, which I translate as “do you have this too?”.

I nod, to which he turns and leans forward to slip the plug on. Clearly, the position is deliberate so that I can watch him do it. His muscular buttocks excite me to no end.

Once he is done, he stands up and pulls out an orange outfit and rangers similar to ours from the plastic bag, which he quickly puts on. He looks super hot in this prison outfit.

From the bag he takes out metal objects, handcuffs and chains. Then he picks up the cell key I had thrown into the vestibule. He unlocks it, opens the door and enters the cell, which he closes, and like Tom and me before him, locks the door and throws the key out.

His sheet of paper is still on the cabinet, so he must have remembered the instructions too.

He comes up to our level and takes both our heads in his powerful hands.

“Mfffff…” which I translate as “we’re going to have some fun guys. But maybe it is something else?

Tom cannot contain his surprise when he sees Franz dressed like us. And he seems even more excited.

Franz pulls away from us and gives me a big slap on the left buttock, which echoes through the cell. There is no mistaking his alpha status.

Then he moves to my right, facing the bars. He bends down and slips handcuffs on his ankles, like ours, he passes the chain around a bar, thus keeping both his feet fixed to the grate.

Then he takes a chain and passes it around his waist, also around a couple of bars, and closes it with a padlock. Then a snap hook to the collar of his muzzle, in the same way as I did to Tom. And finally, he places a handcuff on his left wrist, raises his hands above his head, passes the chain around a rung, at a horizontal rung, then places the second handcuff on his right wrist.

He finds himself beside us, immobilized at the cell grate, hands above his head.

Tom has not missed a moment of the spectacle of Franz tying himself to the grate, as we had done together an hour before. He seems to be very excited, all the more so as I have the impression that the vibrations from the object in my hole are increasing. It is probably not just a feeling, judging by Tom’s moaning as he keeps rubbing himself against me.

Time passes, and I start to feel hot, pressed up against Tom. I can see the drops of sweat beading on his face. It is a very strange feeling to be pressed up against him like this. Our two faces are facing each other, our gazes are plunged into each other, yet we cannot communicate. It is almost embarrassing to be under each other’s gaze, so we regularly look away. I can feel that Tom is very excited by the situation, and I would bet that he would give anything to be able to kiss me if the muzzle weren’t in the way.

Beside us, Franz tests his bonds from time to time. He is probably in a less comfortable position than we are, with his arms over his head; in fact, he moves his arms regularly, and I can feel them starting to tug.

Franz turns his head to watch us, but it is difficult for him to do so, as the arms block his view and the chain prevents him from moving his head too far away from the bars.

I do not know how long we stay like this. Tom rubs himself against me regularly, resting his head against mine. As his first discovery of bondage, it seems that Franz or Florian — I still do not know who planned this part for us — got it right, he seems to love it.

At this point, I am dying to take off my chastity cage and jerk off. Or rather, to have someone jerk me off, given my hands cuffed behind Tom’s back.

With Franz next to us, I cannot see the alarm clock. I have no idea what time it is. But I would say it must be an hour since Franz joined us. I feel for him, his hands tied above his head with metal handcuffs, it cannot be pleasant.

I can feel Tom starting to tense up. He regularly provokes sudden movements. Not like convulsions, but more like someone starting to get angry. Time continues to pass, and Tom continues to lose his temper. I wonder if he is getting off on it, or if he has had enough and wants to be untied. Either way, I do not see what we can do — we are tied up here with no way of freeing ourselves. Although I suspect Florian must be quietly in the bedroom, discreetly keeping an eye on us.

I try to reassure him with my gaze, but I can see in his eyes that he is starting to panic. Yet his position is not very difficult. Not as difficult as mine, with my hands tied behind bars, so I cannot move around as much. Maybe he is just fed up and does not want to anymore. But that’s what bondage is all about, and he will soon realize that.

I try to keep him occupied by rubbing and caressing him as best I can. Indirectly, it also makes the time go by faster for me. At least I think it does, because objectively, I have no idea.

I can see in Tom’s eyes that he is worried. The fact that we are muzzled means we cannot communicate. I cannot know what is going on in his brain at the moment, but he does not seem to be having any physical difficulties. I am worried that the gag is bothering him, but it does not feel like it. It is probably only in his head. If I were him in this situation, I admit I would also be a little tense at the idea of being tied up with no possible way out with two strangers. Especially since he has no idea that Florian must be somewhere nearby and that, if anything goes wrong, he will be able to free us. Maybe he thinks he is dealing with a bunch of crazies.

Just then, I hear a key turn in the lock of the main door. The door opens. I feel Tom tense up again. From his position, he cannot see what is going on behind him.

Florian appears. He enters the apartment without glancing at us. He is carrying several shopping bags. Clearly, he has taken advantage of the time available to pick up supplies for the end of the week. But obviously he wasn’t nearby to free us in case of problems. So we were really all on our own. I am glad that Tom is turned the other way and did not see this.

Florian heads for the kitchen. I do not even know if he saw that we were there…

I hear him bustling about, probably putting the groceries away, then he heads back down the hall towards the bedroom, where he closes the door. Tom starts fidgeting again. I guess he thought he would be released, but he will have to be patient.

The bedroom door reopens and Florian steps out. I am stunned. He is wearing a black leather police uniform, perfectly tailored. He has got all the gear, high boots, handcuffs and truncheon on his belt, stripes over his eyes. My cock immediately tenses in his cage at the sight of him.

From his movements, Franz also seems to be enjoying the show.

Florian walks over to us and picks up a bunch of keys from his leather belt. He unlocks the cell door and enters. I see Tom staring at the guy behind his back. And I see his surprise when he discovers Sir Flo in his outfit.

“Well, boys, you seem to be enjoying yourselves,” says Florian.

I hear Franz attempt a muffled “Yes Sir” through his muzzle.

Florian grabs his truncheon and whacks me on the buttocks.

“And you boy, don’t you say anything?”

I also let out a “Yes Sir” through my gag.

“Mpff mmpffff.” It isTom who has just tried to do the same thing as me.

“Don’t worry boy,” he addresses Tom, hanging his chin in his hand, “these two are supposed to know what to say back, you’re new, I’m not going to bludgeon you for it.”

“Okay boys, you’ve been tied up for three and a half hours, you’ve got half an hour to go. But since you didn’t come shopping with me, you’re going to have to be punished.”

Is he kidding? How did he expect us to come with him if we were tied up like this?

“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.”

As if we could go anywhere…

He comes back with a double leather paddle in his hands.

And without warning, I get smacked straight on the ass. My buttocks have already been put to the test over the last few days, and the pain is directly intense, although the suit provides some protection.

Then a second.

With a steady rhythm, Florian throws big blows that make me stick to Tom every time. I had never heard of this paddle with two strips of leather one on top of the other. It stings, to say the least.

I can feel Tom amused and excited by what’s going on. From his vantage point, he can see Florian spanking me, and I can well believe how hot it must be.

After 10 or 15 strokes, Florian stops and heads for Franz. And again, without warning, the blows start. They seem stronger than the ones I have suffered, probably because Florian has realized that my already red ass needs to be spared a little if he wants to make it to the end of the week.

Franz strains against the bars and screams through his gag. I am not sure he really appreciates it.

When he is done, Florian turns to me and starts again, another dozen strokes. Then Franz. Then me again. And so on, a good ten times. I cannot take it any more, my ass is so sore. Fortunately, between each session, Tom caresses my bottom with his handcuffed hands.

Florian walks over to Franz and grabs him by the hair.

“You’re such a pig, you know that?”

“Mphhh mphhh.” Probably Yes Sir…

Then Florian exits the cell and leaves us like this, asses on fire, plug still vibrating in our asses.

This time it isTom’s turn to console me. He is tender with me, despite spending almost 4 hours in this position. I think he is also relieved not to have undergone such spanking as Franz and I have.

Florian leaves us to macerate like this for a good while longer, so much so that I wonder if he is not playing for time.

He returns, still in the same outfit, and picks up his bunch of keys again. Gently, he starts to untie us. Gradually, each time unlocking an element for each of us, so that we’re finally free all at once.

I had not understood why Florian had called Franz a pig, but now I do. Franz peed himself during the spanking. His prisoner suit is wet and there is a big stain on the floor.

He removes Franz’s muzzle and Tom’s. “Get dressed boy, it’s time for you to go to work. But as punishment, you keep your piss-soaked boxer shorts and your plug, that’ll teach you to soil your cell.”

“Yes Sir” is Franz’s simple reply. He returns to the hall and pulls out his clothes from the dresser drawer. He puts them on but keeps his piss-soaked grey boxer shorts on.

I would hate to have to go to work like this, but Franz looks surprisingly serene. He must be even kinkier than I imagine.

“Well, happy boy?” he says to Tom.

“Yes Sir, it was amazing,” Tom replies.

“Do you want more? Or do you want to call it a day?”

“I’m free until 6pm, Sir.”

“Ok, then follow me.” Then he adds, looking at me, “And you go take your plug out in the bathroom then clean up that puddle of piss with a towel and meet us in the playroom.”

“Yeff Fir” I try to answer through the muzzle Florian has not taken off.

I step out of the cell towards the bathroom and Franz, now in his street clothes, grabs me by the arm.

“Hop hop hop, on your knees boy, you are not getting away with this.”

I am surprised, in my mind Franz had passed out of the game and was about to leave. But SIr Flo has already left the room with Tom and the rules are clear, I too must obey Franz. So I get down on my knees, facing Franz. Reflexively, I cross my hands behind my back.

Franz turns around and picks up something from the hall cabinet. He walks over to me and grabs my head without mercy. I hear a click, and realize he is removing the padlocks from my muzzle. Six in total. Then he undoes the straps and removes the muzzle. The gag was relatively large, and my cheeks are numb. I relax my mouth while Franz places the muzzle on the furniture.

Then he bends down and removes one of his white socks that he had carefully stowed away in his ranger, grabs a roll of tape and comes back to me. My mouth is not going to be empty for as long as I thought.

“Did you think you were going to get away with this? See me walk away humiliated with my piss-soaked boxers and you quietly in your nice, clean outfit?” he says, giving me a worried, vicious look.

But just as I thought he was going to shove the sock in my mouth, he unzips his pants and pulls down his boxers. His chastity cage is at my level.

Without warning, he starts pissing on my face. I do not like piss and keep my mouth shut, but I am afraid of what might happen. He continues to piss on me profusely, even though he had already pissed on himself not long before.

When the stream finally stops, he looks me straight in the eye while holding his caged cock in one hand.

“Go on, lick, the last drop is yours.”

And he grabs my head and pulls me towards his cage. I stick out my tongue to lick his cage and the acrid taste of piss hits my palate. It is definitely not my thing. But fortunately it is only a drop or two and I manage it without too much disgust.

“Good boy,” he says as he crouches down in front of me, putting his head at my height.

“Thank you, alpha,” I reply politely.

He puts the sock he has kept in his right hand in front of my eyes.

“That’ll be your last words of the day, boy, open your mouth.”

I comply. But instead of putting the sock directly in my mouth, he drops it to the floor. I do not dare look away from him, but I know exactly what is happening. When he picks up the sock again, it’s completely soaked with piss.

“Open up!” he orders me authoritatively, my mouth having closed with surprise.

“No, please, alpha.” I know I should not have said that, but it just came out, I do not feel like it.

The reaction is felt immediately and Franz slaps me twice. Not too hard, but firm enough to know who is the boss.

“Open up, boy!” he repeats.

I comply, and reluctantly open my mouth. It does not take a second for Franz to slip the whole sock in. It is a rather large sports sock, and it fills my mouth nicely. Just being pressed into my mouth, it releases Franz’s juice, which is already running down my throat.

I nearly choke, but Franz does not waste a minute and sticks a piece of tape over my mouth. Then another. Then he takes the roll and makes several turns around my head, each time tighter. He cuts off pieces and places them under my chin.

Within minutes, I find myself with a tight tape gag, a piss-soaked sock in my mouth.

“There boy, that’s much better. Now you can clean up this mess. And hurry up, you don’t want to keep Sir Flo waiting.”

Then he turns, picks up his wallet from the cabinet and leaves the apartment.

I stand there for a moment, on my knees in my pissy wetsuit, until I come to my senses.

I hadn’t realized that the plug’s vibrations had stopped. But it is starting to hurt, and I head for the bathroom to remove it. I take advantage of the toilet and grab a towel. I squat down in the vestibule and clean up Franz’s piss as best I can. Same thing in the cell.

My gag is so tight, it feels like a shell around my face. The acrid taste of Franz’s piss never leaves me. I tense up at the thought of needing to vomit, so unpleasant is it. Yet my cock swells in my cage. The humiliation probably has something to do with it.

I return to the bathroom and rinse the towel in the tub.

Then I head for the playroom.

When I enter, I find Tom tied to the St. Andrew’s cross. He is bound at the wrists and ankles, but also additionally by various leather straps around his arms, legs and torso. He is in sportswear. With a “SLAVE Berlin” T-shirt identical to the one I wore this morning. He has a red ball-gag stuffed in his mouth. I do not usually like ball gags, but I have to admit it suits him.

Sir Flo is just finishing tying up Tom. I walk into the playroom and find a pile of folded clothes on the floor. Florian do not even glance at me when I enter the room. But I decide not to ask him to, since Tom has swapped his prison jumpsuit for a sports outfit and there are some neatly folded clothes waiting on the floor for me to change into.

So I take off my suit, soaked in Franz’s piss. I am not mad; the cold piss with its pungent smell is starting to get unpleasant on the skin. And I am getting cold. In any case, I still have the piss-soaked sock in my mouth that permanently reminds me of the taste of Franz. I take off my rangers, socks and wetsuit and find myself naked.

In front of me are a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, white socks (not quite white anymore) and a pair of sneakers. When I unfold them, I realize that this is the outfit Tom was wearing this morning. So Florian has swapped our outfits, which I am very happy about. I put on the shorts first. Tom’s build is a little slimmer than mine, so his shorts are quite tight and mold me.

I put on the T-shirt and immediately smell Tom’s cold perspiration in my nostrils. The T-shirt is not completely dry from his workout this morning. I find this terribly exciting, especially as I look up and see that Tom ist watching, and that he seems to be enjoying it too.

The socks, too, are obviously from this morning. Sir Flo has finished tying up Tom and has turned to look at me, arms crossed over his powerful torso. I hastily put on and tie my sneakers, then remain on my knees. I cross my hands behind my head, thinking he would like this initiative.

“Good boy,” he says, coming up to me and giving me a pat on the head. Like you would do to a dog.

He walks away and comes back to me with two big leather ties.

“Hands in front” he orders me.

I comply, and he passes me the binders, which cover my wrists completely. They close with three leather straps, and have a part that goes up over my hand and ends in a metal eyelet. I recognize these as suspension straps.

“Get on your feet” he orders me in his authoritative voice.

I stand up quickly. He takes me by the shoulders and pushes me aside. He places me right in the wooden frame. I am facing Tom, about 2 m in front of him. He is watching what is happening intently.

Florian grabs a rope, passes it through the eyelets on my leather cuffs and then to one of the metal loops on the wooden frame above my head. He pulls and fastens the rope, securing my arms above my head. Florian applies enough force that, without being suspended, my arms are pulled upwards intensely. I understand the use of suspension ties.

Florian takes more leather binders of various sizes and ties them to my ankles, thighs and forearms, just above elbow level. He goes away for a few moments and comes back with a big leather band, maybe 20 cm wide, which he places around my belly after lifting up my T-shirt, and closes with three big straps. When he is finished, he steps back. He does not seem satisfied. He steps closer and tightens the three straps a notch. My belly is compressed and my breathing is a little constricted. This time, Florian looks pleased with himself.

He moves away to the other side of the playroom and returns with several ropes. First, he attaches one to each of the ties around my ankles. He passes them through the metal loops at the foot of the wooden frame. He begins to tighten the ropes, indirectly instructing me to spread my legs. The more my legs spread, the more my body weight hangs on my arms. My legs are spread wide. I am not sure I can hold such a position for very long, between the tension on my arm and that on the inside of my spread thighs.

Florian grabs some extra rope and then fastens the leather straps on my thighs to the rings on the wooden frame. On each side, he stretches a rope over a ring fixed at the bottom, and one at a higher level. Then the same with the leather band around my belly.

I thought he has finished when he approaches me with two more ropes, which he attaches to the ties on my forearms. It has slipped my mind that these are the only ones left. Again, he connects them to rings on the wooden frame. With a good part of my body hanging from my arms, spreading them at the elbows causes considerable tension. Florian is careful not to over-tension the ropes so that it remains bearable, but the position I am in is far from comfortable.

“So boy, comfortable?” he says, clearly proud of himself, as he slaps my left cheek twice.

I nod. Indeed, this position is far from being comfortable. Not to mention the drops of Franz’s pungent piss running down my throat with every twitch of my jaw.

“You’re the one who said you wanted stress positions too, remember?”

That’s right, it is probably something I had insisted on when filling in the questionnaire. The goal for me is not just to be tied up, but also to be tied up in uncomfortable positions, and to experience this as a challenge with no way out. And I have to admit that, despite the apparent simplicity of this position, I’m well served!

It’s as if I am in balance, even though I am firmly attached and can move very little. The tension in my arms and shoulders is palpable, as is the tension on the inside of my spread thighs.

Tom has been observing the whole scene without missing a beat. His position is more comfortable than mine and he seems to be enjoying the situation.

Florian turns to him and starts caressing him. He reaches under his shirt and plays with his nipples. From the sound of Tom’s moans, he seems to be enjoying it.

Then he slips his hand into his shorts and pulls out his caged cock.

“Well boy, you sure seem to like it.”

Tom nods his head in agreement.

“But too bad, you’re caged… do you want me to take it off?”

Tom nods again.

Florian pulls out the keychain attached to his belt and take a small key, which he places at Tom’s face level.

“I can take it away if you like, but you know, nothing’s free here.”

Tom remains puzzled; I do not think he really understands what this means.

“You don’t seem to understand, let me explain. You’re a boy and your cock belongs to me. I can set it free, but you have to give me something in return. Let’s see what you have to offer…” says Florian, running his hands over Tom’s body.

Tom tenses as Florian takes his balls in his powerful hand.

“There, I’ve got it. I don’t mind freeing your cock, but your balls are mine,” he says, squeezing them. I see that Tom is trying to bend in half, prevented by the restraints securing him to the cross.

“So boy, do we have a deal?” and Florian squeezes Tom’s balls even tighter, forcing him to nod in acceptance.

“Perfect, boy, you made the right choice.”

Not sure Tom really interprets this as a choice.

With that, Florian threads the key into the lock of Tom’s cage and removes it. His cock swells rapidly once his freedom is regained. Unceremoniously, Florian removes the ring while Tom writhes in pain.

Tom’s cock is now horizontal, pointing in my direction. His glans is untucked and from my position I can clearly see the veins indicating a powerful, enduring cock.

Florian then turns to me.

“And as for you, you don’t have to say anything anyway, everything about you is mine.”

He also pulls out another key from his bunch and, as with Tom, unceremoniously removes the cage from me. Having been aroused practically non-stop since this morning, my cock also instantly stands up straight in front of me. At this point, I feel like I could cum in 5 seconds. I want so badly for Florian to take my cock in his hands and jerk me off. But I know inside me that this will not be the case.

In my mouth, the taste of Franz’s piss begins to be hard to bear.

Florian walks behind me and returns with a small box with some equipment in it. He stands in front of Tom and busies himself with something. When he turns around, I see he has just put a leather parachute around his balls. He approaches me and also installs something around my balls. I cannot see it, but I assume it is a parachute similar to Tom’s.

Florian then takes a long chain from the box. He attaches it first to my parachute and then moves over to Tom, where he attaches it to his parachute. Our balls are linked together, pulled towards each other. The chain is not hanging, Florian installed it quite tense.

I love having my balls tied and pulled. Even though weare both attached, I can feel Tom’s movements in my balls and this sensation is very exciting. All I can think about is cumming! And I am sure Tom does too, judging by the size of his cock.

“I’m sure you boys want to cum.”

Tom and I nod at the same time.

“You’re about to cum.”

Too good! I have been wanting to cum for days and my dick has been locked in a cage, and I cannot wait.

“Well, let’s just say that only one of you will be able to cum.”

Ooh, it’s getting bad. Florian pulls something out of the little box. I do not know what it is, but it’s some kind of small metal ball, maybe 2 cm in diameter, with a hook. He takes it and hangs it from the chain that connects our balls, halfway between Tom and me. Instantly the tension on our balls increases.

“I’ve got a whole series of similar spheres here. There’s more than enough, I’ve got 3 kg in total. Here’s the deal: I’ll regularly add spheres to the chain linking your balls. The one who cannot take it anymore and asks to stop first will go back caged. The other will have the right to cum.”

As he says this, Florian adds a sphere to the chain. They are not very big, probably around 200 grams. But as the chain is already stretched between our balls, this greatly increases the apparent tension.

Tom and I stare at each other. I can see he is already having a hard time. But I must admit, so am I.

“There’s still something missing boys.”

Florian bends down and takes two chains out of the box. I immediately recognize that as nipple clamps.

He approaches Tom and caresses and plays with his nipples for a moment, then, delicately, secures the two clips over the shirt. I can see the pain in Tom’s eyes as the clamps close over those nipples. And I can tell by the look on his face that he has never worn some before.

“Is it ok boy?” asks Florian.

After a moment’s hesitation, Tom nods. He is getting used to the pain, and from the look of his cock, it is giving way to pleasure.

“You’ll see, clamps are a mixture of pleasure and pain, you’ll love it. But what’s for sure is that if you ask me to take them off then you’ll have lost.”

Florian then approaches me.

“On the other hand, for you boy, we’re going to add a little difficulty, otherwise it’ll be too easy.”

Florian grabs my shirt, pulls it up, removes the neckline and pulls the whole thing behind my head, exposing my torso.

“I’m not going to insult you by putting the clamps over the shirt, you deserve better than that,” he says, fixing the two clamps on my already hard nipples with a quick gesture. I let out a little cry through my gag, which immediately causes a mixture of Franz’s saliva and piss to flow into my mouth.

Florian has been ruthless and the clamps are hurting me, especially as the position with my arms over my head is stretching the skin of my torso.

I can see Tom grinning through his gag. He obviously wants to win, and it seems to please him to see me already undergoing my treatment.

“So what do you think boy, is it still too easy for him?” asks Florian of Tom as he turns to face him.

Without hesitation, Tom nods quickly, a mischievous look in his eyes.

“You’re right, I was thinking the same.”

With that, Florian takes a sphere from the box and approaches me. He dangles it between his two fingers and presents it to me right in front of my eyes.

“Everyone seems to agree, boy.”

I shake “no” energetically.

“Boy, your opinion obviously does not count” he says with a big smile. Then he attaches the sphere to the chain connecting my breast clamps and gently lets it dangle.

I cannot hold back a cry of pain. The clamps are the classic Japanese ones that close as the tension increases. Not only does the weight increase, but so does the pressure on the nipples.

“That’s it, now the weight on your balls will increase every 5 minutes, the first one to shake his head and say no has lost.” And with that, Sir Flo adds a sphere to the chain linking our balls.

The tension is already high. There are 3 spheres which must total between 500 and 600 grams. Admittedly, the weight is shared between Tom and me, but the horizontal tension is significant.

Florian retreats behind me and returns with a riding crop in his hand. He approaches Tom and begins to strike him on the thighs. Tom struggles, despite being securely tied to the cross, but he cannot escape the blows. Florian spends a long time on his inner thighs. If at first the blows were rather light, Florian is now becoming more insistent and the blows slam hard.

I have got a hard-on as I take in the scene before me. I am determined to earn my come.

“So boy, you want to give it up?” asks Sir Flo of Tom.

Tom shakes his head.

“Very well, it’s up to you.” Florian steps back, takes a sphere from the box and hangs it from the chain. Instantly, I feel a pain in my lower abdomen. Watching him squirm in his bonds, Tom does too. I am amazed that the addition of a small sphere causes so much pain.

Florian approaches me with his riding crop and also starts to attack my inner thighs. This is a very sensitive area for me, and Florian’s pace is rapidly becoming unbearable. There is no doubt that he does not spare me the way he did with Tom. I try to move to avoid or cushion the blows, but it is impossible. The position is becoming unbearable, my arms are pulling and so are my thighs. And the blows do nothing to improve the situation.

“Well boy, enough?” Like Tom, I shake my head. I’m too eager to cum.

Again, Sir Flo grabs a sphere and hangs it from the chain. Tom lets out a moan of pain. I tell myself he is almost ready to give up.

Then Florian comes up to him with his riding crop and starts giving him a few blows on the torso. Some lightly, others harder. I can see a blow or two on his nipples with the clamps, and Tom wriggles as much as he can in his bonds. I am sure he cannot take it anymore and is about to give up.

But no, Florian stops his strokes and asks him:

“Still not?”

Tom, relieved that this session is over, nods.

And again Florian hangs another sphere on the chain.

This time I am at the limit, my balls are pulled forward by a very strong tension and I have an intense pain all over my lower abdomen.

But there is no time to get used to it, because barely a moment later, the whips are raining down on my chest. Once again, Florian does not pull any punches, and I have the impression that the blows are much more violent than Tom’s. I can see the sadism in Sir Flo’s eyes. He seems to love seeing me in pain and struggling in my bonds.

Unlike Tom, who is fixed against St Andrew’s cross, my forward and backward movements are limited but not entirely prevented. The movements that come naturally to me as a result of the whips cause the spheres to sway, inducing jerks on our balls. I can see Tom screaming through his gag and wiggling in his bonds. But Florian does not stop the blows.

“Time to get some of those nipples, boy.”

Without having had time to assimilate the sentence he just said, he regularly starts hitting my two nipples alternately. The pain is unbearable and I cry out through my gag.

“You want to stop, boy?”

No, I shake my head. But this time the blows do not stop, and Florian starts again. After a dozen more blows I cannot take it anymore.

“Mphhh mphh” I try to say through my gag.

“This time you’ve had enough?”

I resolve to confirm with my head, I am not able to take any more.

“Are you sure boy?”

I think for two seconds and finally confirm to him that no, I do not want to admit defeat. I thought if I persevered, he would be satisfied and move on to Tom again. Wrong. Again, Sir Flo takes his riding crop and aims directly at my nipples and the clamps. I scream into my gag, squirming. Tom also screams from his side, the swinging masses also tugging at his balls.

“What now boy?”

I try to articulate a stop in my piss-filled gag. I have got tears in my eyes.

“You admit defeat?”

I give a big nod. I cannot take it anymore and I do not want to risk him misinterpreting and carrying on.

So he walks over to Tom.

“Well done, boy, you’ve just earned the right to cum.”

He gently caresses Tom with his firm, powerful hands. Gently, he removes his nipple clamps. Tom lets out a little shriek as they come off.

Florian then removes the parachute from his balls. The spheres and chain fall to the floor, pulling violently on my balls. I cannot hold back a scream. Obviously, Sir Flo is focused on Tom and I do not really count right now.

Florian removes the ball gag from Tom’s mouth. He does not give him time to relax his cheek muscles and kisses him directly and greedily.

Then he pulls away from Tom and comes in my direction, leaving him tied to his cross.

I writhe in pain as Sir Flo removes the clamps with a sudden jerk. He then takes great pleasure in pressing down on my nipples with his thumbs, provoking shocks of pain. I am so well restrained and my muscles so sore from the stress position that I can only endure what is happening to me. Florian makes it clear where I belong. And it is not the same as Tom’s.

Sir Flo then unties the parachute attached around my balls, releasing the tension that had been building up for many minutes.

My cock is still stiff, the excitement still intense. There is no way Florian is going to be able to put a chastity cage back on me in this state, let alone with the vision of Tom strapped down in sportswear in front of me.

Florian leaves the playroom and returns with a plastic bag in his hands. The bag is full of water. I do not understand what he wants to do with it until he slams the bag against my crotch and my sex comes into contact with the cold water.

“No pleasure for you, boy” he declares, looking me in the eyes with a perverse air.

After a few minutes in the cold water, my dick has already shrunk. But we are still a long way from being able to put back the little plastic cage I have been wearing for the last few days.

“Don’t worry boy, we’ll find a solution.”

With that, Florian exits the playroom again. When he returns, he stands behind me, out of my field of vision.

I see Tom, silent even though he is no longer gagged, watching the scene intently.

From behind, Florian takes my cock in his hand. He applies some gel to it. He then applies a metal piece in front of me and directs my mole cock into a tube. Looking down, I see that Florian is putting on the Carrara metal chastity belt in which I arrived in Berlin. With expert gestures, Sir Flo quickly fits, adjusts and locks the complete belt. I can feel its weight on my thighs.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” Florian asks Tom.

“No, I haven’t,” he replies.

“It’s the safest thing, impossible to access the dick. And you can keep it permanently for days, no problem.”

Then Florian looks at me with a smirk. “At least we know you’re safe like this, boy.”

Florian starts to untie me. He undoes the ropes and removes the leg ties. I am able to stand normally again, which takes the strain off my arms.

Florian then unties the elbows and wrists. My arms are stiff, and the rapid return of blood to my limbs stings a little.

He then removes the strap around my belly and replaces the shorts and T-shirt correctly.

“Kneel down,” Sir Flo orders me.

As best I can despite the stiffness of my limbs, I kneel before him. He comes up behind me and quickly cuffs my hands behind my back.

He appears in front of me with a pair of scissors and, with expert movements, removes the tape gag. I scream as the tape comes off, taking a few hairs from my face in the process.

Seeing the sock protruding slightly from my mouth, Florian extends his hand toward me.

“Give it here!”

I push the sock into his hand with my tongue. I am relieved to no longer have this urine stash in my mouth, and I rub the inside of my mouth with my tongue.

At the sight of the sock and its color, Florian brings the sock up to his nose.

“What a surprise this Franz is!” he says.

Obviously, Sir Flo was not aware of the gift Franz had left in my mouth…

“Move over to Tom,” he orders me.

Still on my knees, I advance to Tom’s level. His still hard cock, probably excited by what he has just seen, is right before with my face.

“Go on boy, make him cum.”

The moment I had feared earlier now comes. Florian wants me to suck this guy, even though I do not know him at all. Seeing my hesitation, Florian takes his riding crop and gives me a big blow on the right shoulder blade.

“Come on boy, take his cock in your mouth and make him cum.”

I do not think I have a choice. I open my mouth and take Tom’s cock. His cock is pretty big. I am not used to sucking, but I do the best I can. I alternate between going back and forth and licking.

“Lick his balls!”

I take his cock out of my mouth and bend down to lick his balls. I notice they are shaved, just like his sex. So the sensation is not too unpleasant. I am not sure how to do it, but I apply myself as best I can. I alternate between licking them and taking them in my mouth, then coming back to the cock.

Tom seems to like it.

“Look into each other’s eyes,” Sir Flo orders us.

I look up at Tom and do the opposite. Just then, Florian grabs me by the hair and starts forcing me back and forth. I do not manage to take the whole of Tom’s cock in my mouth, but inevitably it moves in and out of my mouth at the pace Florian imposes.

Tom moans more and more, and I can feel his cock hardening. After maybe a minute, I feel Tom tense up completely. At the last moment, Florian withdraws his cock from my mouth, and Tom sends big spurts of his juice into my face with a loud moan. Florian is still holding me by the hair and preventing me from pulling out. I feel Tom’s hot juice running down my face.

With a jerk, Florian turns my head in his direction. I had not noticed that he had pulled his own cock out of his leather pants and was jerking off. He shoves his cock straight into my mouth. He abruptly fucks my mouth, at his own pace, regardless of my moods. It does not take him long either before he stiffens completely. Here too, he pulls out of my mouth, cumming directly on my face.

Then he loosens his grip and leaves me there, facing him, my face dripping with cum. Tom, still strapped to the St André cross, has not lost a minute of the scene.

“Good boy,” says Florian, grabbing me by the arm and forcing me to stand up.

Once on my feet, he places me opposite Tom. “Look what you have done to him” he says to Tom, laughing.

“Not my fault,” Tom replies simply.

Then Florian guides me by the arm to the other side of the playroom and helps me into the cage I had been put in on the first day. He places me on my knees, facing the cage door, and secures my head in the cage’s built-in pillory, which he locks with a large padlock. I find myself locked in the cage, on my knees, hands cuffed behind my back, two guys’ cum still dripping down my face…

Florian quickly puts a ball gag on me, then a blindfold.

I find myself blind, in an uncomfortable position in this cage.

I hear noises in the playroom, some laughter. I imagine Florian untying Tom and debriefing with him. The strong smell of semen wafts up my nostrils. My cock is stuck in its new prison.

And suddenly, silence. The door closes and not a sound is heard around me. I find myself alone, in the dark, like an object put away on a shelf after being used. And yet I am excited. All I want to do is cum. But I know I cannot. Sir Flo knew that from the start. I am conditioned to his will, only he can release me from this internal pressure. And he obviously has no intention of doing so.

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male bondage stories

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