Abductions R Us

By surfbot

I was bored. And lonely. My husband of three years had suddenly died in an accident, and I moved to a new city, a new job, and a new house. We had a lively kink life, and I still used my titanium chastity device to control my masturbation. But after six months I still hardly knew anyone other than co-workers.

Surfing the net I found an interesting website “Abductions R Us” — they offer a roleplay kidnapping for a fee. After an email exchange they arranged a video call at which they required me to be naked, wearing my chastity device; they blocked their own video. After a detailed discussion, with close examination of my chastity, they sent a contract for me to fill out and sign, during the video. It had a bunch of options I could accept or decline; some were pre-selected, such as “I will remain naked the entire time, in various restraints such as handcuffs and legcuffs”; among others I selected “I can be fucked in the ass by men wearing condoms” — that’s all right down my alley. Wanting the full experience, I accepted them all except “Removal of all body hair.”

They said they no longer abduct people on the street, as passersby tend to call the police when they see someone grabbed and put into a car trunk. So they will come to my house — with an attached garage I must leave the garage door open, and they will pull in to “kidnap” me in private. We arranged a pickup next Friday between 9am and 10am, with return by Sunday 6pm. They strongly urged me to wear my chastity until then, and required me to be wearing it, sweatpants, and a Tee shirt, nothing else.

I paid the fee, arranged Friday and Monday off from work, and was on tenterhooks until Friday morning. Right at 9am I received a text “We are delayed approximately one hour,” to which I responded “OK.” Drat — more delay.

A minute later I heard a car enter the garage and close the overhead door. Two large men dressed in black entered, each carrying a short stick. “Take off your shirt and put your hands on the wall.” Puzzled, I hesitated, saying “What…” the first one touched my leg with his stick — from the jolt of electricity and the intense pain I realized it was actually a cattle prod. I barely avoided falling down.

So I dropped my shirt on a chair and put my hands on the wall. He untied my sweatpants, dropped them to the floor, and had me step out of them. After putting on rubber gloves; he grabbed my balls and said “I’m going to search your mouth with my finger, and if you bite me you will lose your balls.” There followed a thorough strip search from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, including a finger deep up my rectum. He pulled my hands in back and applied handcuffs, double-locking them. He made me kneel and he applied leg cuffs, also double locked, and a ball gag followed, with padlock. He came around in front of me and with a black marker drew the number “27” on my chest above my left tit, and then put the same number on my right butt cheek.

After that the really frightening stuff started. He told me they were not from the website, but had hacked into their system and had monitored every communication. They had shown my video to a “customer” who expressed interest, so here they are. Moreover, they had caused the website people to be delayed. The contract was completely irrelevant, and I would never return to the life I knew. My “name” was now “27,” and I would be punished if I ever mentioned my previous name or life. The “27” was in marker, not tattooed, as they were only the slave capture and transport company, and my ultimate owner would determine how I am to be permanently marked.

He then applied a padlock between the two cuffs on my ankles and the chain of my handcuffs, thus putting me into a hog-tie that was incredibly restrictive. He lowered me onto my side, and from his kit he brought out a chain and something else. I could feel him working some sort of clamp around my balls, which he screwed tight around them. He said “I have to hammer this shut, don’t move unless you want my hammer to smash your balls.” When he was done, he packed up his tools and padlocked the chain around the front of my couch. “We find that guys controlled by their balls are more, um, compliant.”

Restrained as I was, I had no chance to inspect this thing around my balls, but did later so I’ll describe it here. It has two half-inch solid steel rods about four inches long, held parallel by sideways screws at each end, with spacers between the cylinders; the screwhead and nut are both recessed into the metal, so it cannot be unscrewed without the proper hex wrench. But the screws extended beyond the nuts, and these were both hammered flat against the nuts, so even with the hex wrench they could not be unscrewed. THe bottom rod had the end of a twelve-foot chain welded to it. The gap is just 1/4 inch wide, so there’s no way my balls could slip through — short of castrating myself this thing was permanently clamped around my balls, and I would stay wherever the chain was fastened.

As I lay there I heard the two of them rummaging around my house. “Here’s his wallet and credit cards — shopping spree tonight.” “Leave the phone and laptop, as they’ll provide a false trail to the cops when they come looking for him.” “He has quite a collection of handcuffs and sex toys, leave them out on the bed so everyone will know what kind of a pervert he is.”

So here I am, naked, gagged, and hog-cuffed on my living room floor, chained by the balls to my couch while two strangers ransack my house. I have never been this frightened in my life. So why is my dick straining so hard at its chastity cage?

While I was severely restrained and chained by the balls to my couch, they found a bunch of my stuff they said I would never use again, and took it out to their car. Then they came for me. After unlocking my chain and hog-cuff, they had me stand and led me by my testicle chain out to the garage. Resistance was futile, and I meekly let myself be put into their trunk. They reapplied the hog-cuff, padlocked the chain to the car about a foot from my balls, and pointed out that the emergency interior trunk release was disabled. Apparently they took the garage door remote from my car, as they stopped in the driveway and I heard the garage door close.

They drove me around for what seemed like forever but was probably only about twenty minutes. They got me out of the trunk and led me down a flight of stairs to a very solid door. The larger guard pressed a doorbell, and I heard a loud buzzer. He watched a TV monitor, then unlocked the door and led me inside. It was a bare room with concrete floor and walls, no windows, just one door, and four video cameras at the corners up by the ceiling. On the right there was a naked guy kneeling on the floor against the wall. But I had no time to look at him, as they led me to the left and padlocked my chain to a steel ring set firmly in the wall. They had me kneel by the wall at a second ring that was just dick height, and they applied a clip between my balls and the ring. They removed my handcuffs and leg cuffs and had me put my hands on my head.

“This is ‘balls to the wall’, and you will put yourself into this position whenever you hear the buzzer. You will obey all commands. Any hesitation or failure will be severely punished. You felt the prod once, imagine hundreds…” “Don’t think that by castrating yourself you can escape, as you’ll never get through that door. We’ll punish you severely as that will diminish your value, and the snuff film doesn’t pay nearly as much as our usual customers.” Then they left, locking the door solidly behind them.

The guy across the room said “Once they lock the door you can unclip and move around.” He did so and came half-way across the room. I found I could just go half-way — our ball chains prevented further movement. He was amazing — there was not a single hair on his body, anywhere, just smooth skin, a steel chastity device, and a chain linking his balls to the opposite wall. He had a “26” on his chest and ass, just like my “27.”

“Hi, I’m 26” he said in a cheery voice that seemed out of place in a dungeon like this. I learned he was always cheerful and easy to talk with. He pointed out we each had a sleeping mat by the wall, and suggested we move them to the center so we could be together, such as it is. We did so, and the weight of the chain on my balls was suddenly overwhelming and I began shaking with the enormity of it all. He hugged me, we lay down together, and he comforted me. The combination of his cheery voice and his amazing hairless body got me to calm down. Our chastity devices prevented any overt sexuality, but we certainly began to grow closer.

I learned he was a submissive (I was a switch, but my future status is clearly uncertain). He had been in a leather bar in a city over a hundred miles from my house, had met an attractive Dom called Bret, and asked around about him. He got positive responses, especially from one other guy. So he asked Bret to play. He was ordered to strip, put his clothes in Bret’s duffel, and wear Bret’s handcuffs and leg cuffs. A dog leash was clipped to his chastity device, and Bret led him around by his dick for over an hour, displaying him to everybody. Then Bret just picked up his duffel and walked out, still leading 26 by the dick, completely naked and in cuffs. He was dragged into a van where the other guy joined them — these two were now our captors. In the van he was gagged, hog-cuffed, numbered, and the clamp with chain was hammered around his balls. The only other thing he knew was that the guard’s name was not Bret. He had been chained in this room since Saturday, and said the stuff they used to remove his hair both tickled and stung.

I started to tell my story when the buzzer sounded and we immediately went balls to our walls. They put handcuffs on 26 (in back, so he could not unclip himself from the wall), and put handcuffs and leg cuffs on me. They unclipped my balls and led me to a post that my chain could barely reach. I was ordered to squat with my legs on each side of the post, and they clipped my balls to a ring on it, low to the floor. One handcuff was opened, and I reached forward to two handles on the post, and they re-cuffed my wrists through a ring between the handles. I was completely helpless in a very awkward position whose purpose became clear when they put a bucket under my ass and inserted an enema nozzle up my ass. I endured a series of enemas of increasing volume, until an uncomfortably large one came out clear. Then they wiped my ass, returned my balls to the wall, and left with the smelly bucket.

We came back together in the center of the room. 26 said we would receive a daily enema, so would never need to take a crap, and could piss anytime in the bucket remaining by the post. Surprisingly, having met just a few minutes ago, we fell into a natural rapport. He was so easy to talk with, and had such an amazing hairless body, that it just felt wonderful to be with him. Of course our ball chains and chastity devices kept reminding us of a more sinister reality. We talked for over an hour, until the buzzer sent our balls back to our walls.

With our balls clipped to the walls and our hands on our heads, they came to each of us and applied handcuffs and legcuffs. They wheeled in a table, unclipped my balls, and lifted me up onto it, putting me on knees and elbows. They removed my leg cuffs and strapped my legs to the table quite far apart, with my feet overhanging the edge of the table. They removed my handcuffs and strapped my elbows and wrists down. Then they put a strap over my back and tightened it to squash me down, with my ball chain also pulled down and fastened tightly. I simply could not move, with my ass just over the edge of the table.

26 was soon strapped down on a similar table next to me. It is an incredible feeling of helplessness when a guy wheels your table around, then stands between your legs and cranks it up and down so your ass is at the level of his dick. The two guards fucked us both for a long time. From our reactions it was clear that we were both accustomed to that. I guess my guard used a condom, as I never leaked.

After they unstrapped us and clipped our balls back to the walls, they brought in our dinner and left. We unclipped and moved to eat together. The food wasn’t bad, but we had no utensils and ate directly from the bowl, with a water bottle as well. 26 warned me that if I didn’t eat and drink it all they would punish me. I guess there was some sort of drug in the food, because after talking for a while we both became sleepy and laid down together; they were clearly watching as the light went out and we slept arm-in-arm.

I slept fitfully despite the drug, and woke up several times not knowing where I was. But 26 was always there, his arms in mine, with his amazing hairless body. And I slept.

They woke us with the buzzer so we went balls to the wall. Then came enemas for each of us, and then breakfast. We ate together at the center of the room, and found the rapport of yesterday just became stronger and more profound.

The day dragged on uneventfully, and amazingly we found more things to talk about. We had a lot in common, and were growing ever closer.

Just before dinnertime they strapped us to tables again, and a third well-dressed man came in with the guards. He rubbed his hands all over 26, then sadly shook his head and did the same to me. He spent more time with me, then adjusted my table, pulled out his dick, applied a condom, and fucked me intensely. After he left the guards came back and told me that tomorrow afternoon I’d be transported.

I slept even more restlessly than before, but 26 was always there to comfort me.

Morning came with enemas and breakfast. 26 and I talked and kept growing closer, ignoring whatever would happen that afternoon. He is an amazing fellow!

That afternoon they came for me. With my balls clipped to the wall they applied a ball gag, handcuffs, and leg cuffs, double-locking both. They took me to the enema post, but this time they applied a diaper with my ball chain coming out the front, reinforcing it with duct tape — talk about scary! They forced me to lay down on a padded wooden platform, applied the hog-cuff padlock, and padlocked my ball chain to a ring on the platform. Then they lowered a padded box around me and screwed it to the platform. It was completely dark, but there were holes for air.

The feeling of helplessness from the fucking tables was nothing compared to this. I laid there for perhaps ten minutes, then they wheeled my box out of the room, up to the garage, and into some vehicle. They drove me around for a long time, then backed into some place where they unloaded my box and wheeled me inside, somewhere.

When they opened the box I was stunned — I was back in my own living room! They removed my diaper, handcuffs, and leg cuffs. They then brought out a small rotary grinder and a hand vacuum, ground away the hammered-down screws, and removed the clamp around my balls. They explained that they really were from the website, but fabricated a role play that would keep me off balance — it sure did! They gave me my ball clamp and chain, with new screws, as a souvenir of an exciting weekend — it was just a half hour before 6pm, when I was due to be returned.

As they were packing up, the doorbell rang. They answered it, and it was 26! Just as I had last seen him, completely naked except for his chastity device; his ball chain had also been removed. In that amazing voice of his he said “Hi 27! I have my chastity key, and you should have yours. If you like, I can stay the night.”

Did I like? — OH YES! I grabbed him and we kissed passionately, intensely, fervently — so much so that neither of us noticed the guards leaving.

… to be continued in the follow-up story “26 and 27.”

Metal would like to thank the author, surfbot, for this story and welcome him back to the Prison Library!

VIDEO at Bound Muscle Jocks

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