All posts by lthr_jock

New Years Resolution – Part 02

By lthr_jock

As the third week progressed, Paul grew more used to his new clothes. In fact, he found himself wearing them virtually all the time at home. He liked the way they made him look, the tight glossy leather like a second skin. He spent time each day admiring himself in the mirror, enjoying the way the sleek leather accentuated his skin. Putting his suit on to get to work became more of a chore as the week progressed.

His sessions at the gym were paying off. He still had that eagerness and exuberance, but now Paul was convinced that his waistline was sharper and thinner. His chest felt heavier too, with solid slabs of muscle forming under his nipples. His biceps and triceps stretched every shirt he owned and his thickened neck meant that he had to leave the top button undone.

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New Years Resolution – Part 01

By lthr_jock

Paul woke up groggy and stumbled into the bathroom. As his head spun he reflected that he was getting far too old to spend all night out drinking – he just couldn’t bounce back in the morning anymore. Blearily he stared at his unshaven reflection as he pissed in the vague direction of the toilet. Red rimmed eyes and an unshaven face stared back at him, looking more like his father every day. His greying hair had receded giving him a high forehead and as he looked down his belly stuck out over the rim off his shorts. Yes he was quite a catch – 43 and feeling every day of it.

His miserable ruminations were cut short by the unmistakable feel as he peed over his left foot. Groaning, he hopped around the bathroom, grabbing a towel to dry himself off before flushing and emerging into his bedroom.

Continue reading New Years Resolution – Part 01