All posts by slaveobjectx

Chain Gang – Part 03

By slaveobjectx

The Cut

Then, to my surprise, only my cage was unlocked; they both grabbed me, unlocked the cuffs and dragged me out, cuffing my hands again behind my back. The other men were left where they were; apparently they had to stay for a while, or perhaps still had to be transported to some other place.

I was stiff and could scarcely stand but they gave me no time to collect myself but hauled me up and dragged me indoors. I had just time to see that night had almost fallen, and that I had arrived in a kind of compound, surrounded by high stone walls. This was no flimsy little structure but a real, high security prison, from which there wouldn’t any chance of escape. Anybody entering against his will surely had to give up hope at once that’d he’d ever come out unless released. I was shit-scared by now, thinking that I was entering into a nightmare now, and that there was no way out.

I was dragged down a corridor with bare brick walls, only occasionally broken up by a metal door, until we came to a halt outside one of these. The taller pig knocked on the door, and, not waiting for an answer, I was marched inside. A uniformed governor, tall, greying, middle-aged but good-looking, was talking to a few of his associates. He looked up briefly.

‘One of the new slaves?’

Continue reading Chain Gang – Part 03

Chain Gang – Part 02

By slaveobjectx

The Cage

Still handcuffed, I was bustled into the back of a huge prison van which was waiting at the front of the courthouse. To my surprise, inside the back there wasn’t a bench or anything like that to sit on. Instead, there only were a number of low cages, a bit like dog kennels but with a row of thick iron bars on the front. In a quick glance, I counted at least eight of them, four building a first row, and four a second behind, but because of the twilight it was difficult to oversee the whole cargo-space and to distinguish if there were more rows in the darkness behind those I could see.

I immediately realized that there was no mistake in putting me in this van, which clearly wasn’t one used by the local zoo, for these cages clearly weren’t meant to transport beasts but men. In each of the two furthermost cages a young man had been locked in, apparently forced by the lowness and narrowness of his cage to crouch on his fours like a dog. Both were rather tall, around my own age, wearing just a T-shirt and jeans as I did.

Continue reading Chain Gang – Part 02

Chain Gang – Part 01

By slaveobjectx

The Court

‘Ten years slavery with hard labour in a chain gang, no remission, take him down.’ At first I thought I’d misheard the guy. He was old and kinda mumbled through a dirty grey beard. And he looked so bored when he said it, like it was no big deal or nothing. Then I thought it was some kind of joke, like a local way of saying, ten years community work, part time, something like that. Because slavery was abolished long ago, and chain gangs were too. Apart from that, the duration of my imprisonment would be in no proportion to the crime I was thought to have committed. Therefore, at that moment I heard it, I was quite sure, it was either a mistake or just an old-fashioned way of speaking in this remote provincial town, (which was behind the times in juridical terms), and most likely both.

So I guess you can say that I was surprised when, as soon as I was off the stand and down into the lower regions of the courthouse, a burly guard snapped two handcuffs, connected by a short chain, onto my wrists and shoved me into a cell. ‘Your transport will be ready for you in about ten minutes, boy,’ he said breezily and stomped off, his boots echoing on the stone floor.

Continue reading Chain Gang – Part 01

The Cell

By slaveobjectx

i was in my late 20s when this happened.

After some years of looking, i finally found a Master online who was seriously into caging and imprisoning slaves with a taste for metal bondage. As long as I can remember, i was fascinated by men in chains, behind bars, locked up. Chains and locks have a powerful psychological effect on me that rope bondage can not match. So i could not wait to hand myself over for a five-day, no-way-out, period of incarceration. i had not seen my Jailer/Master in advance but we had spent much time discussing my incarceration and ensuring that i trusted him totally.

So on Monday i went to a quiet deserted street under the railway arches in South London. He appeared on his motorcycle at exactly 10 p.m. Without a word i took the helmet he offered me, put it on, and got on behind him on the motorbike. The helmet had a blackened visor – as a result i could not see where we were going, only the street lights and the rear lights of cars penetrated the darkness. It felt like being kidnapped. Certainly already it led to a sense that I was not in control.

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