Beyond Solo – Part 02

A short story by ty dehner

As his heart skips a beat from the sudden touch on his shoulder, Jamal screams into the gag, which echoes through the room as a muffled sound. Trying to turn around the layers of tape wrapped around his head makes it difficult for Jamal to turn his head. In total darkness, Jamal is fearful as he doesn’t know how someone has gotten into his room and is standing behind him.

Quickly, Jamal’s secured wrists are grabbed by the unknown individual. The wrists are lifted over Jamal’s head and lowered to the extent of his arm’s ability to bend, settling on the back of his neck. Faintly, there is the sound of duct tape being pulled from the roll and swiftly slapped on the wrists, wrapped around Jamal’s throat. Being wrapped several times around the neck and hands of Jamal, the tape forms a layer that thickens around the 26-year-old boy’s neck, with it slightly tightening on his throat. It hinders his breathing but not enough to make it difficult. The stranger wraps the tape, moving to the end of Jamal’s neck.

Next, the stranger wraps the tape around Jamal’s hands, which the stranger has positioned into fists. Winding the tape over and over, Jamal’s fists are now balls of tape.

The sound of tape being pulled from the roll stops, and the room goes silent except for Jamal’s struggling, the crinkling noise the tape makes, and his occasional moaning in the gag that fills his mouth.

As the boy catches his breath, he feels the gentle touch of hands wrapping around his shoulder and lightly touching his nipples on his naked chest. The erotic sensation starts to take over the fear that Jamal has been experiencing as the timber of his moans signals to the stranger that this helpless boy is going to be as easy to use.

As the light touch and pinching of his tits grow, Jamal feels the solidness of the tape mummification that encases his head, the scent of the tape coming into his nostrils and the start of sweat that is beading on his skin coming from the struggle at the hands of the stranger. With his arms awkwardly over his head, Jamal’s chest is exposed and pushed slightly forward so that the unknown man can have free rein in the boy’s chest.

Sensing the chair that he sits in moving, Jamal is startled when the person in his room is moving around the boy. There is the sound of boots on the wood flooring as the chair squeaks as it is rolled away from the desk. There is weight on Jamal’s legs as the person is sitting in his lap. There was some pressing against Jamal’s hard cock that was tenting his basketball shorts.

As the person sat and his weight settled, Jamal could feel that the guy was not wearing jeans; the material had a cool, smooth, yet rugged feel, as the boy could feel on his legs that weren’t covered by his shorts. That is when the boy figured out that the person who had surprised him and bound his arms was wearing leather. In his blindfolded state, Jamal had no idea what color or style the leather was. Still, he did feel his cock grow with the additional knowledge of being controlled by a guy in leather.

As the stranger in leather settled, the sensation on his nips returned for Jamal. H could feel that the stranger was wearing gloves to squeeze and pinch his nips. The gloves didn’t feel like the thin leather a cop would wear. The leather was thicker, as it was sturdy, as his nips were tightly pinched and twisted, causing Jamal to move under the weight of the leathered stranger. With the pain of his nips being abused, moaning was constant from behind the duct tape that covered the boy’s lips and kept them tightly sealed.

Gently, the gloved hands left the torture of Jamal’s nips, sliding up the neck and gliding on the surface of the thick tape that encased the boy’s head like a helmet. After the many layers of tape Jamal wrapped around his head, the gloved hands were light on the boy’s skin as he enjoyed the touch. The touch reminds the boy of being helpless, sightless and speechless in his own home with a stranger sitting in his lap.

As Jamal was folding his mind to his helpless state, the unknown man in leather started pressing where the tape secured the boy’s lips, covering the holes that were left open so that Jamal survived his ordeal. The leather scent of the used glove is stronger than that of the silver duct tape as Jamal struggles to fill his lungs. With his arm secured over his head, the boy skirmishes in the chair under the stranger’s weight. With his moaning muffled in the hanky in his mouth, covered by layers of tape, and now cupped in the hand of the stranger, Jamal is unable to retrieve his breathing as the stranger doesn’t release his hand.

The stranger quickly lowers his hand from Jamal’s nostrils, allowing the fresh air to fill his lungs in one long gasp. Getting a couple quick cycles of breath, that glove is clamped over the boy’s nose again, and he struggles even more, having not gotten enough life-giving air in the short few seconds he was allowed.

The stranger enjoys the bucking he receives as Jamal lifts his body from the chair. But the man in leather has a grin on his face as he watches the boy’s rock-hard dick sway under the red shorts, pre-cum spot growing on the shorts.

As Jamal struggles this time, the stranger’s other gloved hand starts to stroke the boy’s hard cock. Feeling the friction of his smooth nylon shorts and the tight grip of the leatherman’s gloved hand, Jamal is overwhelmed by all his senses. The boy can’t breathe, but all the blood in his body is flowing to his dick because of the erotic pleasure the stranger is providing the helpless boy. There is a pleading tone in the moans and squeals coming from inside the heavy duct tape helmet that encases Jamal’s head. Feeling the man’s weight in his lap, Jamal takes a huge breath as the stranger releases the boy’s nose again. But that wonderful air is fleeting as the gloved hand swiftly returns to block the boy’s breathing.

As all these sensations are coming to a climax, the leatherman stops his stroking of Jamal’s cock and, a few seconds later, removes the glove from his nose. The boy screams into his gag in frustration at nearly reaching his ecstasy, his seed ready to shoot into his red Nike shorts.

Calming his breathing and regaining his senses, Jamal realizes the stranger is no longer sitting in his lap; the weight is gone. As his head moves back and forth, instinctively, the boy cannot see anything in his darkness. Jamal takes a moment to stop his breathing, intentionally this time, so he can hear what is happening in the room.

Keeping his breathing light, Jamal is so focused on listening that he is startled by a hand touching his right wrist, still taped behind his neck. Knowing that something is cutting the tape on his hand, some pressure from the tight tape is released. The cuts don’t fully release his bondage, but it is a start.

The stranger then takes a thin piece of string, wrapping it around the left wrist of the helpless boy. Jamal can feel the extra weight of scissors dangling from the wrist.

Sensing movement, Jamal hears the stranger’s voice coming from before him, once again sitting in his lap. As the stranger speaks, the leatherman rubs his hands on the boy’s encased head.

“I’m leaving now. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful show on the internet and here in person, boy.”

The leather glove gently pats Jamal’s cheek then the stranger continues. “I’ve cut some of the tape on your hand so you can get yourself out of the brilliant tape job you’ve done to yourself.”

The stranger continues as the leather man tears more of the tape on the boy’s right hand. “It will take a while to cut yourself out of your mummification. So, here’s your challenge. If you want me to continue my play with you, don’t remove the tape you’ve encased your head in. You can cut your hands free so that you can reach the computer.”

Hearing the instruction to keep the tape wrapped around his head, Jamal finds his cock getting harder with the control that the stranger is taking.

“Once your hands are free, find your way to your computer. But beware, don’t move the mouse as it is positioned for you to click, and an email will be sent to me stating you want me to control you even more.”

Jamal thinks he must be very cautious but also fears how much control the stranger will take.

“Think about this boy; if you move the mouse and can’t see, you won’t be able to send me the email, and you’ll never know who I am. Of course, I might return when you don’t expect it.”

The boy’s cock jumps at that thought.

“And if you think you can remove enough tape to see and replace it after you email me, you will be sorry. I’ve used a marker on the tape that covers your face, and if the tape has been altered when I return, I will walk out, and you’ll wait all night for me.”

Feeling the weight lift from his lap, the stranger knocks the boy’s cock with his leathered knee and moves to stand behind the duct-taped boy.

“You can decide to just remove the tape and remember the fun we had here. I hope you make the right decision, boy.”

There is the sound of the boots on the hard floor again, with the door closing, and Jamal is left in silence.

Knowing what he wants, the boy struggles to grasp the scissors, realizing it will be a long night!

The end

© Copyright 2024 ty dehner All rights reserved.

See more from ty dehner at his official website

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