Cycles of Discipline – Part 03: Stretching

By JoxMau

We walk home the long way.  I look at my watch and see that it is a little past 11 pm. I assume you want us to get home and start my enduro-slavery as close to midnight as possible. I tell you as much. You laugh and tell me it is a good thing that I will be doing a lot less thinking soon because I am only half right. You tell me that you also wanted me to walk off the pina colada, since he wanted me sober as well. I tell you that you know that I am not a lightweight. You smile at me wickedly like you have been doing for weeks now. However I really could not figure out what you were hinting at. I was about to ask and decided not to just as I was about to open my mouth. You had a surprise for me and I wouldn’t want to ruin it. You had stopped what you had been saying as well. You were expecting me to ask. After a moment we finally continue along towards home.

We get home around 11;45. The moment is coming soon and I am growing both equally parts excited and anxious. You take me and hold me tight while grabbing my ass over the jeans.  You lean in and playful bite my neck a few times. You know how to push my buttons and if I wasn’t wearing a chastity belt I would be hard like steel. After a quick sharp slap to my ass, you tell me to strip. I take off my boots and jeans and shorts.  You then give me the key to the chastity and that is taken off too. I am fully naked before you. No gear, no toys; I am just me.

You tell me to kneel in the middle of the living room.  From all the sounds from earlier today, I am surprised that I don’t see any changes here.  I expected something.

As I get down on my knees, you come and stand in front of me. You tell me that this is the last chance to back out. You tell me that you won’t judge me if I do, but there is no going back after this moment.   I tell you that I understand and that I have already decided. You promise me that once I agree that you will make me the promises of always keep me disciplined and always working towards becoming an endurance athlete and most importantly that you will love me. You explain that there will be a check-in every other week but aside from those times that you will be in charge.

You make me confirm individually, that you will decide what I do, what I wear, what I eat, when I sleep, what I can say and how to have sex. In the end it was dozens of questions about my submission and I answer with a “You decide, Sir” for each one. You then pull out a length of chain and a small padlock. You hand them to me. You tell me that this is the moment I had been waiting for and that this is the last time that I decide. I do not hesitate and lock the chain around my neck and thus with a simple click it is done.

You pull out a pair of handcuffs that have been in your back pocket all evening. It is not like I hadn’t noticed. You get down on one knee behind me and fasten them on me. They are pretty standard cuffs with about an inch or two of chain connecting the cuffs. With my cock free, it was already raising to attention. You stand and look down at me. You slowly unbutton your shirt and take it off and place it with the clothes I had taken off. You tell me to remain silent until told otherwise, and if that is a problem for me I will be gagged. I look up and silently nod. You are walking with a different type of swagger than you usually do, and I like it. I admire your strong chest and arms. It is a body built by lifting weights for a lifetime.   I thank the stars for bringing you into my life.

You then take something else out of your other back pocket that I had not noticed. It was a choke chain collar. We had used it a few times before when we were going through a puppy/trainer period.  You had suggested it then and I was happy to try it out for you. It had lasted less than a week. It had quickly become clear that we were not pup play people. We sometimes still had brought out the puppy tail plug. But I had not seen the rubber dog hood nor the choke collar since then.  You put the choke collar around my throat under the one I had locked on earlier.  Things were definitely going to be interesting.

You go behind me and open a drawer in the console table by the loveseat and take something out of it. You walk around to where I can see you, and I see it is a leash. Ironically that leash predated our pup play days, it was a conversation one night after we had played with it that inspired our short trip into pup play. You clip it to my collar and then tell me to stand. I have always struggled to stand when I am cuffed. But as I glance up at you, I can tell you were not going to help. I finally manage to stand without falling on my face. And your face remains unmoved not betraying anything.

With the simple command, “come”, you turn away from me and lead me by the leash. You take me to the basement steps and lead me slowly down them. I could see that there had been major changes down here. The basement had been large and unfinished but for the section that had been the in-law suite and is now our dungeon.

There is now a whole new section that is walled off.  There is a door in the new wall and some sort of strange box mounted about halfway up the wall right next to its door. But that whole new room is to remain a mystery as you lead me to our dungeon.

You pull me into the dungeon. Not much has changed since we last played in here. The walls are still painted black and there is equipment spaced around the room. It mostly looked the same. There are some minor additions but it is too hard to focus on all that when I see the piece of equipment that you had set up in the center of the room. There appeared to have some changes done to that equipment which made it that much more frightening. You start to pull me directly to it. I try to pull back with the choke chain already starting to strangle me. I don’t like this, and I whisper, “Please, no”.

You turn around with a stern look. You say, “Silence!  This is your only warning”.  You then move back towards the device and start to pull on the leash and I meekly follow.

It is a simple piece of equipment. And it is not the equipment that worries me but what you like to do to me while we use it. It is a simple rectangular heavy board.  There is a short adjustable post towards the front and two heavy eye hooks towards the back corners. Essentially it is a short impaler. In the past I would be made to kneel on the board with my ass directly over the post. My ankles would be bound to the rear eye hooks. A dildo would be added to the post and that would be adjusted upwards into my ass as deep as you wanted to go. Ass play is neither of our most favorite things but it would still be a semi-regular part of our sessions. And that is not what I dreaded.

I stand silently with my hands cuffed behind me just as you wish. You busy yourself getting some supplies. You could have had those supplies already prepped when you had been here earlier but instead you want me to stand here and think about what is to come. My freed cock starts to rise. It always betrays me. You finish with your prep work and I see that you have changed as well. You are now wearing a sexy pair of black leather jeans with a pair of black engineer boots. My cock quickens its stiffening partly because I am briefly distracted from what is to come and because it is some of my favorite gear I like to see you in. It is a minor but appreciated gesture. I sigh heavily but still remain quiet. I can tell by this point that you were serious about that gag.

You go down to one knee and lock a leather cuff around one ankle and then the other. You help me down so I am now kneeling on the board. I am surprised to feel that the board is padded. I have been so far in my head anticipating what was to come I had not even noticed this change to the board from when we used it before.  I had always complained that the board was too hard on my knees and I would use that as an excuse to do something else.  If that hadn’t worked I might complain about a headache or some other problem big or small.  You usually relented and we would do something else. I am heartened by the padding for my knees but also knew you may now be more unrelenting. I feel you behind me as you add restraints to each of my ankles and clip them to the eye hooks on the rear of the board.

I hear some wet sounds behind me and it takes me a moment to realize you are lubing up a dildo. You firmly push on the small of my back so that I lean forward.  Once you get me into the position that you want you start to insert the lubed dildo I to me.  It takes me a few moments to open up. You are slow yet relentless in getting it inserted into me. You manhandle me again so I am kneeling straight up you start pumping the impaling post that is now directly below me and between my knees. It pumps up slowly like a car jack. Eventually you raised the top of the post until it meets with the first end of the dildo sticking out of my ass. There is a slide mechanism that locks them together and you return to pumping the post-dildo mechanism even higher. You only stop when I am kneeling high and straight.

Still behind me you reach around and start to roughly pinch and play with my nipples. I try to lean back into you as I am increasingly becoming more aroused. When my nipples become so hard that I think I could cut glass with them, you add some clamps onto them. They are the tightest ones I have ever worn for you.  I stifle the moan and the cry that almost escaped my lips. You attach both of the nipple clamps to a fine chain that you then thread to a pulley system above my head. Once that chain is in place you start pulling and tightening the chain. In the meantime me the effect is to make me kneel that much more higher and straighter. My nips are pulled up tautly, and I am left with no option but to kneel stiffly.

As you are still behind me your hand moves down and strokes my cock. You know how to stroke it to get the maximum hardness in it. You then come around to being in front of me.  You stare at me with a smug look and a wicked smile and start to play with my ballsack. You start to push my balls lower and lower into my sack pulling them down. This also has the effect of pulling me deeper onto the dildo while simultaneously pulling on my tits. When you are satisfied, you lock a ball stretcher around my ballsack. You then attach a couple of bungees to the stretcher, thread them through a set of eyehooks on either side of the post and back up to my cuffed hands. You lock the bungees to the cuffs and stand back and look at me to see the effect.

The chains on my tits keep me kneeling straight with a tall posture. The ball stretcher and bungee arrangement keeps the dildo deep in my ass while also keeping my balls pulled and stretched making me feel a deep ache.  Since the bungees attached to my balls were attached to the same cuffs that were attached to the choke chain around my neck, any relief I could try to give my balls would just choke me more.  You have made me immobilized in almost every way.

You tell me that you are going to test my immobilization and you pull out a rubber hose from the toys you had laid out earlier. You tell me that I must feel the hose until I am completely frozen in place.  With that said, you used all your effort and slammed the hose into my gut with a strangled yelp escaping from me.  I had pulled forward straining the chains on my tits while I also bore the brunt of the makeshift truncheon.  You give me a tsk tsk sound and tighten the chains to my tits. You strike me again and I reflexively try to lower myself.  That is too much movement for you and you raise the dildo higher which also pulls the bungees tighter on my balls, and I struggle not to choke myself further. The blows continue to rain down onto my gut until with a tightened link here or an adjustment there. Only when I am stretched and completely immobile do you stop wailing on my gut.

I am a sweating exhausted mess and I know you are not done with me. You squat down and look me in my eyes.  You smirk at me and ask me if I had wondered what you would get out of this new relationship between us. You once again reassure me that you will make my cycling fantasy come true and you reiterate that I will be a slave though. You explain that all of this prep has been about my own selfishness and needs and explain further that on this first night of my slavery that you will break any delusions that I am still in control.  Tonight is not about my endurance sport fantasy, but about my slavery.

This is when you take another dildo that is a twin of the one in my ass, which is thankfully not one of our largest. You continue to squat in front of me and gently swat either side of my face with the dildo. I am afraid and whimper out a “please, no, Sir”.  I could not contain my composure and my silence. You are prepared for this and after putting the dildo down briefly you roughly strap a spider gag around my head forcing my mouth wide open and keeping me if not silenced at least unable to speak.

You once again squat down in front of me and lift the dildo up and run the head of it against my betraying cock that still remains like granite. You frown as you look at me now.  You tell me that this has been always one of your favorite activities.  We had never made it a limit but I would regularly try to weasel out of doing it by claiming a headache or stressed from work.  But now you tell me that has changed and that I will learn to endure it just as he will teach me to endure my endurance training.

After your brief soliloquy is done, you move back behind me.  With one hand you push my forehead back so I am looking at the ceiling as you look down at me. Then with the other hand you take that damned dildo and slowly force it down my throat. You take it down half way and right back out and repeat it over and over again. I lose track of time as I stare at you staring at me as you begin working the dildo deeper and deeper into my throat. I have always tried to be skilled and dutiful when giving you head, but you love the sound of me gagging, and I hated that feeling and the more I tried to tell you I hated it the more you became fixated on it.  And here I am now, helpless and unable to resist without ripping off my balls or my tits or choking myself with your restraints and choke chain.  You keep working the dildo deeper while being relatively quick while I try to keep my arms as high and as still as possible. You edge closer to me. The top of my head is now firmly against your leather-clad cock. I feel how hard it is. As I my move head what little I can from the straining of my throat training, my head is stroking your cock through the leather. I feel it throb each time I gag.

Once you get the full length of the dildo down into my throat. You chuckle to yourself and tell me to think of the next bit as an endurance exercise like I had begged for and that you will keep the count. You then plunge the dildo all the way in and slowly count to five. You repeat it again and again. On the third time my whole body wants to heave but you warn me that puking is not allowed and that this is my first lesson on me learning to control my own body at your command.  It is also another reason we had walked off that drink earlier.  You then plunge the dildo back down into my throat and begin a slow count to ten. You continue training my throat for an unknown amount of time. I lose track of time as I focus solely on controlling my gag reflex from a deep place within myself.  I note that you pause an additional moment with the dildo deep in me as you cum. But you just continue to with the throat training. I barely register you stopping and releasing me from your devious bindings.  I am only fully conscious of what is going on again and only for a moment when you pull the dildo that was embedded in my ass out of me.

I wake from my exhausted sleep to find myself locked in the cage in the dungeon. I am without the handcuffs or any other binding, but I am still naked but for a new chastity belt I had not seen before locked onto me. It is smaller than tiny. My cock was barely existent but my balls hung low below it. I try to touch them but recoiled from the pain that resided in them from the torture they had endured. I look down and dare not think of touching my tits.

I suddenly hear keys. It is the sound of keys at the chamber’s door. That was probably the sound that had roused me. I am too exhausted to move and just blink a few times as I watch you open and enter back into our dungeon. Although, it felt like your dungeon now and not ours. You are now dressed in a khaki brown shorts with a matching t-shirt, and a pair of the shiniest polished combat boots on the planet. I know because I had polished them myself many times over the years. You even are wearing a tin whistle around your neck like a twisted gay drill instructor. Your broad shoulders exude strength and I am loving it.

You tell me the plan for the next two days before releasing me. You lead off by telling me that silence is expected the entirety of the next two days.  This is supposed to be my chance to acclimatize to all the changes and you don’t need to hear anything about that from me. You also laugh and tell me that my throat is probably too sore for talking anyway, but you you will still have gags handy if they are required. I move my hand up and touch my lips half expecting to feel the spider gag pressed against my lips and the dildo against the backdrop of of my throat. I was relieved to feel neither and I swore to myself that I will remain quiet.

You then tell me that it is 5am and that I will begin training every day at 5 regardless of what happened the night before. But you explained that most nights would be devoted to rest and recovery from my workouts. You tell me that I should be happy to know that the chastity belt will be taken off for all trainings and all play sessions when they occurred.  You want me to associate a free cock with exercise. So I should enjoy the feeling of freedom while exercising but you warn me that I still shouldn’t take liberties with my own cock and any self stimulation will be punished.

You then tell me that part of the training for the next few days would be for me to experience true hunger. You know that with the upcoming dieting and exercise that I will feel hungry. However, before that you want me to fast. You explain that hunger usually peaks around two or three days once the production of hunger hormone, ghrelin, slows down. You want me to feel what “starving” really feels like. You promise you only want me to experience this once so that I won’t complain about being merely hungry.  However, if I ever complain about being hungry you are willing to have me repeat the lesson. You reassure me that an occasional fast of a few days can still be healthily handled and that you always have your eyes on the goal of me achieving a professional cyclist’s physique. I gulp from the ramifications of that and I immediately grab my throat that is still unbelievably sore. You wink at me and tell me I probably don’t want to eat with my sore throat anyway. I don’t know to laugh or cry.  The one thing I was sure of was that I wanted to swear but that was forbidden by your threats and the soreness of my throat.

You pull the cage open and you get me to come out and stand.  You kiss me.  You kiss me hard on the lips.  I close my eyes and surrender myself to you while my bruised lips struggle with the fierce contact.  You then motion for me to follow and I do as I always have. You never really need any bindings to make me follow you, they just sometimes help.  You lead me out of the dungeon and across the basement to the new room that you had built.  You ignore the strange box attached to the wall by the door.  Instead you open the door wide with just a bit of flourish and announce to me, “Welcome, slave, to your own personal pain cave.”

I follow you in and see about one of every type of exercise equipment imaginable. There is an exercise bike and a treadmill. There is even a rower. There are kettlebells and dumbbells. There is a thin mattress on a ledge against the far wall, while there is also an open doorway to what appears to a small room with a toilet, a shower and a sink. There are cameras littered everywhere. There are also speakers in the high corners of the room and a tv in front of each piece of cardio equipment. You tell me that I will have to earn tv privileges.  Without explaining anything else you motion me towards the treadmill. You chuckle to yourself about calling it a dreadmill going forward.

You hand me a pair of trainers and I put them and the pair of socks I found in them on my feet and kneel down to tie them.  When I stand you kneel down and remove the chastity belt.  I have no idea how long I have had been wearing it but I am instantly relieved by its absence.

I was thinking I was going to have to jump on the newly named dreadmill, but you surprise me by giving me a brief tour. There is always more than I was expecting. The doorway does lead to a stripped down bathroom. It also has a dry sauna and a plunge pool for ice baths. There were also cabinets and closets filled with a variety of fitness equipment like yoga mats and jump ropes. You explain that the weird box attached to the wall by the door can be used by you to pass food to me when I am being fully isolated. Next to that box is a shelf with two high faucets. You explain that one is for water and the other is water that has electrolytes already mixed in. There are a supply of sports bottles bellow them. You also indicate that of all the monitors mounted high up on the walls there is one that will always be displaying that I need to be doing.  If I am ever in doubt about what I should be doing, I am supposed to check that screen. Failures will result in punishments.

You tell me that you will not always be communicating what is planned for me.  However, today you will go over the next two days for me. You have already explained that I will be experiencing a complete fast for the next two or three days, but for water and water with electrolytes.  My stomach starts grumbling just thinking about it.  You also explain that for the next sixteen hours I will be walking on the treadmill.  I will need to walk three hours straight with an hour break four times. I will need to use the bathroom and refill my water bottles at that time, because I will need to be ready for each walking interval and am not allowed to stop walking for the whole three hours. You also suggest I should not only rest and recover during these breaks but I should also stretch.  You stress that I should use these moments wisely or risk consequences. You also explain that there will be a full eight-hour sleep period and that tomorrow will for the most part be a repeat of today’s walking. You tell me that I might assume that walking will be easy, but assure me that it will feel hard. You also admit that the next two days would be used to establish base lines. And you grab my wrist and lock a smartwatch around it. However there is nothing on the screen because you have disabled that. It is just another way to monitor me.

You begin to go back towards the door that exits the room and tell me to enjoy these two days because they will be my easiest.  You then tell me that you love me and close the door locking it. I stand there stunned. Even after the weeks of begging for this, I still am not ready for it to actually be happening.  After a few moments a steady beeping draws my attention to the monitor you had indicated earlier. It says “PREPARE TO WALK”. There is also a countdown already showing “4:37” with the seconds steadily ticking away. I grab a few of the sports bottles and fill them from the twin faucets. I put them on the treadmill and I stand and wait. I watch the countdown finish and the tread begins to move at a steady walking pace. There is nothing left for me to do but walk. And that is what I do.  I begin to walk into a new future.

Metal would like to thank the author, JoxMau, for this story!

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