Tag Archives: forced workouts

7 Days in Berlin – Part 09

By Takeo

Day 3 – Thursday June 13th – Training

I do not know how long I sleep until I wake up for the first time. Usually, I tend to sleep on my side, or even on my stomach. But here, the height of the cage under the bed is not high enough for me to turn around. Although I am not really tied up, the straitjacket prevents me from turning over. Without the straitjacket, I think it might have been possible.

Despite being tied up in a neoprene suit in a straitjacket, with my head in the big hood, a plug up my arse, all bathed in the smell of piss, I actually manage to sleep not too badly. Not continuously, of course, but I still manage to get some rest. It is mainly the swelling cock in my cage that wakes me up. My mind wanders and creates scenarios based on what happened during the day, which inevitably leads to painful erections.

When I wake up, I do my best to move my aching limbs, while avoiding waking Sir Flo and Franz, who are sleeping right above me. I can feel their breathing and movements in their sleep and there is no doubt about it, they are sleeping like bliss.

Continue reading 7 Days in Berlin – Part 09

Seeing It Through – Part 04

By Cutieboy90

Nine months…

Stefan sat paralyzed with frustration at his workbench. Progress on the model had been good the last few weeks, or so he had thought. Each day he’d come back to the workbench and find things wrong.

Step 15 took forever because he had to fill several gaps in the roof of the officer’s quarters. Especially the area around the wheelhouse, where almost nothing lined up, he’d had to fill the seams with strips of plastic and refinish the bulkheads.

In step 22, the deck under the platform of the third funnel was uneven, causing the funnel to be crooked. He had to refile the edges of the deckhouse twice before it sat straight.

And now, he was repainting several bulkheads that he originally thought wouldn’t be visible when the model was completed.

Continue reading Seeing It Through – Part 04

Cycles of Discipline – Part 03: Stretching

By JoxMau

We walk home the long way.  I look at my watch and see that it is a little past 11 pm. I assume you want us to get home and start my enduro-slavery as close to midnight as possible. I tell you as much. You laugh and tell me it is a good thing that I will be doing a lot less thinking soon because I am only half right. You tell me that you also wanted me to walk off the pina colada, since he wanted me sober as well. I tell you that you know that I am not a lightweight. You smile at me wickedly like you have been doing for weeks now. However I really could not figure out what you were hinting at. I was about to ask and decided not to just as I was about to open my mouth. You had a surprise for me and I wouldn’t want to ruin it. You had stopped what you had been saying as well. You were expecting me to ask. After a moment we finally continue along towards home.

We get home around 11;45. The moment is coming soon and I am growing both equally parts excited and anxious. You take me and hold me tight while grabbing my ass over the jeans.  You lean in and playful bite my neck a few times. You know how to push my buttons and if I wasn’t wearing a chastity belt I would be hard like steel. After a quick sharp slap to my ass, you tell me to strip. I take off my boots and jeans and shorts.  You then give me the key to the chastity and that is taken off too. I am fully naked before you. No gear, no toys; I am just me.

Continue reading Cycles of Discipline – Part 03: Stretching

Cycles of Discipline – Part 01: Discovery

By JoxMau

You find me on my laptop when you come home. You can tell I am out of sorts.  We have been in a relationship for a while that is periodically Dom/sub with lots of chastity during the kinky months.

This was near the second week of our vanilla period.  You could tell I was getting restless and was done with the vanilla break.

You come over and give me a kiss on the top of my head and ask if I am doing okay.  It is in that moment you see what I had been looking at.  It wasn’t the normal rubber and leather pics that you had come to expect.  Nor was it pictures of the traditional hot muscular guys that flood the web.

You reach over and take the laptop away from me and start looking at all that I have been browsing for the day and then you continue to go back and look over the past week or so.

Continue reading Cycles of Discipline – Part 01: Discovery

The ab workout from hell

Izzy Danger is strapped to a steel platform, naked, his legs bound together and pulled taut, so his feet are kept within a steel frame. Electrodes are attached to the frame, but they seem to be inert. Suddenly, zap! Current surges into Izzy’s calves and ankles resting on the lower rails so he jerks his feet up – and is shocked again when his skin touches the upper rails! The lean, young athlete must keep my legs elevated within the narrow frame or be shocked! Soon the strain of holding his legs in mid-air makes his abs ache and his legs tremble so he must lower them and be shocked. It’s a game of exhaustion vs. pain – and it goes on for hours!

male bondage forced workout

The ab workout from hell


Watch the VIDEO SERIES at Dream Boy Bondage

Title: IZZY DANGER: Fantasy Boy – Chapter 4

The ab workout from hell

Dream Boy Bondage

Colin Steele gives Jessie Balboa a tough bondage workout

The gym training session continues with big-dicked muscle daddy Colin Steele back in firm control. Massive man Jessie Balboa is bound up tight and ready to do leg curls the right way, while naked Colin prowls around and issues instruction. There’s no encouragement quite like pain, so Colin judiciously delivers slaps and thwacks to the big man’s bare ass cheeks and legs, making sure Jessie is sufficiently inspired to push himself further.

Colin Steele gives Jessie Balboa a tough bondage workout

Colin Steele gives Jessie Balboa a tough bondage workout

Daddys Bondage Boys


See the VIDEO at Daddys Bondage Boys

Models: Colin Steele and Jessie Balboa

Title of this video: Punishing Gym Instruction

Gym domination by a sadistic personal trainer

Daddys Bondage Boys

Forced to perform pushups

Although Jessie is technically the trainee, he still can’t resist the opportunity to take control and dominate the more experienced Colin when he gets the chance. The shock collar is applied, and he makes the big man perform pushups, but you know this role reversal can’t last long, and soon Colin is done entertaining the sub.

Forced to perform pushups

Forced to perform pushups

Forced to perform pushups

Colin Steele and Jessie Balboa


VIDEO at Daddys Bondage Boys

Models in this shoot: Colin Steele and Jessie Balboa

Scene Title: Exercise Gets Hard – Part 5

discount code Daddys Bondage Boys

Colin Steele and Jessie Balboa

Nate – Part 03

By slavebladeboi

Nate gave a final wave as the car carrying Alex and Greg disappeared around the corner of the street. He walked quickly back into the house and placed the addresses they would be at, together with their phone numbers to call in case he might wanted to join them after all, under a fridge magnet where he couldn’t miss seeing them. He stood in the kitchen and took two or three deep breaths to calm his nerves, knowing now was the time to take Mike up on his invitation to have a serious chat.

Mike met him on his doorstep and invited him in. “Go through to the kitchen, Nate, take a seat and I’ll fix us one of my special brews.” He said the last words as if they were in capital letters. He opened the fridge and poured the cloudy liquid into two tall glasses. Then, sitting down opposite Nate, he looked him straight in the eye. “I think we are both wondering what’s next, aren’t we?”

Nate almost did his usual “look down at his feet” move but stopped himself halfway and looked back at Mike. Mike continued to look at him, but, in the end, as Nate didn’t volunteer anything, he said quite quietly, “Be open, Nate. There’s not a lot left to be embarrassed about. I’ve seen you sobbing with regrets, you’ve told me things you probably haven’t ever put into words before. You know things about me not many other people in this world know, plus you’ve seen more of me than most other people have, so let’s just both open up and say what we need to.”

Continue reading Nate – Part 03