By Pickle
Once Steve had massaged my arms and shoulders back to life and given me some water, he said, “Ok, Pick my boy. Round Two! Let’s get you all fixed up here dude.”
With that, he started the winch up again and got my wrists above my head. Then he affixed a bi-polar alligator clamp to each of my nipples. Next came an electro pad for each of my abs. He was careful not to pull my shirt out when he did that. Then two on each bicep. He smiled and looked at the wire coming out of the fly of my jeans that he had attached what now seemed like eons ago, and said, “I think we’re gonna have to deal with something else here too buddy.” He reached through my fly and carefully pulled out my junk. Again being careful not to disturb my shirt. He clearly wanted those damned shirttails to stay tucked in tight.
He stroked my already semi-erect cock a few times while poking me in the navel simultaneously. He knew my “sweet spot” and used it against me. It took less than 5 seconds before my dong was fully engorged. He tickled my balls a few times and chucked. “Man Pick! Look at you. Wouldn’t our poker buddies get a kick out of this?” He moved back away from me a few yards and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. In spite of my protests he took several pictures. “These are for later bud. The boys are gonna love these!”
He dug into that canvas bag again and brought out a spool of copper wire. He made a production of holding it up to my face so he’d be sure I knew what he was about to get up to. He unrolled a good length of the wire and cut it from the spool. He took hold of my nuts, yanked on ’em a few times, twisted them, lightly patting them at first, and then full-on slapping them before giving them a good couple of punches. Then he squeezed each “egg” til he had me screaming bloody murder. I was ready to kill the fuckin’ prick, but there was no way I could get loose, and he knew it.
When he grew bored torturing my nuts he put his thumb between them to separate them, and wrapped the copper wire carefully around each ‘nad’ and then around the top of my nut sack itself.
Next he sterilized his hands with a solution, put on gloves and inserted a sounds probe. He warned me not to move as he did this. The thing looked like a silver telephone pole to me. It brought back the memory of the alien finger going into that slit, “where no man had gone before,” and it freaked me out a little. He’d never done anything remotely like this to me before.
I was surprised the sounding rod didn’t feel anywhere near as bad as I thought it would. It sure as Hell didn’t burn like the alien probing I’d received. He taped it into place, and then placed two wires around my cock, just at the base of my cock head and then nearly to the base of my dick.
Next came two more 50-pound plates! 500 pounds in total now! Jesus, fuck!!!
“Alright, buddy boy, I’d say it’s time we plugged you in, huh?” He took 3 MK-312BT power units, and a field generator, and began connecting all the wires that were hanging from the many pads on my body. He then connected the sounding rod so that it would react with the bands around my cock. The crank magneto got connected to the copper wire around my balls last.
Once this seemingly endless plugging in ‘ceremony’ had been accomplished, he fetched a power bar from his bag, plugged it into the wall, and then connected all the plugs from the power units. Guess he didn’t want to waste the battery power in them, or he’d forgotten to charge them, or … this was going to go on for a long, LONG time!
With this little task completed he picked up the field generator, stood in front of me, and gave the crank a few slow turns. Even at that speed it hurt like a motherfucker, and my body involuntarily jerked, in spite of the fact I didn’t want to let him see he’d had any effect on me. He gave me an evil smile and his eyes twinkled with glee.
He reached into the bag once again and pulled out a large mouth-stuffer gag. “I think ya might need this for this round buddy boy. We don’t want ya disturbing them over on the next farm, now do we?”
I tried to keep my mouth closed so he couldn’t ram the damned leather gag in my face, but he applied his fingers to pressure points under my jaw, and beat me at my attempt to keep the thing from being shoved in. The stuffed leather plug totally filled my mouth and felt foreign and uncomfortable as all get out. It had two straps on it, and he pulled them tight around the back of my head, and I heard first one ‘click’ and then another. The fuckwad had locked it on!
“There now, that ought to keep things a little quieter in here, Pickle. Ya do tend to ramble on, boy! Should be a lot less complaining for this round, huh soldier? If you want to wimp out before the round’s over just shake your head and go ‘uh-uh, uh-uh’ over and over, and I’ll let ya out of this, but of course if ya do, you’ll wind up in the sand having the tide waterboard ya again, and I don’t think ya really want to go through that again, now do ya, Jimbo?” He was fuckin’ with me, and he was clearly loving every second of it! I was surprised by the fact my cock was seemingly enjoying this treatment. ‘Well fuck me! I must actually be liking this abuse.’
“OK, Picky boy. Up ya go!” Again the whirr of the winch, but this time he only took me up about a foot and a half, limited by the length of the electric wires, and I knew he also wanted to observe my reactions ‘up close and personal’ now that he was really planning to fuck me over.
For the full twenty minutes he kept me writhing. He knew what he was doing. There were no pleasurable sensations from the electro at all, he made sure it all felt like being cut with a knife or laser, burning, and zapping. I’d read online that electro could give pleasant sensations, but Steve was in full military tough guy mode, and he was out to torture the livin’ fuck outta me.
I knew he didn’t want me to win this little game of “squirm the shirttails out,” but at the same time he was having the time of his life making me squirm and hearing me scream through the huge stuffer gag.
“Ain’t this fun, Dill? I’ve been wanting to toughen you up like a soldier-boy for a long time now. The way you took your little water-boarding session yesterday just ramped that up for me all the more. You did well, my friend. Now I want to see just how tough you really are, my boy. We’re gonna have a shit-load of fun finding out just how indestructible you are, huh bruh? Sound good to YOU bud? What say we find out what yer made of, Jimmy boy? Hmmm, I wonder what your worst nightmares are, Pick?”
Twenty minutes felt more like two hours with the multiple layers of pain he was inflicting upon me. My shoulders were burning from the pull of all the weight that was stretching me out, and my entire body was being literally racked by the 500 pounds now pulling my body apart.
This guy that’d made incredible love with me the previous afternoon. The guy who made every inch of my body feel so amazing, was now torturing the fuck out of me. My brain was whirling and confused by the contradiction of his actions, but my cock kept telling me I was liking the torment he was putting me through for some reason. I didn’t understand it. Fuck, I must be insanely perverted or something. Was it the fact that it was Steve doing this to me, or the torture itself that was turning me on? I couldn’t figure it out and was pretty taken aback by my reaction. Maybe I was just enjoying the macho, tough guy aspect of this whole thing. The tough, resistant farm boy getting put through his paces and finding out what he can take.
Finally the whirr of the winch, and I was being lowered to the floor once again. Just before the weight plates hit the floor Steve stopped the winch. “OK, Dill, let’s have a look at cha. Well looky here dude, yer lookin’ a little sloppier at least. The rest of the front of yer shirt’s untucked dude. You keep this up, you just might get out of your waterboarding appointment this afternoon. Hafta say, ya look real boyishly sexy like this Pick. Yup, fully untucked up front dude, you’re getting there.”
Then he turned me around so he could have a look at my back. “Aw bud! No luck at all back here, my friend. Doesn’t look like the material has pulled out much at all. Not even an inch! Dude … I guess you’re going to have to wiggle a lot more in this next round if you want this little challenge to actually benefit the charity. And don’t forget you’re gonna be spluttering in the tide a lot more this time around if ya lose, too. Oh well, maybe the next 20 minutes will get ya outta trouble, Pick my boy.”
Steve lowered me the rest of the way to the floor and lowered my arms enough to get the blood flowing back into them. “Don’t get any smart ideas, Dill!” He detached all the Estim leads and removed the electro pads, and took the sounding rod out of my cock, but left the copper wire wrapped around my nuts. I immediately knew he planned to continue using the field generator in this coming round. ‘FUCK!’ The guy could be a real bastard when he wanted to be.
To be continued…