Long Term Confinement – Part 05

By Scribe

Discipline Technologies would like to notify interested clients that it has added services, equipment and modifications to its long-term confinement cells. Please refer to our prior announcement (Long Term Confinement Part 01) for a basic description of the prison. Our clients have suggested enhancements to their stay which we have tried to accommodate. Some of these services are free of charge but others come at an additional cost. Some of our guests want just the basic cell while others feel the enhancements are well worth the additional expense.

We have modified many of our basic cells so that no light can penetrate the cage. The rubber mats now cover the entire cell including the ceiling. Ventilation tubes are curved to allow air but no light to enter the cage. The food slot has two doors. The inner door can’t be opened by the prisoner unless the outer door is closed by the guard. The guard can’t open the outer door until the prisoner puts its food bowl on the tray and closes the inner door. This deters any interaction with the guard as well as preventing any light from disturbing the prisoner. The inmate is kept in total darkness and can never see anything inside or outside the cell. The ability to communicate with anyone or hear anything outside the cell is also reduced as the heavily padded cell absorbs most sound. The padding also helps prevent any self-inflicted injuries. While there is no light fixture in the cell, there is wiring for cables to electrified hoods, collars and chastity devices if needed.

We have changed intake procedures for new inmates. The entering prisoner is stripped and carefully cavity searched to ensure it carries nothing into the cell. Even a button or coin smuggled into the cell can be tossed and retrieved to relieve boredom. Any distractions inside the cells are prohibited. The inmate’s neck, wrists and ankles are then measured and steel shackles are installed if requested. Extra heavy manacles are available. All prisoners are encouraged to wear a chastity device to prevent any pleasurable diversions while in the cell. The inmate’s flaccid cock is sized and a tight cage is fitted.  Erections or ejaculations are prohibited while in the cell.

Upon arrival at the prison floor, the hooded, gagged and chastity caged prisoner is offered a special welcome by being chained to a cross and given 25 lashes with a bull whip. Our whip master is expert at maximizing the pain of each blow. He likes to hit the same spot multiple times. The beating helps the prisoner understand who is in charge and the treatment it can expect in the future. The prisoner is then dragged to its cell. We can help the inmate celebrate each 3-month, 6 month or one year anniversary of its confinement by arranging another beating.

To further show our appreciation for choosing DT prisons, the new inmate is treated to a special diet. The first day the prisoner will receive bread soaked in urine but no water, the next day water laced with vinegar but no bread. The days will alternate between adulterated bread or water for 30 days. While refusing food at first, hunger and thirst will drive the inmate to eat the soggy and smelly bread and drink the sour water. The prisoner will scream in protest but will learn that no one cares. The prisoner doesn’t know that the special diet will end in 30 days. It may believe this is all it will ever receive. Fear, disgust and desperation will help set the mood and expectations for the prisoner’s lengthy incarceration to follow.

Arrangements can be made to repeat the bread or water diet during the inmate’s confinement. The cycles can be irregular so that the prisoner will never know when the special diet begins or ends. The inmate will be given enough regular food to maintain health while at the same time enjoying periods of intense hunger and thirst.

Upstairs we disconnected the employee urinals from the sewer system. Urine is routed to a tank in the prison. The guard can either piss into the inmate’s food or add urine from the tank. Guards are prohibited from speaking to or engaging with the inmates in any manner. Guards also wear slippers and are careful not to make any noise in order to keep from disturbing the prisoner’s isolation. In order to minimize interruptions to the prisoner’s solitary confinement, food and water are only delivered once a day. Guards will sometimes deliver food and water randomly to further confuse the detainee’s perception of time. The prisoner quickly forgets how long it has been in the cage and has no idea when it will get out.

As announced previously, we recently purchased a number of steel hoods. These hoods lock on to the prisoner’s head and collar completely encasing it in steel. We have several sizes, so we’ll try to get as tight a fit as possible. Ideally the guard will have to expend considerable effort to squeeze the two halves together tightly encasing the prisoner’s head. This indicates a perfect fit. The inmate’s identify is immediately hidden and it will only be remembered by the number on the hood. The hood is lined with rubber. As heat builds and the inmate sweats, the rubber sticks to the skin further sealing the helmet tightly to the prisoner’s head. Speakers in the hood will play continuous white noise further diminishing the inmate’s ability to hear anything. The sounds and volume will vary so the prisoner can’t tune out any particular noise or pattern. There is no ignoring or escaping from the 24/7 irritating noise. Nose plugs will be inserted to limit the prisoner’s sense of smell. There are no eye openings further insuring that the inmate will never see again. There is one small opening at the mouth so that the prisoner can feed itself. There are also vents in the top and back of the hood to enable cleaning when the water hose is turned on. We have developed a new gag for the steel hood. A penis gag is attached to a piston in front of the mouth. The guard can activate the gag by remote control. The piston pushes the gag into the prisoner’s mouth. It then inflates filling the mouth and preventing any speech. A small breathing tube allows limited air. The gag can be deflated and pulled out of the mouth so that the prisoner can feed and water itself. The piston is strong enough to force the gag into the mouth even if the prisoner resists. If the guard forgets to activate the gag after feeding (or feels unauthorized sympathy), the gag will automatically reinsert itself after 10 minutes. The remote also controls the length of the gag. There are 10 settings. As the prisoner gets used to one setting, a longer and wider version will be selected in order to maximize the inmate’s discomfort. The longer gags are designed to trigger a gagging reflex which diminishes over time until the next even longer gag is selected. Eventually, the gag will creep its way down the prisoner’s throat. Except for the mouth at feeding time, the prisoner can no longer touch its face or head. It can’t rub its eyes, blow its nose or plug its ears. The narrow breathing tube and nose plugs forces the inmate to concentrate on getting enough precious oxygen. We especially recommend the helmet for prisoners suffering from claustrophobia. This hood is designed to be even more restrictive and than our previous model. The tight steel mask, long inflated gag, rubber lining, white noise, nose plugs and restricted breathing greatly intensifies the inmate’s fear of enclosure. As panic mounts, it soon realizes there is no hope of escape or relief. The claustrophobic prisoner will have to suffer the helmet for its entire stay. We appreciate how effective these helmets are in enhancing our prisoners’ confinement and encourage all detainees to request one.

We have expanded our selection of chastity devices. Some of the cages deliver punishing shocks while others give pleasurable electronic stroking sensations. A vibrator at the cock head increases the stimulation. The tight cage and hours of stroking and vibrating will edge the prisoner until it is desperate to cum but is unable to find release. Viagra added to its food will only increase its frustration. After a recovery interlude, the edging will begin again keeping the inmate constantly aroused. Desperation will build as weeks, months and years pass without being able to cum in its short, tiny cage. All our chastity cages have a proximity sensor which will give the prisoner a painful shock if it touches the device. This will keep it from attempting to remove the cage or stop its stimulation. Another available cage cycles between pleasurable and painful sensations. The pleasurable stroking drives the prisoner’s hardening cock into spikes at the end of the cage. The blunt copper spikes, sensing increased pressure, deliver painful shocks to the inmate’s dick head, punishing it for becoming aroused. When flaccid again the shocks cease. This cycle repeats, continuing for the duration of the inmate’s confinement. The prisoner will try as hard as it can to avoid arousal, to no avail.

Keys to the inmate’s helmet, collar, shackles and chastity cage are kept off premises preventing any unauthorized removal. Restraints must be worn for the detainee’s entire stay.

For prisoners requesting harsher and continuous control and discipline, we offer an electronic collar equipped with a sensitive microphone. Any noise made by the inmate will be punished with a painful shock. The microphone is programed to ignore the white noise played in the prison but will hear any grunt, plea or scream made by the detainee even if gagged. Silence is enforced 24/7. The prisoner is never allowed to speak. This is helpful since after only a few days or weeks, most prisoners start complaining and begging for release. Even when getting shocked, the inmate can’t cry out or it will incur additional punishment. We strongly encourage all prisoners to utilize this collar since it keeps our prison floor quiet and our inmates more isolated. While the white noise and padded cells muffle most sound, enforced silence further reduces the possibility of communication between prisoners or between guards and prisoners. Guards also appreciate not hearing pleas or cries when they feed inmates or pass by their cells. Prisoners refusing the silencing collar are urged to consider the gagging helmet instead. Of course, the use of both devices ensures that not even the slightest sound will ever emanate from the cell.

The same collar can also include a position sensor that can tell if the inmate is standing or sitting. The collar will only allow the prisoner to sit or lie down for 2 hours at a time, two times a day. The inmate is shocked if it exceeds these limits. This prevents the detainee from shortening its perceived time in the cage by sleeping excessively. The collar beeps when the prisoner is allowed to rest and beeps again when the two hours have expired. By keeping the inmate awake at least 20 hours of every day, the duration of the confinement will seem much longer.

Our control collars have external and internal spikes. The collar is designed so that the internal spikes do not cause much pain until the external spikes are leaned against a wall or floor forcing the internal spikes to dig into the prisoner’s neck, punishing any attempt to rest or sleep. The control collar is available in a taller posture collar design. This further limits the prisoner’s head movement. The wider collar also allows for additional rows of internal and external spikes making it even more effective. A solid bar can be substituted for the chain between the inmate’s wrist shackles limiting hand movement. A short chain can then be installed between the collar and wrist bar. Another short chain runs from the wrist bar to the chain between the ankle fetters. Adjustments can be made so that the prisoner is never able to fully straighten its back or legs, keeping it in a submissive position. The taller posture collar will help make this position even more uncomfortable. The inmate can still feed itself using one hand and bending forward.

We developed yet another way to control and discipline our prisoners. We now have cock cages with an electric urethral sound that activates upon contact with liquid. The tube will only turn off and allow the inmate to urinate at designated times. If the inmate pees without authorization, the sound will electrify the steam and make it excruciatingly painful. The cage only allows infrequent, random urination forcing the prisoner to choose between uncomfortable retention or painful release. The electrode will punish any leakage. An audio signal will alert the prisoner that it can pee. The inmate must urinate quickly since only a brief window is allowed. The electrode will also punish the prisoner for becoming aroused by electrifying any precum. The urethral tube is ideally pared with our pleasure stroking chastity cage. Precum leaks caused by the cage’s continuous edging or the prisoner’s erotic fantasies will cause a shock. If the inmate manages to ejaculate despite its chastity cage, the first powerful shock will cause a ruined orgasm denying any satisfaction. The thicker viscosity of the precum or cum will result in long sustained shocks. This will encourage the prisoner to try as hard as he can to avoid any future arousal, virtually impossible given the cage’s constant vibrations and stroking. Our device guarantees the prisoner will never experience a pleasurable arousal or orgasm again. Even a relaxing stress free piss is denied.

We believe these devices, while involving some expense due to the sophisticated electronics, offer unprecedented 24/7 control and discipline over the prisoner. While isolated in solitary confinement, the inmate must learn to control all of its urges. It must suppress its desire to speak, scream, sleep, urinate, cum or even develop an erection. No matter how much the prisoner wants to beg for release, it cannot risk speaking. No matter how tired it gets, it cannot lie down. No matter how much it wants to pee, it has to hold it in. No matter how much it wants to cum after hours of edging, it has to struggle not to become hard or leak any precum. All our control devices will ramp up the intensity of the punishing shocks if repeated violations occur. This equipment, once installed, must be worn for the duration of the prisoner’s confinement. Our devices have self monitoring software which will immediately alert the guard if one of the control modules stops working. It can then be reset or replaced minimizing the interruption to the inmate’s discipline. The prison’s backup generator ensures discipline will continue uninterrupted even if there is a power failure. We believe this total control has earned us our name, Discipline Technologies. We look forward to installing these devices on as many of our prisoners as possible.

In addition to controlling the inmate’s urges, we also try to eliminate or restrict the prisoner’s five senses. Our blackout cells prevent any vision. If the prisoner is moved between cells or into or out of the prison and is not wearing a metal helmet, a leather hood is placed over its head. The detainee will never have use of its eyes while in our custody. The sense of hearing is limited by the padded cell, white noise, and silence maintained by the guards. If the inmate has to be moved, it will wear ear plugs and a gag in addition to the leather hood. The prisoner will never hear another human voice other than a rare order from a guard. The silence enforcing collar will prevent the inmate from hearing its own voice. The sense of taste is limited to unpleasant sensations from urine-soaked food and vinegar laced water. The diet is never changed so that tastes are never varied. The sense of smell is limited to body odor, urine, waste, unpleasant food and rubber or leather when wearing hoods. Nose plugs while wearing the steel helmet will help diminish the sense of smell and taste. Touch can be controlled by wearing steel mitts. The mitts allow the prisoner to grab the food bowl and water bottle, but keep it from feeling much else. The mitts prevent the inmate from scratching or rubbing its body or tampering with any of the restraints. By limiting sensual inputs, the prisoner can concentrate on its confinement with minimal distractions.

Nipple clamps can be attached to the prisoner if the steel mitts are used, preventing any unauthorized removal. A bungee cord can run from the clamps to a fixed ring in the floor pulling the nipples as the prisoner moves around the cell. If the bungee cord is attached to a ring it the ceiling instead, the clamps will be even more effective. The inmate will experience a very painful pull on its nips when it tries to sit or lie down on the cell floor.

A few clients have asked if a smaller cell is available which would further restrict the inmate’s movements. We do have cells which are only 3 feet wide and deep. The prisoner cannot lie down in the cell. Since there is no room for a toilet, the inmate is given a liquid diet. This eliminates most solid waste. The guard hoses down the prisoner every once in a while. Most of our restraint and control options are available. This smaller cell can be used for part or all of the prisoner’s stay.

A few of our small cells have been modified for punishment. Anchoring points allow the prisoner to be bolted to the wall with wrist, ankle, waist, chest and neck restraints. This prevents any movement. A large electrified dildo attached to the wall is inserted into the victim. A gas mask is then fitted. Eye covers prevent any vision. The intake port is restricted so that the prisoner must struggle for enough air. A tube runs from the mask’s gag to the outside of the cell for feeding and watering, allowing longer term uninterrupted punishment. An electrified cock cage is added along with ear buds for sound torment. The self lubricating dildo is attached to a fucking machine. The prisoner is fucked for hours on end while the chastity cage vibrates and strokes. Speed, duration and penetration are varied to keep the victim constantly on edge. The dildo also delivers painful shocks synced to the cock cage preventing any ejaculations. The dildo can slowly increase in length snaking it’s way up the prisoner’s colon. Nipple clamps are attached to a cable running to a winch on the opposite wall. The nipples are pulled, released and then pulled even tighter while the other punishments are administered.

A second punishment cell offers strappado therapy. The prisoner is handcuffed behind its back and hoisted up on its toes by a chain attached to the ceiling. Nipple clamps are locked on and pulled to a cable bolted to the floor Each morning session lasts for 3 hours followed by an evening session for 3 hours. Shocks from the cock cage will cause the prisoner to jerk and sway adding extra pain to its arms and shoulders and nipples.

Punishment  in either or both cells continues until the guard detects improved attitude and behavior. For especially difficult inmates, frequent punishment sessions may be necessary. Repeated instances of unauthorized speech, sleep, or urination will require lengthy correction in the punishment cell. A prohibited orgasm will warrant harsh discipline. Prisoners may volunteer to stay in the punishment cells for a set time period with no possibility of early release. The inmate may also request regular visits to the punishment cells as part of their contracted discipline regimen.

For particularly recalcitrant prisoners not corrected by multiple stays in the punishment cell, we have a special solution. The inmate is placed in a small coffin like box. The length of the box is short enough so that the prisoner cannot lie down. The height is short enough so that the prisoner can neither sit up nor bend its legs enough to allow its upper body to lie flat. The width is narrow enough so that the prisoner can not move side to side or roll over to its side. There is a small door at the top of the cage to insert food and water and disconnect the gag and enough room for the prisoner to move its shackled hands to its face to feed itself. Inmates in the box are limited to half rations of bread and water. A water lookup at the top of the cell allows waste to be flushed to an outlet at the bottom of the box. Air vents are curved to minimize any light entering the box. For added security the prisoner’s ankles are chained to the bottom of the box.

Inmates fitted with a silence enforcing collar and/or chastity cage will continue to wear them in the box. If not so equipped, the inmate will be gagged to avoid having to listen to irritating pleas for release. A tall, heavy, thick steel posture collar will be fastened to the prisoner’s neck further restricting head and back movements, increasing discomfort. The lid to the box has a time lock which can be set from 3 to 10 days. This ensures the prisoner will receive enough time to begin rehabilitation. If further remediation is necessary, the lock can be reset for another 3 to 10 days. The prisoner can be released after apologizing for its unacceptable behavior. Again, inmates can volunteer for a given number of days locked in the box. If more than 10 days are requested, the guards can reset the lock multiple times. Repeated visits to the box can be arranged up front as part of the prisoner’s contract for incarceration and discipline.

For a small additional charge, we can unseal the prisoner’s cell and help it celebrate its birthday. The day before it’s birthday, a tight rubber straightjacket and hood will be fitted. The hood will include a long, choking gag and restrictive breathing tubes. The guard will pull the straps as tight as he can including the strap clamping the inmate’s jaw around the gag. Electrodes will be attached to the prisoner’s cock and set to punishment mode. Clamps will also be attached to the inmate’s nipples. The guard will wish the prisoner a hearty Happy Birthday before relocking the cell. By comparing its current situation; tightly restrained, choking on a gag and trying to get enough air through the nose tubes while having its cock and nipples tortured, versus birthdays in the past, the prisoner will truly appreciate the unique experience our prison provides. In order not to interrupt the inmate’s special day, no food or water is given until the day after when the rubber, tit clamps and electrodes are removed. We appreciate this opportunity to help our prisoners celebrate their birthdays! Upon request, we can help our inmates enjoy other holidays as well.

At the request of one of our inmates, we offer a game of chance for the prisoner serving indefinite time.  At the end of each specified period (90 days, 6 months, or one year) the cell door will be opened and the guard will shake dice. If the number comes up that the prisoner or sponsor chose prior to incarceration, it will be released. Otherwise, the cell will be locked and sealed for the next period. The prisoner or sponsor can select a number more likely to come up like 6, or it can choose a more difficult number like 2 or 12. To make release even more unlikely, the inmate or sponsor may specify that 3,4 or 5 dice be used. Drawing a predetermined card from a deck of cards can also be done. This service offers a glimmer of hope to the detainee suffering in its cage that it may be released with a lucky roll of the dice or draw of the card, no matter how unlikely.

Another popular game of chance is our “wheel of misfortune”. Upon entry to the prison and before being chained in its cell, the prisoner is blindfolded and made to spin a roulette wheel. Each number represents the number of months the prisoner is sentenced to spend in its cage. The inmate could be released in as little as one month or as long as 36 months (a “0” or “00” spin could mean a 37 or 38 month sentence or require a doubling or tripling of the sentence on the next spin). The prisoner is then locked in solitary confinement before removing the blindfold with no idea how long its sentence will be. Every minute, hour, and day the inmate will hope this day will be the last of its confinement. Will it be lucky and released in a month or two or will it be unlucky and have to spend years in isolation with heavy restraints and disciplinary controls? The prisoner will soon lose track of the time spent in the cage, but will continue to hope for release every hour of every day.

Prisoners or sponsors can also arrange up front, prior to confinement, to be readmitted at a future date. After the first sentence is completed, the ex-inmate can be “captured” at any time and reincarcerated. The ex-prisoner will live in constant fear of returning to our cages. The second containment can be for a fixed period or indeterminate time. We can even arrange for multiple returns to the prison. The prisoner or its sponsor will pay capture and transportation costs. Returning inmates are treated as escaped prisoners. As punishment for escaping, the returning inmate will be given 50 lashes on the cross instead of the usual 25. It will then be locked in a steel high security cell with two doors, a solid steel outer door and an inner barred door. The inner door can be kept locked even when the prisoner is fed or washed. The thick outer door will prevent any light or sound from penetrating the cell and will keep any noise from the prisoner’s screams to a minimum.

Extremely wide, thick and heavy wrist and ankle shackles will be locked on. A heavy chain will run from each shackle to an anchor on the cell wall. For added security the leg irons will be double chained to the floor as well. A wide spiked collar will be fitted and chained to a ring on the floor. The neck chain will be shortened so the prisoner cannot stand fully upright. Our pleasure/pain spiked cock cage will be fitted to continually punish the inmate for escaping. The keys to all the restraints, chains, cock cage and inner cell door will be placed in a time locked safe preventing any early release. We believe these precautions will keep the prisoner from escaping again.

When a prisoner is due for release, we like to make the last month of incarceration as memorable as possible. Thirty days prior to freedom, we unseal the cell and place the inmate in a tight rubber straightjacket and leg binder. A rubber hood with a mouth opening is pulled over its head. Flaps on the straightjacket are opened and clamps attached to the inmate’s nipples. The prisoner is limited to rolling around on the cell floor. The cell door is resealed and the prisoner goes back on the bread or water diet. It has to eat the piss-soaked bread and vinegar water out of the dog dish slid through the food slot. The guard will occasionally hose the waste and urine off of the prisoner. Spending 30 days in the rubber will cause painful cramping in its arms, back and legs. The inmate will sweat profusely in all the rubber.

Of course, the prisoner doesn’t know that it will be released soon. It may believe this new torment will be endless. The limited water rations every other day will keep the prisoner constantly thirsty and longing for more water. The inmate will also long for palatable food to relieve its hunger. The month will pass very slowly. The pleas for food, water and release from the tight straightjacket will confirm that the prisoner appreciates our efforts to make its last month in the prison a memorable one.

As a farewell gift, before leaving the prison floor, the inmate is again hooded, gagged, strung up and given 25 lashes with the bull whip.

We encourage long sentences. The longer the detainee is in the cell, the more it can appreciate all the ways our cages and restraints are designed to discipline and torment. Prisoners paying for a five-year term upfront can request to have their restraints and cell door welded close. The inmate is never told how long it has been in the cell or when it may be released. DT believes in offering full value for every dollar paid. We never offer early release or parole. Every prisoner must serve every day of its sentence. We encourage the volunteer inmate to carefully read the confinement contract. Once the prisoner is processed into our facility, no changes can be made. Every restraint, control device and requested punishment will be delivered as stipulated in the contract. Shackles, hoods, cages and collars cannot be removed during the prisoner’s confinement unless it’s allowed in the contract.

We hope these additional services will make your confinement in our cells more memorable. Please let us know by commenting below of any other ways we can customize your stay. You are also welcome to list the options and equipment you would like to experience in your cell. Thank you for your interest.

End of Part 5

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4 thoughts on “Long Term Confinement – Part 05”

  1. amazing, tought you stopped writing, please keep them comming i basically come to this site just to see if you have posted new one

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