Tag Archives: blackmail

Busman’s Holiday – Part 05

By lthr_jock

Clark drove home, his persistently hard cock a distraction as he drove. As he drove, his free hand wandered down to caress his cock and he could feel it leaking, and the need to cum became more and more urgent. He pulled over into a handy layby and nipped out of the car into the bushes. Pulling his cock out, he only had to jerk it 3 or 4 times before exploding all over the leaves of the bush. Blushing furiously, he tucked his cock away and returned to his car for the drive home.

Once back, he quickly grabbed a shower and changed into some sweats, then logged onto his computer. The first thing he did was send Vickers a message. “Hey, great bit of kit again. Thanks. Hope to see those pics soon.”   He then started to browse some of the sites he had found previously and soon found himself stroking his cock again.

After a couple of days, Vickers sent him an email. “Pics have been posted on my site. I have a ton more here, but too large to send by email.” He had added a URL and Clark clicked on it. Vickers’ site was all to sell his bespoke metal bondage gear. He checked around it, and under the heading “Yoke” he found a set of pictures in an album entitled “Samuel.” Vickers had photo-shopped a generic looking head onto Clarks shoulders and then blurred it slightly. He had also photo-shopped several backgrounds in. The photos looked amazing, and Clark tried to make copies but the site wouldn’t let him. He snarled in frustration and fired an email off to Vickers about it.

Continue reading Busman’s Holiday – Part 05

Busman’s Holiday – Part 04

By lthr_jock

Vickers linked up his camera to a long data cable and took a couple of test shots. Then he slipped on his Bluetooth headset so he could talk to the restrained prison warder.

“OK, Mr Clark, here’s what we’re going to do. I’ll tell you to strike a pose, you move into it and I’ll take some snaps? OK?” Clark grunted and nodded. Vickers chatted happily away as he started to snap photographs, enjoying the sights of this muscled guy hooded and in inescapable metal bondage. He loved the way Clark kept flexing his hands as though he could somehow break free. He could see Clark was breathing easily as his chest was rising and falling, and the sweat beading on his chest showed that he was heating up. Vickers grinned – one of the reasons for using the heavy hood was that he knew it would help Clark heat up faster.

By now he had snapped Clark from all angles. “You know, Mr Clark, it occurs to me that’s a terribly formal name for someone in a slave yoke. I really need to call you something else. Hmm how about your first name? No – too easy to identify you. Wait I know – your middle name is perfect – Samuel is a good slave name – what do you think?” Clark tried to reply but the tight leather strapped and locked around his head prevented him do anything but grunt.

Continue reading Busman’s Holiday – Part 04