Thanks to Mark at Serious Male Bondage for the pictures!
Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage
Chuck is subjected to chain gang style labor
Inmate Chuck spent a few days at the infamous BlackSteel Correctional Facility run by Yossie, where he was required to sleep in a cold cement jail cell at night and shovel rock and fill pot holes during the day — all while wearing a set of heavy steel “five-way” shackles (neck, wrists, ankles), which were RIVITED-ON.
Much more pictures of this, plus video, are available at Serious Male Bondage.
Metalbond answers reader mail
Just been catching up with your site just now … really horny! And I quite agree with you regarding Serious Male Bondage! Cheers,
Yeah, I agree, they sure know how to make the restraint scenarios serious at Serious Male Bondage!
Can’t wait to hear how you get on with the Punisher. I normally am locked in a cb6000 and need it when i get into your site as it is so HOT.
—Via the Internet
Well I am sorry to say I did not fare well in the Punisher. But a friend of mine loves the device. I do much better with other chastity devices.
Your site never fails to get me rock hard, from the pics to the stories it is always the hottest place on the web, my Irish 8s are waiting for your initiation.
—New York City
Someday, buddy, I’ll lock you in those Irish 8’s — but no complaining if your shoulders start to ache after, say, 8 hours in them!
Your web site is superb. I can only imagine the amount of content, experience, judgment and effort that goes into keeping it going for so long — all with such high quality.
—Arlington, Virginia
Thanks, Arlington, I try!
i’ve always loved your site, Sir. would love to be bound and used by you, Sir. i know my profile says not available, but i can play on the side while i serve this one dom. if i serve others, i’ll probably be locked in chastity while i do. i’m into hard bondage (steel, rubber, leather, anything), humiliation, cbt, ass toys, dog training, ws, just about everything, really…
—New York, NY
Glad to hear you are often locked in chastity, the way it should be for a sub like you!
Fucking hot post on your site about the guy wanting to be locked up — “take my cock out of the equation and turn me into a horny, hungry faggot fuckhole and cocksucker” — Damn. Got me hard and i’m not allowed to do anything about it either!
I have not heard from any of the long-distance chastity guys in a while. But I would very much love to have a fit guy locked in a device with a numbered lock, someone willing to be shown off with regular pictures here on the blog.
I have to tell you I get hard when you write about how your cage is solid, one-piece construction and totally escape-proof since you can’t disassemble it. I just imagine a very massive MasterLock on the outside with one person holding the key keeping me locked in nice and tight. And maybe he’d tease me with the key from behind mirrored sunglasses.
— Washington, DC
I’m glad you like escape-proof lockup, Mister!
I’m fascinated about a chain on the neck and no way to take it off. I had such an experience some years ago, the chain was on my neck for more than 12 months. And after some weeks it feels as a normal part of my body. Must be there. In the last months I play a little in the City Opera with naked torso, so there is no chance for such an experience. But I think my neck should be chained again after my summer holidays. (Going by airplane, so thats not so good to go to the security with a lot of metal).
Yeah, it’s too bad about airport security these days. It sort of puts a crimp into long term chain/padlock wearing.
I meant to tell you that I am currently locked in the CURVE. As i do not have a keyholder at present I send the key to myself 2nd class in mail and make sure that I deposit the envelope with key after last post collection. However, would like to have a real keyholder again and not have a known release date. Best,
That’s the best kind of chastity scenario — where the locked guy has no control over when (or if) he will be released.
I just saw this blog with TENTACLE torture. I used to fantasize about being captured by an octopus, as it had twice the limbs I had and could control me and still maneuver, whereas I was totally lost to it’s unfeeling control as it dragged me deeper. I also used to fantasize about a boa constrictor working its way into my jockstrap and grabbing hold of my junk, then going to work on me, and me having no way to loosen its coils as it slowly but irreversibly squeezed everything in my jockstrap.
—Via the Internet
Dude! I had the same fantasy of the boa constrictor! Hey, you will definitely want to check out the new story by Cicero. He graciously dedicated this story to me.
I agree with you: Mr. Meloni is very talented and HOT! Some nudity doesn’t hurt an actor’s career these days.
—Vancouver, British Columbia
I forgot to mention on this blog that this past winter, the actor Christopher Meloni was on my very block in Manhattan filming an episode of Law and Order — and saw him twice on two different days. He was shorter in real life than I expected, but 10 times as hot.
There is something so basic about being chained up … like manacles with a long chain, fastened to some point. I like metal helmets too, but they can be quite much after while, as they can slowly dig into the flesh … much like heavy metal collars (which are very nice) … I still like being strapped down in a box … or “trapped” in something like a cravat … or other type of rigid metal fetter … I would like to inspire you …
—Washington state
Wow, man, you are speaking my language!
I just read Master Qualification. Brave guy to subject himself to whatever is coming! I really must try and write a new story incorporating all my favourite gear and humiliations! Trouble is, I tend to try and keep it as realistic as possible rather than unrealistic even though I enjoy reading such tales.
I agree, I like stories that are based in reality … but someone definitely has to get restrained. Please definitely send me your stories!
I would love to spend the rest of my life chastised, bound and caged in your cage!
—Tel Aviv, Israel
And I would love to do it to you … if only I could! But someday you will want out for real, and the neighbors will call the cops when they hear you screaming. And then we’ll both be on CNN … and I will end up going to prison!
You know, some of those stories on that studsinstone site are actually pretty hot!
I agree! I’ll continue to share more story sites when I find them.
I was intrigued with your web site so I took a look. And then I read the line: “That means once you hear the ‘click’ of the padlock, you’re done for” and my cock jumped. I think I’m going to like it here.
Hey guy, I am glad you like to hear the click of the padlock — that’s what it’s all about here — getting you restrained so you can’t escape! Fuck yeah!
POW For Training…
Here they are…
Three men, captured…
They are not proper prisoners. Just soldiers like me, but from another company, captured a few hours earlier just for this mock battle…
They are sitting on the ground, back to a tree.
If they had no handcuffs in their back, around the tree, to prevent them to leave their place, we could think they are just resting for a while.
I am exhausted…
It is our fifth day in the countryside, fighting for training.
I’m still OK, but I haven’t properly slept for five days (and nights). No problem, it is always like that… it is part of the training…
I look at them, and notice they look quiet, peaceful and actually, they are sleeping. Lucky them!
Emails from readers
Your website gets better and better. You must put a lot of time into it. Well done. Must be ‘hard’ work. It’s ‘hard’ for me to look at it.
—via the Internet
Hey, I just came across your site today and its awesome! I love the pictures and stories, and you seem to share many of the same interests as I do, specifically the scenes of guys restrained in movies! Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the site and your entries, also I was wondering if you are ever looking for new people to get involved in some of the scenarios on the site? I would definitely be interested in maybe getting involved with you and your site (i.e. the “Long Term Locking Metal Restraint Testing Facility” hahah). Keep up the good work with the site!
I am very impressed with how informative and well written your site is. I sure hope that I have an opportunity to meet you someday. I mean, I always REALLY liked you a lot before, but watching the quality of the work you’ve been doing over the last few months has really impressed me so much.
I love the intake procedure of The Pit – kinda like my fantasy. The football story is pretty hot too.
—Los Angeles
i am a slave. Stumbled on to your site. Now have to check it daily because i crave bondage, cages, locks and rope! Love your pics and stories!
i saw what you wrote about men in chastity today. Ever consider being a slave’s keyholder? i have a CB 2000. Being locked in chastity drives me insane with desire! It makes me nuts. i crave it. Locked up in my device and another man in control of when i get to cum again. i love that! The longer i go, the hornier i get. And nothing i can do about it, except try to find a Man to serve and please. That’s my only “release” ’til you decide otherwise.
—slave in LA, CA
I’m really impressed with all the work you’ve been doing and how consistent you’ve been with the site. It is exceptional, and you are doing an awesome job, just thought I’d let you know…
Really love your blog. The videos and all are awesome. It’s awesome to find a guy who not only is into bondage, but is as turned on by handcuffs as I am. I’ve yet to find a porn that has a guy cuffed, shackled and fucked by a cop in full uniform (yet) — That’s still the fantasy of this 35-year-old virgin.
—New Jersey