The Fake Slave Boy Project – Part 02

By StyleMe

Chapter 2: Strange situation

I woke up in total darkness. I was just lying there on a bench that was fixed to the wall, slowly remembering what had happened. I started to panic. I immediately remembered some fetish stories where guys were kidnapped and tortured. I could move my arms. Everything seemed all right. I calmed down and was sure all those stories were fiction.

My movements must have triggered the lights in the room. Suddenly the whole room was lit. I looked around. A strange small room, like a cell. The walls were covered with black rubber. On each wall was a large monitor with a black monitor screen. There was an open door which led into darkness beyond.

I slowly realized my own situation. My mouth felt filled with something solid that tasted like rubber. Something felt strange on my skin, too. I wanted to touch my skin, but I had to learn that I couldn’t open my fists. There were black leather fist mitts on my hands. I could see two small locks fixing the mitts’ buckles. Now I knew that I was trapped. I tried not to panic. When I looked down, I saw that my whole body was fully encased in a tight black leather suit. My head was also covered with a tight hood that smelled like leather. I jumped on my feet but lost my balance and fell to the floor.

I looked down at my feet and had to learn that they were trapped in a pair of shiny 5-inch-high heel plateau boots made out of rigid black leather. The boots were laced up to my knees, buckled and locked with small padlocks. With those mitts on my hands I would not be able to take anything off. First I just lay there on the floor and tried to calm down. At the same moment I realized my growing dick. I couldn’t believe it. The situation turned me on! But there was also a slight vibration and tingling on my dick and balls. Getting harder, my dick and balls felt trapped in a tight confinement under the suit. I also realized that parts of the leather suit were made of some solid steel covering my whole crotch and ass area. There was no way I could touch my dick!

I once again looked around. In this small room was just the bench I had been lying on. I decided to get on my booted feet and get through the open door into the next room. It was a strange feeling and not easy to stand in those boots. I had to walk very carefully. The whole situation was so bizarre. I wished it was just a wet dream and I would wake up shooting my load soon. I made my way through the door.

When I entered the other room the lights went on in that room too. This room was bigger than the first one, maybe 30 by 50 feet. The walls were covered with steel and there was again a big monitor in the center of each wall. The room was empty. There was a steel door on the opposite wall, but I could not see a hand-grip. I could not see any other exit.

After some time all the monitors came alive and all showed the same picture, but from a different view. A strange human creature, encased in tight black leather from head to toe and strange high heeled boots standing there slowly turning its hooded head into every direction. The camera zoomed the details and I could see a wide black leather collar around the neck and several padlocks on all parts of the suit. ‘Shit, this couldn’t be me!’ My dick was tingling and I was horny like hell. What had happened to me?

A face appeared on the monitors. Dave’s face. His voice echoed from each direction:

‘Dear Steve, Welcome to a new world and my so beloved project! We’ve chatted online so often and most of the time you didn’t even know it was me. I know so much about you!

‘I really liked you from the beginning, that’s why I took the chance to take care of you. I’ve already told you, I’m a consultant. Three years ago I chatted with a frustrated BDSM Master online. He complained about all those cyber slaves who emerge as fakers in the end. I told him that most of those poor guys just have a lot of horny thoughts in their minds, but not the courage to submit to a Master. He agreed, but he was desperately looking for a solution. I must have mentioned I was a consultant because after a couple of weeks he sent a message and asked me if I was willing to lead a project for him. He had found 4 wealthy and dominant Masters who were willing to make an investment into a horny project. When I heard what he had in mind I got extremely excited and agreed to do the job without hesitation. When the project really seemed to come to an end the investors thanked me for managing this project by allowing me to select the first subject.

‘Now, Steve, you are here in these rooms. You’ve got the honor to be the first poor online faker whose deepest dreams have already started to become true!

‘Our high-tech project just needs a couple of days to make all your fantasies come true. Don’t worry, we’ve informed your boss that you’re very ill and won’t be able to work for a couple of weeks.

‘Don’t try to resist: Everything in these two rooms is program-controlled. Not to comply may hurt because our computer doesn’t know any mercy.

‘Now I wish you the best. You’ll have a lot of fun! And please don’t disappoint me. OK, you won’t have the chance to disappoint me anyway! See you next week!’

Once again the screen changed and I again saw just me standing there with trembling knees, not knowing what to think, what to expect or what to do.

Not being able to stand on those heels any longer I decided to go back to the bench and sit down. Silence. My mind was racing, but I could not make out how to exit this situation. What had they planned?

To be continued…

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