The Resort – Chapter 04

By TklBndg516

Starting the New Job

Jeff woke with a lot of horny energy.  He had less to do to get ready in the morning.  He would be showered at work, and it didn’t matter much what he wore on his way there.  He tossed on a t-shirt, sweat pants, socks and sneakers.  While Steve showered and got himself ready for work, Jeff got breakfast ready.  Instead of the usual bagel and coffee on a workday morning, Jeff put his horny energy towards making eggs and toast with bacon.  As they were ready to leave, Steve set Jeff’s belt on a cycle using the anal electro.  It would start from nothing, increase to erotic, then uncomfortable before resetting and starting the cycle again.

Jeff went to pick up Brad who was waiting on the sidewalk for him.  Brad thanked him for giving him a ride and asked how he was doing.  Jeff said he was doing great, that he had a lot of energy today.  Brad, not realizing the source of Jeff’s energy, said he was excited about starting the new job today.  Brad asked how he liked his second night in the belt.  Jeff said so far it was good and told him how Steve had set the belt that morning.  Brad thought that was so cool.

They got to the ferry area and parked in the staff parking lot.  Miguel and Peter were in a different group and had a different starting time.  But as they were walking to the ferry, they saw Dan.  The three of them stayed together on the ferry.  Brad asked if the belt would go back on when he left.  Jeff said he didn’t know.  He said it would depend on how Steve set it.  The setting was probably on a time limit that would expire after he got on the ferry, but it could be set long enough to keep going when he gets off.  Dan asked if he could tell from the controller.  Jeff said only if Steve enables it for him to see.

Steve did not set it so he could see the timer when he activated it that morning.  Brad asked if he could try setting something on the controller.  Jeff said that without approval from someone designated as his controller, he should not be giving control to someone during work hours.  He could offer control when out of uniform or during lunch.  Brad asked if he could try it at lunchtime.  Jeff responded with a maybe, as the ferry docked.

They went through to the area to be put into uniform.  They put their stuff in the lockers and agreed to meet at the other side.  Jeff let the others go first since he had less stops.  There was one extra stop they were not quite prepared to experience.  They were told that one of the stops is to wash their hair, but the tandem trolley was not able to make that stop.  Before going through the shower, they entered a room that was a bit larger than the others.  Upon entering that room, they rotated so they were traveling sideways.  A padded board came up behind them pressing gently against their back.  Then the trolley seemed to curve up onto the wall so that they were on their backs laying on the board.

They were brought to a hairdresser sink where an attendant wet their hair.  They and the sink then moved to a second station where an attendant shampooed their hair, then a third where soap was applied to their face, then finally a fourth where their face and hair was rinsed.  They were tilted up about 45 degrees at a fifth station where the attendant used a blow dryer on their hair.  Finally, they were vertical again and the backboard went away.  The rest of the trip was as they expected.

Once the three of them were together again, they made their way downstairs and found alpha Fred who was the alpha in charge of that area.  He explained that there were two other alphas that they would eventually meet who report to him.  They have staggered schedules so there is an alpha on duty every day.  They are responsible for uniform maintenance.  For the collar and belt, much of the process is automated for cleaning and sanitizing the parts.  However, some parts require periodic visual inspection to make sure they are in good shape.  Dan will be working in that area.  The uniforms require sorting and folding by hand, so Brad and Jeff will be working in that area.  Fred took them around the area and introduced them to the people in that group.  Then he dropped Dan off and paired him with a slave who would give him on-the job training and get him started.  He then brought Brad and Jeff to a slave who would do the same for them.

The laundry room process was not too difficult to learn.  Bins came in with used outer uniforms.  They got sorted by colors.  Headbands and caps went into a mesh bag so that the cords with the locks did not get tangled in the wash.  Other items just went into the bins.  When a bin with a particular color was full, it went into a washer.  From the washer, it went into a dryer.  When the dryer finished, the items were removed, folded, and sorted into the appropriate place in the automated system that delivered the clean uniforms.  The first two days they were each paired with another slave in the group who showed them the proper way to fold the various uniform parts, how to get the headbands and caps in the mesh bags, how the bins got moved around, and so forth.  The third day they worked on their own.

At lunch on the first day, Jeff and Brad got their food and sat down together.  Brad asked him again about controlling the belt.  Jeff pulled out the controller, set Brad as an authorized user for 20 minutes using the training profile to set his limits, which were generally 10% of Jeff’s tolerance.  Jeff looked through the controls and asked Jeff about some of the settings.  He also tried some of them and asked Jeff how it felt.  About 3 minutes before they needed to leave, Brad’s authorization expired.  He returned the controller to Jeff.  They cleaned up their place, then headed back to work.

Brad and Jeff traveled to and from work together for the rest of the week and developed a good friendship.  Sometimes they crossed paths with Dan, Peter, or Miguel or one of the guides while waiting for a ferry.  Once they saw Matt bringing a group of new slaves around.  He did not seem to have a guest slave as a guide with that group.  They did not see David at all.  On week two their schedules were offset.  There were 4 days when they worked together and one day each that they worked without the other.  Jeff offered Brad a ride to and from work on the day he was off.

During their time together, Jeff learned that Brad had been living on his own for a while.  He found it difficult to get a good job and make ends meet, which is why it was in an apartment in such a rundown area.  Jeff talked to Steve about it, and they invited him to join them for dinner, usually two or three times a week.  The three became good friends.

Every evening after doing something together or after Brad left on the days he came over for dinner, Steve would have fun with the belt.  Sometimes he used pleasant setting with the vibrators or low-level electro.  Sometimes he would use less pleasant setting, such as extending the spikes in the tube while Jeff was getting horny from getting Steve off.  Jeff seemed to get better at pleasing Steve each time.  Occasionally Steve would have Jeff restrained, then remove the anal piece and use him that way.  After filling his hole, he would put the anal piece back in, then tell Jeff not to use the waste extractor for 2 hours.  Brad never asked to be let out of the belt and Steve didn’t offer.  Both were happy.

On week three, their schedules were offset again.  This time Brad worked a day before Jeff started.  They were planning to have him over for dinner that night.  When Jeff picked him up from the ferry, Brad got in the car all excited.  He kept saying, “I did it.  I really did it.”  Jeff asked him what he did.  Brad said that today was the first day he had the option to keep the belt on when he left, so he did.  Jeff congratulated him.  When they got back to the house, Brad told Steve.  Steve congratulated him then suggested that maybe the two belted boys should wear only their belts for dinner.  They both agreed and stripped down to their belts.  Brad was excited about being in the belt off the island.  Seeing Brad in just the belt made him horny.  Seeing Jeff in the belt always made Steve horny and seeing two boys in just a belt made it even stronger.  While cleaning up after dinner, Steve got Jeff out of earshot of Brad for a minute and asked him if he would like to invite Brad to join them this evening.  Jeff thought it would be so hot if Brad wanted to join them.

During dessert, Steve asked Brad if he felt horny being in the belt.  He did.  Then Jeff asked if he would like to stay and join them for some fun that evening.  Brad said he didn’t want to intrude on their private time.  Steve said he asked Jeff, and it is OK with both him and Jeff if he wants to stay.  Brad was still a bit reluctant.  Jeff also encouraged him to stay.  He agreed.  After dessert, the three of them sat on the couch with Steve in the middle.  Steve put an arm around each of them and started playing with a nipple.  Steve asked if his boys were horny.  They both said they were.  Then Steve asked about the lack of an anal piece on Brad’s belt.  He said that since he doesn’t have a partner account to control it, they remove the anal part so he can use the bathroom.  Steve then asked if he had ever played with dildoes.  Brad said that he had a few times and really liked it.  Steve asked Jeff to give him the controller then go get his dildo.  As Jeff went into the other room, Brad tapped a control that unlocked a clamp on the front of Jeff’s belt for holding a dildo.  Jeff put the dildo in the bracket then came out.

Brad saw the dildo attached to Jeff’s belt and said it was cool.  Jeff asked if he would like to suck on it for a while.  Brad eagerly said yes, then got on his knees in front of Jeff and started sucking on it.  Jeff couldn’t feel anything from Brad sucking on the dildo, but he could feel something from the belt that made him moan with ecstasy.  Steve took Jeff’s wrists and locked them to the belt.  Then he played with Jeff’s nipples before taking the nipple clamps out and putting them on.  He then played with Brad’s nipples while Brad continued to suck on the dildo.  After a while, Steve asked Brad if he would like to get fucked by the dildo.  After an enthusiastic yes, Steve told him to go down on the floor on his hands and knees.

Brad did what he was told.  He then had Jeff kneeling behind Brad.  He positioned the dildo, lubing it and helping to slowly work it in.  Then Jeff started slowly moving it in and out.  Jeff then took his clothes off, straddled Brad facing Jeff.  He then directed Jeff’s head to start sucking on him as the dildo went in and out of Brad.  Steve held back, enjoying the scene then eventually he released his load.  Soon after he had Jeff withdraw the dildo from Brad.  He unlocked Jeff’s hands and the dildo holder.  They all hugged then moved into the bedroom to cuddle.  Soon after, they were all asleep.

Brad woke with a start.  For a moment he didn’t realize where he was.  Then he felt bad that he had spent the night uninvited.  They assured him they were all tired after last night and fell asleep together.  They said they had a fun time and should do that again.  Brad agreed.  He didn’t have a change of clothes, so he put on his clothes from the day before.  He didn’t spend much time in them anyway and wouldn’t be spending much time in them today as both he and Jeff were working.  He helped Jeff prepare breakfast, which was French Toast and Coffee today.

Brad tried not to be too much of a pest in asking Jeff to let him control his belt often.  But he was so horny that morning he asked Jeff if he could use the controller on the ferry.  Jeff offered him a deal.  He told Brad that if he agrees to stay in the belt after work for two weeks unless Jeff gives him permission to take it off, then he would allow Brad to control his belt on the ferry home.  Brad said, if you want to keep me locked for two weeks, then how about I get to control your belt twice a week.  Jeff said if he wanted to control his belt twice a week, then he wanted to control when Brad could take off the belt for 3 weeks.  Brad agreed.

Jeff and Brad were so full of horny energy, and it showed in the work they got done.  The Alphas already noticed that the two of them made a great team.  They worked incredibly well together.  Both alphas suggested to Alpha Fred that he try to keep them on the same shifts.  He said he would consider it.

That evening after having their uniforms removed, Brad asked for the controller.  Jeff said they weren’t on the ferry yet.  Brad was anxious but decided to wait.  They got onto the ferry and Jeff handed him the controller.  He had Jeff lock his wrists in the restraints on the belt.  Then Brad had an idea.  He wondered if those cuffs would fit him.  Jeff said that the cuffs will only lock or unlock from the wrists when they are locked to the belt.  He also said that he did not have control of the wrist cuffs to lock or unlock them.  Jeff said that he could control them and that he just wanted to try them on to see how they feel.  He suggested that if he puts his wrist in position against the belt, that he could lock the cuff on one wrist then unlock it from the belt.  Then he could do the same with the other wrist.  Jeff said, “I put you in control of the belt.  If you think it will work, you can give it a try.”  So, Brad released Jeff’s wrists.  Then he stood behind Jeff and positioned his left wrist, then closed the restraint around his wrist.  When it locked, he pressed the control to release it from the belt.  His wrists were slightly smaller than Jeff’s but not by much.  The cuff was slightly looser, but it was not coming off his wrist.  He then tried the other.  He liked the feel of it and asked if he could keep them on until the ferry docked.  Jeff said, you are in control now.  It is up to you.

After they got into the car, Brad realized the cuffs were still on him.  He asked Jeff for the controller so he could take them off.  Jeff handed him the controller, then started the car.  Brad said he was no longer an authorized user.  Jeff went to authorize him then realized they were no longer on the Island, so control of the belt went exclusively to Steve.  Jeff brought Brad back to his house.  When they came in, Steve said, “Hi” then commented that he didn’t think Brad was coming over that night.  Jeff explained the situation about the agreement they made and about Brad trying on the cuffs.  Steve commented that Brad was in quite a predicament.  He told Brad to strip down to his belt then asked Jeff for the controller.  Steve touched a few controls, then stood behind Brad, crossed his arms behind his back and touched the cuffs together.  Steve wasn’t sure if it would work, but the cuffs locked together.

Steve said, “Oops, I think your situation just got worse.”  Brad tried to struggle a bit, but realized it was futile.  Steve told him he could let him out, but that he wanted something for the inconvenience.  Brad asked what he wanted.  Steve turned to Jeff.  He asked Jeff if he liked controlling Brad’s belt.  Jeff said, yes, very much.  Then he turned to Brad and asked if he liked the idea of Jeff controlling his belt?  He said he did.  Then if you both agree, he suggested that Brad create a partner account so that Jeff can control Brad’s belt.  Brad said that would be so cool.  Jeff looked at Steve and asked if he was OK with this because he didn’t want it to interfere with their relationship.  Steve said that the way the three of them get along, he thinks it will work out.  And Brad can set me as an authorized user so I can control both belts when the three of us are having fun together.  They all agreed.

Steve continued to say that since Brad is here and locked in Jeff’s cuffs, he wants to have some fun with the situation before letting him out.  They agreed.  Steve had Jeff strip down. Then he touched one of the cuffs to the front locking position on Jeff’s belt.  Jeff pointed out that he can’t take the cuff off from that position.  Steve said he knew that then unlocked the wrist cuffs from each other.  Brad’s left hand was locked to Jeff’s belt.  Steve said that they could spend some quality time together during dinner.  Steve then told Jeff to set the table for dinner and that Brad could give him a hand.  That joke got a groan from both of them.  Steve moved a chair so that Brad could sit next to Jeff at dinner then brought out the food.  It was a bit awkward, but Brad managed to eat.  They enjoyed their dinner then went into the bedroom for some fun.

In the bedroom, Steve undressed then put the dildo back onto Jeff’s belt.  He then locked Brad’s wrists together in front before unlocking him from Jeff’s belt.  He had Brad down on all fours on the bed with Jeff behind him with the dildo.  With his hands free, Jeff held onto Brad’s belt and was able to maneuver the dildo more easily than he did the night before.  Steve laid on the bed and positioned himself so that Brad could suck his dick while Jeff worked the dildo.  A few times Brad felt like he was about to cum, but he didn’t quite get there.  Steve got there and had another incredible orgasm.

This time, instead of cuddling afterwards, Steve asked Brad if he wanted to create the partner account now or think about it.  He said he wanted to go for it.  They let Brad use their computer to set up the partner account.  He was already familiar with all the features from the time he spent with Jeff, so he authorized all the options he could.  There were a few options he could not authorize.  Jeff said that some of the features required training and approval before they could be authorized.  He suggested that they catch an earlier ferry the next day and see if they could talk to Matt about authorizing those features.  They got dressed, then dropped Brad off at his apartment.  This was the first time Steve saw where Brad lived.

On the way back, Steve said to Jeff that he didn’t realize how bad the apartment was until he saw it himself.  He was silent for the rest of the drive back.  When they got home, Steve said, “I really like Brad and I know you do too.  The three of us get along so well.  Since he already spends a lot of time here and you are going to be controlling his belt, what do you think about inviting him to move in with us?”  They talked about it.  Their relationship with each other was important to each of them, but they did not think that Brad’s presence would interfere with that.  If anything, they thought it would enhance their relationship.  They agreed that they would talk to Brad about it the next evening at dinner.

The next morning, Jeff picked up Brad and they got onto the earlier ferry.  Before getting into uniform they went to Matt’s office, but he wasn’t there.  They spoke to Mark and told him the situation.  He said he would relay that information to Matt as soon as he was available.  After leaving Matt’s office, Jeff enabled the features he could on the belt.  He let Brad go in first since he would have more stops as components were added to his belt.  Jeff waited for Brad to come through and the two of them made their way to their work area.

Just as they were about to head to lunch, Matt came by and asked to join them.  They were glad to see him and thought that would be great.  When they sat down for lunch, Matt asked a few questions about their situation.  They told him about Brad spending time with Jeff and Steve on a regular basis and how he sometimes let Brad control his belt on the ferry, so he was already familiar with all the functions.  Matt said he would authorize full access.  When he finished, Brad gave Jeff authorization and Jeff enabled all the features.  Matt also told them that they could authorize Steve as a secondary partner.  It would be like an authorized user, but Brad would not have to renew the authorization every day.

Then they did some catching up.  Matt asked about how their job was going, and they ask Matt how things were going with training new slaves.  They said they sometimes crossed paths with the others from their group and most of the guides but haven’t seen David.  Matt said that he was sure David was fine, but with his job they were not likely to cross paths.  As they finished lunch and cleaned up, Brad and Jeff said it was good to see Matt again and thanked him for enabling the features.

They were so excited that afternoon that the time seemed to pass swiftly.  They got their work done.  As they were getting ready to leave, Alpha Fred complimented on how well they were doing.   They headed over to have their uniforms removed.  They were not entirely sure if the additional components would be added to Brad’s belt that day or the next day when they came into work.  Brad’s trolley brought him to stations to have things removed, and to stations to have things added.  When he came out, he was in a belt with all the same features that were on Jeff’s belt.  On the ferry, Jeff gave Brad samples of some of the features.

At home Steve told Brad to strip so he could see the belt.  Then he told Jeff that he should strip too.  Now that they are both belted, he said that maybe they should only wear their belts at home.  Jeff told Steve that they had set him up as a secondary partner, which meant that Brad would not have to keep setting him up as an authorized user every day.  Jeff also told him about how Matt had linked his belt and David’s belt during training.  They looked and saw how to do that.  Jeff set up the group profile, adding Brad at 25% since he was new to the belt.  He then proceeded to give them both a few zaps before declaring that the group setup seemed to work.

During dinner, Jeff and Steve talked to Brad about moving into their house.  Brad was almost in tears.  He was so happy to be with people who cared about him so much.  He didn’t have much.  He would have to give his landlord notice.  Since it was so near the end of the month, he already paid the rent through the end of the next month.  He wanted to contribute towards rent and household expenses.  They worked out numbers.  He said he could help with food, but he wouldn’t be able to pay rent until after he was out of his lease on the apartment.  They worked out an arrangement.  The next evening, he would spend at the apartment getting some of the essentials packed.  In a few days when he was off and they were working, he would spend that time at the apartment sorting through the rest of his stuff.  Then he would start living full time at their house.

After dinner, Brad wanted to have some fun with the belt, but Jeff pointed out there were a few things he should learn about it first.  They went into the living room and Jeff started by showing him how to put on the collar and put it away.  Then he had him put it on and leave it on.  He said that one of the first things he was taught was how to remove and reassemble the sections of the belt.  Steve recalled that Jeff had David to show him while he did it.  He said that if Jeff wants to demonstrate, he will allow him to take his belt off for demonstration.  Steve had Jeff put his collar on too.  Steve would work the controls for both belts to unlock things as necessary, but he would let Jeff lead the demonstration.  They went over removing the various sections of the belt and putting them back on in various combinations.  He showed him how to use the portable waste extraction module and the power connector for recharging.  He then showed him how to use other accessories like the nipple clamps and cuffs.  At that point it was just a matter of letting him experience the various things the belt could do.

Steve decided to take over for this part of the training.  He had them sit in chairs facing each other.  He was curious if he could lock their cuff to each other and found that he could interconnect the locks.  He had them sit in chairs facing each other.  He locked their ankles to each other, then wrists.  Since Jeff had some experience, but Brad did not, he set Brad to 75% of what Jeff would get.  He went through the more pleasant features, vibrators, and low-level electro and some of the less pleasant, like the spikes, ball stretcher and higher-level electro.  He did various combinations of effects.  When he was done going through the features, he set the plug inflation to a pleasurable setting with vibrators and low-level electro to stimulate them.  It was set to prevent them from being able to cum.  All three were very horny as he unlocked them from the restraints.

Steve told Jeff that he was extremely horny and that he should do something about that.  Jeff came over and started rubbing his cock thought his pants.  Then he told Brad to stand behind Steve and work his nipples.  After a few minutes Jeff pulled down Steve’s pants.  Brad followed suit and removed Steve’s shirt.  They brought Steve in the bedroom and asked him to lay on the bed.  Jeff and Brad each took a nipple, sucking it and squeezing it and giving Steve an incredible amount of pleasure.  Jeff then reached over and brought Brad’s hand to Steve’s cock then moved his own hands to Steve’s balls.  Steve was in such a pleasurable state.  Then he had Brad work both nipples while he took Steve’s cock in his mouth.  He brought Steve so close to the edge and kept him there until Steve thought he would go insane.  Just when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, Jeff brought him over the edge into another incredible orgasm.

Jeff and Brad lay on either side of him while he recovered.  He reached his arms out around them.  As the euphoria began to wear down, he thanked them both.  Then he told them to stay there as he got up.  He took the controller then told them to put their wrists in the side locking position.  He then had them slide closer together, so their inside wrists cuffs touched and locked.  Then he went to each of them and moved their feet together, then locking them to each other at the feet.  He then adjusted the controls to increase the pleasure they were receiving from the belts.  He still had it set to prevent them from being able to cum.

This kept them on the edge, and they were both moaning like crazy.  He fine-tuned the individual settings on each belt to get them each to peak pleasure.  Once he was satisfied with the setting, he kept them like that for a while.  After keeping them like that for what seemed like hours, Steve turned off the control that was preventing them from being able to cum.  He wasn’t sure which one shot his load first, but it was only seconds between them.  He eased up on the controls, slowly lowering the settings before turning them off.  He kept them there for another 10 minutes or so before releasing them.  They cleaned up then went to bed.

To be continued…

male bdsm stories

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