Note: This is the second to last chapter.
By @reconkayar and @mmmph82
Part 11 – The Townhouse
Another hour has passed. The van is making city turns, and Denny deduces they are getting into town and probably close to the men’s house. Time has become completely fluid during this episode, and Denny realizes he’s got very little clue what time it might be. But as the loading doors open, Denny realizes there’s very little noise outside, and he surmises from the apparent lack of traffic that it’s the wee hours of the morning.
About 10 minutes pass. Denny and Ken hear the men unloading gear and cases while they lie hogtied, gagged, and muzzled on the bunk beside one another. Then they hear a side door of the van slide open. One of the men comes back and begins undoing the hogtie tether from Ken’s head, then Denny’s. It’s Ben, Denny can smell him.
He unties the men’s legs and helps them out of the bunk. “Let’s go, men.” He brings Ken to the side door first, then Denny. The van is right up at the curb, with Chad and Ari on either side of the path in, providing a screen to deflect curiosity from anyone who might be on the street at 2am.
Each of the captives gets seated in a guest chair after being ushered into the house, a brownstone six steps above ground level.
The office is on the right just off the corridor. Once each is seated with arms still tied, Ben approaches from behind and unties the ropes, freeing up their hands and arms for the first time in many hours. As Denny and Ken rub their wrists and forearms in relief, Ben undoes the five buckles of each muzzle and removes gags from the men’s mouths. Finally, Denny’s hood is peeled off and for the first time, Ken and Denny are seated in the same room as their unmasked captors, completely unbound and ungagged. The feeling is exhilarating and disorienting.
“You’re back in town,” Nathan says. He is sitting behind a sleek desk inside a paneled office with crowded bookshelves up to the ceiling.
Ari, Chad, and Ben are standing, leaning against the bookshelves around Nathan and behind him. It’s a weird mix of formal and familiar. And strange to be in the office with nobody masked, and no evident rope or gags, after all the time running, sweating, struggling, and bonding with each other.
Nathan breaks the silence, “Crazy what we’ve all been through, huh?” He looks around the room.
“Ugh, yeah, a lot,” Denny shakes his head.
“I think we can all agree this has been a wild experience, like nothing any of us has been through before.” Nathan goes on.
“And you two are back in control of your own lives, which is exactly what I want to talk about,” Nathan says. “Because you have an opportunity to stay connected to us on appropriate terms. We have spent a lot of time protecting you guys, even when it hasn’t always seemed that’s what we were doing.” Denny notices a knowing look between Ken and Ari when Nathan says this.
He goes on, “Ken – you first. I don’t know much of anything about your life, but you fell into our protection by accident, and we’re lucky to know you now. You are free to go on your way, and if you’ve lost track of any gear or possessions due to our hasty escape, you contact me and I’ll make good. You can stay here as long as you want if you need that, but if you go I hope it won’t be the last time we see you,” there’s a pause, “or even the last time we tie you,” he smiles. “Did Chad give you your phone back? I was glad we were able to save that.”
“Yeah, man,” Ken says. “Thanks for recovering it. It’s been mind-blowing with you guys, and I’ll certainly never look at bondage the same way again after this. I need some time to think everything over and tend to business a bit in my mainstream life, but I really appreciate everything and…”
Ken looks nervous, “Um, do you need these back?” Ken is running his hands up and down the tight legs of his black leather chaps.
“Keep the gear, Ken, It’s the least we can do, and if we may take the liberty … Ari, can you fix him up?” Nathan says.
Ari hustles out of the room, and when he comes back he’s holding a black fleece pullover hoodie he slips onto Ken over his T shirt, and a heavy black leather Schott Perfecto moto jacket. Ken looks awestruck as Ari helps him into the jacket. It’s heavier and more substantial than any leather jacket he’s ever put on, and it creaks as he moves in it, giving off a heavily masculine leather smell. “Are you seriously letting me keep this?” Ken asks. The team members all smile and Nathan nods approvingly.
Ken can see in a wall mirror that he’s been transformed into a pretty convincing Euro leatherboy, with bike jacket over hoodie, tight chaps over lace up leather shorts, and boots. “Oh, and don’t forget these,” Nathan slides his drawer open and hands him a pair of the team uniform search gloves, brand new in the package. Shaking his head and saying “ohhmigod, guys, too kind, too kind,” Ken takes out the gloves, pulls them tight onto his hands, interlaces his fingers and rubs hands together, and the gloves crackle. He raises them to his face and smells them deeply, and he has a moment of bashful self-consciousness (“who else does this?”) and he makes eye contact with Ben, who flashes an uncharacteristic little smile to see his tic reflected back at him.
Ken goes around the room and hugs each of the guys. When he gets to Ari, Denny notices that Ari grips Ken’s face and assaults him with an aggressive kiss, releasing him finally into a hungry look. That must have been some edging session, thinks Denny.
Ken goes to Denny and squats down, squeaking in head-to-toe leather. “I’ll never forget you, bro. I’m here and safe because you spoke up for me when I couldn’t speak at all. Whatever you do now, don’t be a stranger, okay?” He takes Denny’s face in his gloved hands and gives him a tender but elongated kiss before letting himself out.
Nathan looks at Denny after the door closes. A few moments of silence. “Well, Denny, before I say anything else, how are you feeling right now?”
Denny shrugs and looks around. “Hmm, I think I am doing okay.”
“You sure?” Nathan says. “Seem a little shaky. You know we’re at that moment, don’t you? The kidnapping is over. You’re not tied up, and if you want, you can stand up and walk out right now. But I know Ben’s been speaking to you about how we feel as a team, so would you like to hear me out?”
“Um, okay. Sure, what is it you want?”
“Never mind what I want. This is about you. Listen, Denny, we all just went through this whole insane ‘THING’ together, and let me tell you, the four of us were just as scared as you were, even if maybe it was for different reasons since we weren’t the ones tied up,” Nathan says. “It isn’t our practice to kidnap and disappear men, Denny, despite what you’ve been thinking about us. But we do train and prepare men here for the experience of being bound and gagged for a whole gamut of reasons, including warfare, law enforcement, movie and TV roles, art and exhibition, sexual pleasure, and yes, abduction and kidnappings. We’ve observed many, many men bound and gagged, and all of us got the chance to observe you. And, honestly, we’ve never run across a man who has as many complicated and conflicting feelings about bondage and kidnapping as you do. We’ve talked about it, and all of us worry that if you go out on your own and take initiative to resolve those feelings, you will be at risk for connecting with other men prepared to take advantage of your vulnerability. We will always worry about you staying safe.
“So although we’ve never done it before, and we wouldn’t see doing this but for you and you only, we can offer you the chance to stay with us as a kidnap victim. You’d live here for some time, and your life would be different, and although we’d give you the opportunity to have some time outside the house and come and go freely, we’d be monitoring you at all times so you wouldn’t really be at liberty to escape. Here in the house, there would be lots of bondage and isolation, and yes, disappearance.
“Obviously, Ben would be in charge of your bondage, so you’ve had a taste of what to expect. But Ari, Chad, Ben and I would all take shared responsibility for your well-being, something we obviously couldn’t do if you were to pursue this hunger elsewhere. So you have to think about whether you are on board with this program. When you consent to it – IF you consent to it – control shifts back to us, and how long it lasts will be in our hands, not yours. We could end it before you like, or we could end it later than you like. But we will always make that decision based on what’s best for your health and well-being. And I can promise you that you’d be a stronger man, mentally and physically, by the time you leave. It’s a big commitment for us, and for you. So you need to be thinking clearly and carefully. What are you thinking?”
Denny: “Oh fuck, I don’t know. That seems interesting but also a lot.”
“It is a lot, Denny, it is. But for whatever reason, kidnapping looms large in your psyche, we could all tell that. The question is what you’re going to do about it. You could do nothing and relegate it to your fantasy life. People do that. But you’d need to be realistic as to whether you could keep that up and sidestep the temptation. And if not, the question is whether you’re going to scratch that itch with us, or without us. That’s what it comes down to. I’ve made my case, and we’ll respect your decision. We’re ready either way.”
Nathan pauses. A few beats of silence before he asks, “What are you thinking? You must have questions.”
Denny thinks about everything that has been said, and a myriad of things go through his mind.
“I don’t know if I want to say yes. I just can’t commit mentally to something like this because if I say yes it wouldn’t feel real or the game won’t be real and it seems like a lot. And letting me go out while watching me all the time. That’s a lot … Even if it’s part of your game.”
Nathan: “Well, Denny, allow me to correct you. It isn’t a game. It’s training. If you want the experience of a kidnap, you’ll train for it. And that comes with rules and restrictions. Kidnapping is control, and that may be too real for your taste, which is perfectly okay.
“But as to saying yes up front, that’s non-negotiable. We won’t do illegal things and hold you against your overall will. There has to be an acknowledgement, even if only just the one, or we can’t agree. But once you do, the door closes, and it’ll be as real to you as you could possibly hope for.”
Denny: “And I have no control on when it would end? I’m on a break from college, and I’ll be expected back there. I can’t linger around here.”
“We’d account for that. You won’t be gagged all the time, and even though you’d be a kidnap victim, you’d have chances to talk to us. And we don’t want to see your education or your career disintegrate. That’s not our deal. But you’d have to trust us to make it work for you within the confines of a kidnapping. Otherwise it isn’t a kidnapping. And if we ever detected that our control over your life was eroding it, based on what you told us and based on our observation, we would do the right thing.”
Denny shrugs, “Well how about I let you all figure out those details. I wouldn’t mind helping you with training or games and all but mentally I can’t say yes. I will let you decide how you want to do it and that will be the way it is, or we can agree on a time range perhaps and I just don’t know when it ends in that time range.”
Nathan: “Your consent at the beginning could not be permanent, of course. But it has to be long enough that being in our control means something. It has to feel like a long time. I’d tell you that a month is the right amount. Maybe more. Think about it. After a month, you’d have to consent again if you wanted to remain under kidnappers’ control.”
“Yeah, I can’t do that,” Denny says. “Way too long. I like you all, but it just doesn’t feel right. None of it does. I don’t mind the training and the fun, but it does not feel right at all. A whole month. Wow way too much.”
The men can see Denny’s mind swirling around through his eyes – it is not safe for him to leave right now.
“I understand, Denny, it’s a big decision. We’re all worried about you and worried about what choices you’ll make if your appetites get the better of you outside our care, but we can’t force you until we have license. We just can’t. You see our dilemma? You want the control – even one month is too much, you say, and you have a life. Okay fair enough. But you want it to be real, and you don’t even want to say ‘yes, do it.’ I understand. But the two don’t align. It’s one or the other. THAT choice has to be yours.”
“This was interesting…” Denny starts. He takes a breath and stands up from the chair. “Well, thanks for everything I guess.”
Nathan stands up, comes around the desk, and holds Denny in a big muscular hug. “Good luck, Denny.”
Ari next. Always the sensualist. He comes over to Denny, tips his head up, a strong kiss. “Don’t be a stranger.”
Chad walks up, rubs his back, pulls him close. “Please look after yourself.”
Then Ben, who walks over slowly, grabs his shoulders, rubs up and down. Denny thinks his eyes look a little … emotional about farewell? No, not Ben, couldn’t be. In his quiet voice, “Goodbye.” Then Ben pulls Denny into his chest, and into a bear hug. He doesn’t want to let go, but eventually he does. And he turns around quickly.
Nathan says quietly, “I’ll walk you to the front.”
“Ari, grab Denny’s cellphone.” Turning back to Denny, Nathan says, “We rescued it from the other van. Thank Chad, he ran back to get it. Lucky we still got out in time!” He chuckles.
Nathan hands the phone to Denny. “We charged it for you, too. Good luck.” A rueful smile. He swings the door open and waits for Denny to walk through.
Denny begins to slowly walk towards the door. A small smile on his face but also a very disappointed look. “I feel so exhausted.”
“I know, Denny. That’s completely understandable with what you’ve been through, believe me,” says Nathan.
“Would it be okay if I stay a bit actually? I’d have to get a hotel and all and I’m too exhausted to even find something.”
“Denny, I feel ya, but it just complicates things. We’re ready to keep you here for kidnap training, but I totally understand if you can’t say yes. Given that, it’s probably best you go on your way, and you can come back to say hello another day, after some time has passed.”
Nathan pauses, and he gets quieter, “We tried, Denny.”
“Ugh alright … fine. I am too exhausted,” Denny says. “You win. What do I have to do?”
“I win?” Nathan takes him by the shoulders and holds him at arms length, “Denny, you aren’t getting this. It’s not about me winning. We are NOT trying to talk you into anything, that’s not how we roll. Do you WANT to be kidnapped for a month? Are you really ready to disappear for that long?”
“Ugh that’s a long time,” Denny says. “But I do like you all VERY MUCH. Even now without your masks. Super hot and cute.”
“Cute?” Nathan scoffs, “Awww, that’s probably just the matching black T shirts – maybe we missed our calling, should have formed a boy band,” he chuckles, “Thanks, bro.” He pats Denny on the back, ready to bid him farewell.
“Okay, okay, fine, I will do it,” Denny says. “Ben told me what he did today wasn’t near to what kind of bondage he is able to do, so fine. I have time between college and finding a place. It will give me extra time to look and the next semester in class to start.”
“So, what are you saying, Denny? This is a big commitment. I need you to ask very clearly for what you have in mind,” Nathan says.
Denny puts his arms around Nathan in exhaustion with phone in hand.
“Let’s do a disappearance like Ben suggested before,” Denny says. “It may help me get to know you more. Although I worry once I start, I may want out.”
“That recommendation isn’t just from Ben. We’re all four in agreement,” Nathan says. “Are you ready to be fully kidnapped for a month?” Nathan has an edge of impatience.
Nathan exhales. He closes the door at last, then a slight nod of his head, and he puts his hand on Denny’s shoulder and guides him. “Let’s just step back in the office.”
“Okay,” Denny says. It’s clear he is very nervous as he turns around and sees the office door open with phone clutched in his hand.
Back in the office, Denny sits down in the chair, and Nathan sits back down behind the desk. Ari, Ben and Chad are all still arranged where they stood, beside and behind Nathan, as if they never moved. Déjà vu.
Nathan takes a breath and announces, “Sounds like we’re having a rethink, guys. Denny, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. You’re agreeing to commit to kidnap training for one month. Is that correct?” Nathan’s voice is low but intense.
“Ugh, yes.”
“Good. You’re being recorded on video now, Denny. Here’s what I need. It’s very simple, and we take care of the rest,” Nathan says.
“I need you to say – clearly – ‘Kidnap me.’ That’s all. Go right ahead.” Nathan leans back and waits.
Denny takes a breath and lets it out.
“Kidnap me.”
And then, all hell breaks loose.
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Thanks to @JarheadTop for review and edits.
YES! At last. Denny makes the right choice. Loved that last line.
All of you contributing to this story are great writers. Love this story. Like one of the other comments, loved that last line. But sorry to have read one if the first lines, sorry to see we have just one more chapter. Thanks for a great ride. And about time Denny took the right step for himself. Wish I had mentors like these guys.
Love this. Finally Denny. Now bring back Kenny as well.