7 Days in Berlin – Part 05

By Takeo

NOTE: This is the continuation of a story that began many months back. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Day 2 – Wednesday June 12th – Gym & Stress

The position I am in isn’t too uncomfortable. The hardest part is not being able to stretch my legs or arms, but otherwise I am able to move quite well whenever my muscles feel the need. The cage is relatively small, and I bump into the bars several times as I try to find a comfortable position. I imagine that even without the chains, I wouldn’t have been able to stretch out to my full length.

In the end, the hood and mitts are the harder to bear. Keeping the fists closed for a long time is much harder than it looks. The mitts are small, and they fit my slender hands well and thus allow almost no movement inside. The hood, too, is tight, and although the mouth opening is large enough to allow me to breathe without difficulty, my head feels like it is clamped in a vice, the hood exerting permanent pressure on my skull. The insulation pads over my eyes and ears, and the straps that keep them pressed against my head, are amazingly effective. I perceive absolutely no light (to tell the truth, I don’t even know if the room is lit or not), and I don’t perceive any sound apart from the inner sounds of my breathing and of my heart.

Many feelings are intertwined at this moment. On the one hand, I feel protected by the hood, which forces me to introspect into my inner world. But unlike what I have felt in other bondage sessions when tied up in a bondage bag, this feeling is not extended to my naked body, which I feel is vulnerable. The hood accentuates this feeling of vulnerability, possibly preventing me from anticipating any attack on my body. On the other hand, the chastity belt itself protects my sensitive area.

I realized that there was only one thing to do: resign myself to my state and fate and wait for Sir Flo to decide to do something with me.

I am tired from the day and fall asleep fairly quickly, torn between the apprehension of spending the night in this situation and the excitement it brings.

I have a succession of dreams, all obviously linked to bondage and SM games, sometimes realistic in relation to what I experienced yesterday, sometimes completely fanciful. I wake up many times, basically every time I unconsciously try to change position and the chains prevent me from doing so. This reminds me of my condition, and although my muscles are sore, the position is not unbearable and I fall back asleep quickly.

In a dream, I meet Franz again. I am tied up in a bondage bag, my cock and ass equipped with electro, my head encased in an isolation hood identical to the one Sir Flo has put on me for the night. I feel the sensations as if I were inside the bag, but I perceive the scene from the outside, in a way similar to an out-of-body experience. I can see Franz playing with the intensity of the current, watching me jiggle to the rhythm of the shaking. I see and feel my reactions at the same time. Franz approaches me and caresses me through the bag, increasing the excitement even further. The sound of his hand caressing the leather of the hood echoes in my head. The scene becomes a blur and I hear the clanking of my chains and my breathing in the hood, the dream over and reality abruptly reminding me. I try to stretch my limbs but the chains resist. Something disturbs me. That noise. Just like in the dream.

“Good morning, boy.”

At this moment I realize that someone is indeed stroking my head on the hood. So that noise wasn’t just in my dream, it may even have caused it.

And what about that voice? It does not seem to be Sir Flo.

The isolation hood greatly reduces outside noise, and all I can hear is the cage door opening. Someone enters the cage with me, places me on my back and removes the chain linking my ankles to my wrists. He comes out and pulls on the chain of my collar.

“Time to get out.”

My head was on the side of the cage door. This one being raised, I don’t know how I am going to get out. But I feel the guy grab me under the shoulders, slide me out of the cage and carry me down.

I am standing there, naked except for my chastity belt, struggling to keep my balance. The guy grabs me by the right arm and pushes me forward. I do my best to walk, my muscles stiff from my night tied up in the cage, my ankles still shackled and with no vision.

I don’t know where we are heading, but from the number of steps, we are no longer in the playroom. I feel a change in the air, it is cooler here. We are probably in the hall. Am I going to be put in the cell again? Why isn’t the guy talking?

Even though I am not gagged, I do not dare say anything.

My feet stumble against something, but the hand firmly holding my arm tells me that I must keep moving. As I lift my foot, I realize it is a staircase. I press my pace to try and keep up, but it is not easy with the short chain linking the irons on my ankles. As I try to control my movements, I try to understand the situation. I do not remember having seen any stairs in the apartment. That is when I realize that I am in the building’s main stairwell and that the guy holding my arm is Franz. I did not recognize his voice, but now I recognize his firm grip on my arm. I hurry as fast as I can when I realize that I am naked and chained in a place where someone could see me. Although it would be rather difficult to recognize me with this hood on.

I realize we are entering Franz’s apartment and hear the door close.

“Kneel down.”

I comply. Then I feel the hood loosen and finally be removed. The fresh air fills me and the light blinds me. I keep my eyes closed for a moment to get used to the light, and I see Franz standing in front of me as I open them. He gives me a broad smile.

“So, did you sleep well?”

I do not know what to say, I don’t even know if I am allowed to talk. I nod my head to make it clear that I did, more or less. Franz is dressed in sports gear, a pair of short black shorts that are fairly tight, without being skin-tight, and a tight-fitting white T-shirt that shows off his muscular frame. On his feet, white socks and blue sneakers. I love this look and my cock immediately stiffens in my cage.

He approaches me and crouches down, putting his head on my level, a few centimeters from mine. He strokes my head tenderly and moves even closer, until he puts his lips on mine. He tries to kiss me, but I do not know what to do. Florian had asked me if I wanted to have sex with Franz, and I had clearly said no. But on the other hand, the situation turns me on a lot, and seeing Franz in that outfit has whetted my appetite for him. Finally, I give in and return his kiss. We kiss for a while, Franz holding my head between his two powerful hands and me trying to caress him as best I can despite the mitts and restraints.

After a moment, Franz stops and pulls his head away. His smile fills his handsome face.

“Good boy,” he says, rubbing my head.

Then he stands up and approaches me, taking my head in his hands. His crotch is at the level of my face, and I fear what is about to happen. I am well aware of what active dominant guys crave, especially when they wake up. I went to kiss him, but I do not want to suck him off. At least I think I don’t.

He has got a firm grip on my head and is forcing me closer to his shorts. It is a situation I have already been in yesterday, except that Franz was wearing a uniform at the time. And I confess that the situation had largely turned me on, to feel Franz’s sex harden through the pants.

“Get your tongue out and lick!”

Through the shorts, I do not risk much, on the contrary, my cock has been stiff in my cage for a while and the excitement does not go down.

I open my mouth and stick my tongue out, and Franz presses my face against his crotch. I love the feeling of being pressed up against him, even having a little trouble breathing, but I am up against something hard and I do not understand. I do my best to lick what is within my reach, but it is not just an erect cock, maybe Franz’s shorts have a protection cup there?

Franz understands my astonishment. He takes a step back and pulls the front of his shorts down with one hand. My eyes widen in astonishment. Instead of a hard cock, I see a swollen one imprisoned in a small black plastic chastity cage. I have seen – and even worn – this model before, a Cobra.

“Eh yes boy, you will learn that Florian likes to control not only you, and since he understood that I liked you, he must have been afraid I would go too far with you, so I got locked because of you.”

So Florian put Franz in a cage? This beginning of the adventure is definitely full of surprises.

“But do not worry, you’ll get yours…” he tells me with a broad smile.

Franz puts his shorts back on and takes some keys out of his pocket. He removes the mitts, handcuffs and chains in turn. I am now naked, with only the metal chastity belt hiding part of my body. I guess it is not coming off now…

“Go to the bathroom. Wash up, brush your teeth, go to the bathroom and put on what is waiting for you on the chair.”

I enter the bathroom and hear the door lock behind me. After a night like that, I have to piss and I am relieved to be able to do so. The water on my face feels so good, and I take the opportunity to stretch my muscles, still stiff from the night. I unfold the belongings waiting for me in the corner of the room and realize that they are sports gear, which does not displease me. Immediately, my cock grows back into the cage as I slip on the shorts and t-shirt. Then I put on the socks and find a pair of sneakers. Like Franz, the bottoms are black and the tops white, but the clothes are a little looser. The sneakers are identical.

The door unlocks and Franz enters the bathroom. From the look on his face, I understand that he likes this kind of outfit too, and I sense his excitement as he looks at me.

“Follow me.”

He leads me into the kitchen where breakfast awaits. I am surprised to see two plates on the table. Franz beckons me to sit down.

“You can eat at the table, boy. The strict rules you have learned apply downstairs with your Sir, here it is a bit different. Come on, eat, I’ll explain a few things to you.”

I am surprised, but I do not wait, I am hungry and what is on the table is very appetizing. I help myself to some bread and jam and pour myself a fresh orange juice, which I drink in one gulp.

“I am your Alpha, do you know what that is?”

No idea… I shake my head.

“Here you have the right to speak.”

“No Sir, I don’t know what an Alpha is,” I reply.

“It’s very simple, I am your Dom, and you owe me respect and obedience, but you already knew that. So why Alpha? Because I myself am subject to Sir Flo, to whom I also owe respect and obedience. Florian has asked me to look after you regularly this week when he’s not doing so. I carry out what he tells me to do, but if I don’t have instructions, I do whatever I want with you, Florian has passed on to me your likes and dislikes, and above all your limits.”

We continue our breakfast and Franz continues to explain to me how things are going to work with him. In particular, I am supposed to call him Alpha under all circumstances and carry out all his orders. On the other hand, he imposes less formalism and I am allowed to speak quite freely. I understand that Florian uses Franz to keep me busy all the time without it being too demanding for him, and also as an outlet to have moments a little less hard than with Florian.

“I know you discussed that you’d always be in slave mode during your stay. And you will be. But Florian has planned some less intense moments with me so as to make sure you can stand the experience and won’t risk giving up. But don’t kid yourself, you’re still my submissive, you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Alpha. Don’t forget that.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Very well, now let’s go. As you like it, you’re going to be fairly immobilized this week, and to prevent you from becoming too numb, you’ll be entitled to a daily workout with me. Let’s go or we’ll be late.

I had not even asked myself what time it is, but I thought I had slept well relatively late. The kitchen clock read 06:10. Franz woke me up at the crack of dawn!

“And where are we going, Alpha?” dared I ask.

“To the gym, boy.”

“But what about the chastity belt?” My outfit is loose enough and the belt does not show any more than when I walked down the street from the station and even though I am uncomfortable being seen like this, it does not seem insurmountable. But when it comes to working out in a gym with other people, it is not the same thing!

“Don’t worry about it,” Franz replies, leading me into the entrance hall. He walks to the door and turn around before opening it.

“It seems to me we’ve forgotten something, boy.” He picks up a large-link chain from a cabinet, slips it around my neck and locks it with a big padlock. This chain is not as big as yesterday’s, but still, it is imposing. And it is impossible to hide it under the clothes.

“Are you kidding?” I say.

He then immediately grabs me by the collar and pulls me violently against him until my head touches his.

“Careful, boy, you’re going too far, stay in your place,” he throws at me with a look full of fury.

“Sorry, Alpha,” I reply, a little surprised by this outburst, my eyes looking down. I realize that the rather friendly conversation we have had over breakfast doesn’t take anything away from Franz’s authoritarian side, and that he’s still in charge.

He loosens his grip and smiles at me.

“All right, boy.”

He picks up a sports bag and throws it over his shoulder, opens the door and leads me down the stairs. We step out into the street and walk side by side at a brisk pace. The air is fresh at this hour, and I enjoy filling my lungs with it after spending the night in this cage in a windowless playroom, my head encased in a confinement hood.

We head for a park, Franz walking very fast. He explains that the journey to the gym is our warm-up. At one point, he puts his backpack properly on both shoulders and starts running. He tells me we are going to run 5km to get to the gym. I follow him without too much effort. I am not keen on lifting weights, but running is something I can do. On the way we chat about basic stuff. He explains that he is a switch, quite well known in the business, and that living above this apartment, he is often asked to participate in one way or another. He does not often accept, but in this case he had known Florian for some time and could not see himself refusing, and it seems that my sportswear fetish would have interested him too.

Despite the cool morning air, I start to sweat. The heavy collar tugs at my neck with every step, but I am surprised at how well the cage fits. I can feel the belt rubbing against my upper hips, but my sex is fine. We do not meet many people at this hour, so I am not too stressed about meeting people who might wonder why I am wearing a collar.

Franz slows down his pace and stops in front of a storefront with a glass door and enters. I guess we have arrived. We follow a corridor with a glass side overlooking the gym. At this hour, there are already 5 or 6 guys working out. I am apprehensive about what is going to happen, I do not want to make a fool of myself by not being able to do the basic exercises, and I am afraid the other people will notice my collar or cage and wonder, or worse, come and ask us questions.

Franz puts his bag in a locker and pulls me by the collar towards the room.

“We’ll go straight there, we’ve already got the outfits.”

I realize I have already sweated quite a bit in my outfit and it is sticking to my skin. I wonder if it makes the cage more visible. I quickly follow Franz, who still has me by the collar and leads me to a rowing machine. Everyone else I see is busy and not looking in my direction. I hope nobody saw Franz pulling me by the collar like that.

Franz explains the exercises I have to do and I perform the various repetitions under his coaching. At this point, he reminds me of a coach, pushing me without going too far. We train everything: arms, back, legs, abs, I activate many muscles I did not even know existed. I give it all I have got and do the best I can. I do it for myself, telling myself it is a good way to progress, but also for Franz, I want him to be proud of me.

In certain positions (lying on my back, for example), the cage is clearly visible. At least I think so. Only a guy who seems to know Franz comes over to greet him and seem to have his gaze locked on my crotch for a moment and then flashes me a mischievous grin. He is a guy a bit like me, rather short and slim, with beautiful black hair.

After an hour and a half of effort, Franz finally lets go. I am exhausted and cannot move anymore. But I am glad I did it, that I made it to the end. I am proud of myself.

“Well done, boy, off to the shower now.” I am happy to have made Franz proud.

I had not anticipated the problem of the changing rooms, but most gyms have closed showers now.

Indeed, I enter the changing rooms alone while Franz fetches his bag, and see shower cubicles with a door, obviously lockable with a key. Franz joins me and starts undressing. Not having a change of clothes, I am not sure what to do. We are alone in the changing room.

“Come on, boy, get naked, we’re in a hurry.”

“But Alpha, what if someone comes in?”

“Remember how yesterday you came a few times when you weren’t allowed to? You remember the punishment part of the rules?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“So here’s your punishment for cumming yesterday, and believe me Florian did give me the mission to prepare punishments for you that aren’t made for your pleasure, but to prevent you from disobeying again! So if I were you, I’d take the opportunity to get undressed now that we’re alone, because if anyone does you’ll have to do it anyway.”

My heart is pounding! For me, very modest and shy, this is kind of a horror movie. I have already had a hard time putting up with other people being involved, like Mark, Fabian and Franz, but here we are talking about people who do not know SM and probably are not interested in it.

Franz approaches me and whispers in my ear.

“The mate I spoke to is going to finish his session soon, if I were you I’d really hurry up!”

I comply and quickly take off my shoes, socks and then my t-shirt.

“Go on, boy.”

I continue and take off my shorts. I find myself naked, with a big chain around my neck and a metal chastity belt in the middle of a gym locker room, where anyone could walk in at any moment.

Franz hands me a bottle of shower gel and a towel and I head for the first shower stall.

“Ts ts ts where are you going now?”

“Well … to the shower, Alpha.”

“You’re wrong, this is for real men, you go next door.”

He points to an opening closed by a curtain. I approach and pull back the curtain to reveal 8 showers lined up.

“For the boys, these are the communal showers. Put your towel on the bar outside and go shower.”

Can you believe it? Franz is going to make me shower here?

“And of course you leave the curtain open. Hurry up!”

I am in a panic and quickly head for the shower that is farthest from the edge. Anyone entering the locker room would not be able to see me, unless they took the seat at the very back.

I turn on the water and quickly start soaping up. Clearly, I am not going to take the time to enjoy the shower.

My heart stops when I hear the door open and someone enter. I hear him chatting to Franz, who must surely be his mate.

I hurry to finish the shower, but just as I am about to I realize that my towel is hanging from a bar outside the shower area. If the guy is with Franz, there is little chance I will be able to grab it and put it around my waist without my belt showing.

I wait a moment, but then I hear other people coming into the changing room. I start to panic, not knowing what to do. With a small penis cage like the one Franz wears, it is easy enough to turn around and not show it. But with a belt like the one I have got, impossible. For some, such a situation might provoke excitement, but for me it is not the case at all, on the contrary. I just want to get the hell out of here and hope I do not get hit by some guy who thinks I am a degenerate.

Just then, Franz’s buddy enters the shower area. He is naked, a little hairy, with a nice slim but sculpted body. When he sets eyes on me, his first reaction is to look away.

Then, after a moment, he looks at me again and comes to stand at the shower next to mine.

“I knew Franz was into having his dick put in a cage, but something like this, I didn’t even know it existed.”

I do not know what to say, I am so embarrassed that no sound comes out of my mouth.

“Relax man, we’re in Berlin, guys who are into weird stuff, there’s plenty of them. By the way, you’ll have to tell me where you found it, maybe I should put one on my boyfriend. How do you feel in that?”

“Well, essentially it prevents me from accessing my sex, and erection is not possible.”

“And you can’t take it off at all if you really want to?”

“Unless you have tools to cut it off, no.”

“Okay cool.”

I am surprised that a stranger like him would think that such a belt is something cool. Actually I do not believe that he thinks it’s cool, he probably does not care, but at least he does not look too shocked.

“Can I ask you a favor?”.

“Hum yeah sure, go ahead.”

“Can you go grab my towel outside?”

“Ah ah are you afraid the others will see you like this?”

“Well yeah, it’s quite embarrassing…”

The guy shrugs and smiles at me. I think he is laughing at the situation and is about to let me deal with my problem.

“Okay, but you owe me one.”

“Whatever you say.”

With that he exits the shower area and returns with the towel I had hung from the bar outside.

“Too nice thanks, you rock.”

“No problem man, have fun.”

I quickly towel off and put my cloth around my waist to return to the locker room, masking my chastity belt. There is nothing to conceal the necklace though, and it is far too big to be mistaken for jewelry.

I quickly make my way over to Franz. There are now 4 guys in the changing room, going about their business. Franz has changed into his street clothes.

“Ah well, hurry up, I’ve got to get to work.”

He hands me some clothes, a pair of black shorts and a white T-shirt.

“I hope you don’t mind the smell…”

I take the clothes and understand that he is asking me to put on the clothes he wore this morning and in which he ran and worked out next to me. They are damp and male-scented, probably because Franz had not put on deodorant this morning.

I do my best to put on the shorts and then the T-shirt, keeping the cloth around my waist. A couple of guys look in my direction, probably wondering why I am making such a fuss, but I do not think they have caught a glimpse of the cage. Franz’s clothes are still damp from sweat, which quickly causes an erection in my cage. Being less built than Franz, the clothes are a little looser on me.

He hands me some socks, obviously also the ones he used to wear.

“Sniff them,” he whispers to me.

“Excuse me, Alpha?”

“You’ve got it right, but put them in front of your face and breathe in their good smell.”

In a public locker room? Is he serious?

“I can’t, what are all these guys going to say, Alpha?”

“It’s not my problem, all you had to do was not cum yesterday, I remind you that a punishment is not meant for you to enjoy. Now do it or I’ll strip you naked in front of everyone.”

Judging by the tone of his voice, he is serious. Discreetly I lean forward and pull the socks up against my face.

“You take at least 20 deep breaths!”

I take a few deep breaths and the scent of Franz’s feet washes over me. If I wasn’t in a public place surrounded by other guys, I would find this very exciting. But this is horrible. I do it as quickly as possible. When I am done, the guy who was in the showers is standing next to me.

“Oh yeah, you two are doing some shady stuff.” And he is laughing with Franz. The other guys turn their heads in my direction, but they do not know what’s going on.

I put on the socks and shoes while Franz and his mate chat, and when I am ready, we leave the changing room. The guy catches up with us in the corridor.

“Hey man wait, I forgot something.”

At that moment he steps up beside me and gives me a good powerful slap on the buttocks, which echoes throughout the room.

“I’ve always dreamed of doing that to a small guy,” he says, heading back to the locker room.

We leave without saying a word and jump on a bus.

“So, how do you feel?” asks Franz.

“That was horrible! Or rather I liked the running session and the sports session, but the locker room thing was really awful.”

I am still shaking.

Sitting next to me, Franz puts his arm around my shoulders, as if to comfort me.

“That’s the point of a punishment, you’re not supposed to enjoy it. This will help you progress because, trust me, the next punishment will be vastly worse.”

Our bus stops and we get off. We walk a few meters and are at the entrance of the building.

“I’ve got to go to work, boy. You enter the apartment and go to the cell on your left. You’ll find a paper with instructions. Follow them right away.”

“Alright, Alpha.”

“Have a good day, boy.”

At that moment, he takes my chin in his hand and kisses me right on the street. He then pushes me inside and leaves.

I quickly make my way upstairs and enter the unlocked apartment. As instructed by Franz, I enter the cell where I find some equipment probably prepared by Florian. Nothing too complicated, just heavy metal wrist and ankle restraints, linked together with large chains. And a gasmask.

There are no instructions, but what I am supposed to do is clear. I slip the restraints on and lock them on each of my ankles and wrists. The chains are relatively short, but I can still stand. Then I put on the gasmask. I love the look and smell of gasmasks, my cock immediately becomes hard in my cage. This mask has blind eye openings, and I find myself plunged into darkness as soon as I put it on my head.

Once thus equipped, I sit down on the cell berth and remain motionless for a while. I cannot hear a sound in the apartment. My isolation allows me to rethink what happened this morning at the gym. My feelings are mixed. I really enjoyed the workout. I have never been to a gym before, but I enjoyed giving it my best to achieve the goals set by Franz. My mind was totally into the exercises, to the point of forgetting about the chain and belt. But on the other hand, I really hated the locker room. Come to think of it, I do not understand how I could have done it. I was and still am mortified. I should have left the club straight away rather than put up with that. But to go where? In any case, it is clear that I had better do as I am told from now on.

I am sitting on this bed chained, wearing a gasmask. I wonder what Flo has planned for me, partly worried but mostly excited. In my slave position, I wonder how Florian will feel when he arrives and finds me like this. Is he excited? Satisfied? Maybe both? At this point, I realize that the thought of arousing my Sir is arousing me. Without making too much noise, I stand up and kneel on the floor, sitting on my heels. I think this position is more acceptable for a slave, and I really want Flo to be impressed when he comes.

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male bondage stories Noir Male

3 thoughts on “7 Days in Berlin – Part 05”

  1. Good to see this return. I think Franz is going to enjoy this week, especially if Alpha needs more punishment.

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