All posts by DogcatcherVA

A Walk in the Park – Part 04

By DogcatcherVA

The slave pushed against my hand for all his worth. He liked his attention, you could tell, but after his ordeal who knows when the last time he was touched as gently. I continued to rub his matted hair as I watched him start to go limp. The silence of the dungeon was deafening, my breath whistled through my nose, and you could hear a faint sigh come from the captive.

I pulled back from him and stopped rubbing his head. You could see his lip start to quiver. Not knowing where he had been then before I retrieved him, I decided it was time to get to know the story behind my chained prize. I walked to the sink in the rear of the dungeon space and grabbed a wet rag.

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A Walk in the Park – Part 03

By DogcatcherVA

I removed my fingers from his mouth and made my way to the door of the cell. I found no reason to remove the heavy chains pinning his arms behind him or the chains on his ankles hobbling him. The blindfold would help shield his eyes from the bright light of the room and keep him disoriented just in case he decided he was ready for freedom. As I got up, I watched the slave rise to his knees and he crawled his best to the water bowl and start drinking. I closed the cell door and walked away knowing in the morning I had one hell of a story to listen to…

Being my worried self, I turned on the webcam and quietly watched the slave from the comfort of my room. His body bent and inverted in a V form, showing off his well-trained smooth torso as he knelt licking the water from the dog dish. Once he had finished, he shook his head like he was trying to dislodge the blindfold still having a death grip on his head. With no change in its hold, he seemed to test the limits of his confinement. Still weak from the ordeal, he scooted around the dungeon area on his knees. The ankle chains clanking behind him and his manacled wrists sitting in the small of his back enforced his slow movements. It didn’t take him to long before Caleb decided to just curl up on the padded floor and drift into a deep sleep.

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A Walk in the Park – Part 02

By DogcatcherVA

I decided that I should still have him restrained till I find out more about him. So, I undid the cuffs and rubbed his sore arms and then redid the behind his back. He seemed defeated after the quick burst of freedom and motion in his arms and seemed to go into a sulking position. I unlocked the massive chains around his ankles from around the tree giving him movement once again to straighten his legs. You could see the marks around his knees where he had spent the last 10 hours on them. Only one more chain to go, I thought as I unlatched the chain holding his massive helmet to the tree. The poor slave was so sore from being in the kneeling position he could barely stand. I leered over at the captive as he crumbled into a pile of metal and flesh, exhausted from his day long ordeal.

I reached down and scooped up the man in my arms and carried him to the cruiser. You could tell he needed some attention as he sighed deeply as I carried him quickly to the car. I placed him in the trunk of the cruiser, and he curled up the best he could in a ball. I took his restrained wrists and attached them to the chains holding fast around his ankles and slammed the trunk lid closed. The echo was deafening through the park so I decided to head on home.

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A Walk in the Park – Part 01

By DogcatcherVA

This is a work of fiction. While it would be nice that it is real it isn’t. If you are not legal in your hometown to read such fiction, please do not do so. Also, if you like the story, please let me know and I may write more. This is my first work so please bear with me.

As I write this, I still find it sort of hard to believe. I mean in the area that I live in things like this just don’t happen. Let me introduce myself, my name is Peter William Peterson III. Yeah, my parents where twisted when they named me but as you can see I am not the only one in my family with such a crappy name. I usually go by “Pete” or if you meet me on my job, it is usually Officer. That is right I am a State Trooper. And before you get all those porn fantasies going let me nip them in the butt – I do not mix work and pleasure. I leave my uniform in the closet after I get off work. Yes, I have heard all the pickup lines and I really don’t care. Don’t let me come off as a hard ass because I am not. I am a nice guy. But I have been a trooper for 10 years now and most people go crazy when they hear it. I am 32, 6-foot-1, 205 pounds. No, you can’t bounce a coin of my stomach, but I am in good shape, and I try to stay that way. I run about 6 miles a day and that is how I met Caleb. Ha, Caleb, and I thought I had a bad name.

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