All posts by socalbd

10 Days in Detention – Part 06

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

Monday morning sucked. The alarm went off at 6:15, and I realized it was a back-to-work day. The weekend was still fresh in my mind. It was all I could think about. I thought about texting John and saying thank you again, but I decided it was too early in the morning for that.

My entire body ached. I wasn’t in bad shape, but I wasn’t in good shape either. A few days in the gym here and there are OK for the occasional yard-work day, but not for three intense days as a bondage slave.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 06

10 Days in Detention – Part 05

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

There’s a difference being in a dark room, like a bedroom, where light is still able to somehow enter the space and the eyes adjust and can make out forms, and a completely blacked out room, where your eyes never adjust to the darkness and it’s pitch black. The cell was the latter. Once the cell door closed and the light went out, the cell was devoid of any light source. I continued to stay kneeling in the same spot, thinking at some point my eyes would adjust and then it would be all right to move around. That never happened.

It was the pain in my knees and arms that finally decided I needed to make a move. The floor was concrete, so my knees didn’t like the very hard surface they were in constant contact with. My arms and my shoulders were also slightly uncomfortable, since the chain connecting my wrists to the collar around my neck was keeping the wrists just above the waist behind my back. It’s not a natural position for the arms and shoulders to be in. If you’ve been handcuffed for any length of time, you know this. Think about that position being pulled up about six or eight inches from where your wrists would fall if they were simply cuffed behind you. It makes a huge difference.

I decided to try to move toward the wall to my right and see if I could lean against it while sitting on the floor. As I moved in that direction, I was quickly reminded of the limited movement I was being allowed due to the ball stretcher chained to the floor. The instant tug I got on my balls was the only reminder I needed.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 05

10 Days in Detention – Part 04

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I tried desperately to move various parts of my body, but it seemed limited to my head and wrists, though the wrists could only go up and down slightly since they were padlocked to the back of the cage.

I was getting more of what I wanted and craved. Here I was again left alone, secured in bondage, blindfolded and gagged without any human contact for a few hours of confinement. It was a long time I was being left in the standing cage.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 04

10 Days in Detention – Part 03

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy Socalbd

It didn’t take long for the pain in my shoulders to get the better of me. The constant going back and forth, standing upright as I could then bending back over, was intense to say the least.

The static playing in my ears had the desired effect that John wanted. Since all I could hear was the droning of the hissing sound, it served to take my world and shrink it down to just me and my predicament. All my thoughts, all my energy was directed toward thinking about how to cope with this painful predicament position I was tolerating.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 03

10 Days in Detention – Part 02

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I woke up with a start. John was hitting the side of the cage with a metal rod.  It brought me quickly out of my deep sleep.  I have no idea how long I was out but it probably wasn’t that long.

Once John saw I was awake he unlocked the cage door and motioned for me to crawl out.  A dog bowl of water had been placed near the cage and I crawled over to it and drank as best I could.  When I was finished I propped myself up on my knees.

“Stand up,” John commanded.  He was still in his BDU’s, barefoot and shirtless and looking hot.

I stood up and John began to remove the shackles.  The last portion was the collar and once he had removed that from my neck he let the chains fall behind me with a loud clanking thud.

“Hands behind your head, fingers interlocked.  Spread those ankles, boy,” John further commanded.  He circled me while I stood there exposed.  Nothing was said between us for a couple of minutes.  He just continued to walk in a circle around me.  My instincts said he was not pleased with me since he wasn’t showing any signs of warmth towards me as he did earlier.  I couldn’t be sure.  It might have been an act to keep me off balance.  I told myself that whatever was next I had to do my best to get through it and make him proud of me again.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 02

10 Days in Detention – Part 01

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdNOTE: This week marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the “10 Days in Detention” series by socalbd. In honor of the occasion, the story is getting a “re-boot” here in the Metalbond Prison Library. Starting right now with the re-posting of Part 1, and then continuing over the coming days and weeks, an additional chapter will re-appear on this site every day or every other day!

Please note that at the end of each newly added part, until the new part appears, the “click for next part” at the bottom will bring up a “page not found” — so just be patient and check back often for the next part. A few spelling errors and typos from the original postings have been corrected, as well.

To date there have been 31 parts total, and the good news is that the author (whose real-life picture is shown above) has currently written TWO brand-new installments — parts 32 and 33, respectively — which will appear after the first 31 parts have run their course and re-appeared. If you are so inclined, you can continue to leave comments at the end of each chapter to help motivate the author to keep this series going!

When it comes to male BDSM erotic fiction, in my view, “10 Days in Detention” is among the very best in the genre. For those who might already be familiar with the series, this is a great opportunity to re-read the entire saga from the very beginning.

And for those who might be new to the story, buckle in for a wild ride!

— Metal, June 5, 2022


10 Days in Detention


By socalbd


The van started moving and it was hard to keep my balance.  But that was the idea.  I was secured in such a way that keeping my balance would be difficult.  This was predicament bondage, after all.  Wearing only blue jeans, shirtless and barefoot I had surrendered myself to these men within the last few minutes.  They placed me in the van, on my knees, ankles locked in stocks behind me.  I was gagged and hooded with a black sack of some kind that had been cinched around my neck.  A steel collar was then locked on me.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 01