Caged Jock chastity and fisting party NYC

Caged Jock wants to get everyone locked in chastity for NYC Pride

Male chastity aficionado CagedJock presents LOCKED FFOR PRIDE, a new play party for the chastity, fisting, and kink communities. Save the date for Friday, June 28, from 9pm to 2am for this event, taking place in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Caged Jock chastity and fisting party NYC


Check out this link to learn more about what’s going to be one of the kinkiest parties this Pride season!

One thought on “Caged Jock wants to get everyone locked in chastity for NYC Pride”

  1. I am confused by the dress code for the pride party. First it says nude, jocks or underwear, but then it says leather gear encouraged, Does that mean if you wear leather, you can wear more than just a jock?

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