Category Archives: Story

Size Doesn’t Matter

By David Cody Ledon

Note: This is a re-post of a story from 10 years ago that was published under the author name of pennagwm. Now, the original author, David Cody Ledon, has taken this tale and written a book-length story called An Error in Judgment, available on Amazon.

There are a lot of fantasies out there about being enslaved, having a hot, demanding master who can physically dominate you. But there’s reality to consider. If you’re locked up 24/7, unless your master is wealthy and somewhat obsessed, it’s not always viable in reality. What about health insurance? How do you stay fit? When do you get to go to the bathroom? How do you pay the bills? Reality intrudes on our fantasies.

My situation, on the other hand, combines fantasy and reality pretty effectively, and inescapably.

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My Pal Jock and the Photo Shoot

By Hunter Perez

“Jock, I feel ridiculous,” I complained.

“Bingo, you look incredible,” Jock responded with a grin. “Trust me on this.”

We were in the basement of Jock’s house. He was shirtless and shoeless, with a camera hanging by a strap around his neck while his lower body was encased in the tightest denim shorts imaginable — although, truth be told, they left nothing to the imagination. I was naked and standing in a spreadeagle position with my wrists and ankles bound to a wooden St. Andrew’s Cross fastened to a wall.

Now, you may be wondering how I got myself into such an unlikely situation. Well, Jock informed me that the was running a photo contest that invited readers to submit their best bondage pictures. The winning photo would receive a prize and Jock was confident we could snag that reward.

“But, Jock, this isn’t going to work,” I argued as he studied my cross-bound nudity through his camera lens. “You know what Metal publishes — I don’t look like any of those guys. Guys like JimmyUSMC, Derek Pain, and Connor Maguire are big, muscular, and handsome hunks. Come on, look at me. Ralphie says that I look like Barney Rubble.”

Jock lowered his camera and frowned at me. “You don’t look like Barney Rubble — and don’t listen to Ralphie. He knows how to push your buttons and you always fall for his insults.”

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Photo Shoot

The Hood by boyryan54

By boyryan54

There was the familiar quiet jangle of chains. I sighed out of frustration. I quieted my breathing and tried to focus on any sounds, tricky considering the latex hood I was wearing, but the house sounded quiet. I shifted around, and there was “clang” from my left ankle shackle hitting a bar on the cage. I got very still, again listening for a sound for a few minutes.  Nothing. I sighed again, but this time, I sighed out of relief. I didn’t seem to have awoken anyone. This time I very slowly shifted around, pulled up a thin blanket, and curled up in a ball on the cage floor to fall back asleep.

I woke to the sound of water running through the walls. Someone was up! But was it Master or Alpha? No way I could tell. I hoped it was Master, but my gut told me it was Alpha. Master getting up meant that I might be released soon, but Alpha got up earlier for work, so rationally Alpha was showering. After a few mins, I heard the floor boards creak, someone walked past the playroom door, and disappeared. A little while later, heard the front door sensor chirp as it was opened and closed again. Alpha clearly left for work. No idea how much longer Master would sleep in. “Wonder if he was awake now, maybe watching it on the nanny cam”, I asked myself. But no way I would be able to tell.

It’s been two days now. Two infuriating days where I have been kept in this latex hood. Two days of wearing a latex hood, open mouth, two small nose holes, and no eye sight.

Continue reading The Hood by boyryan54

7 Days in Berlin – Part 10

By Takeo

Day 3 – Thursday June 13th – Playful afternoon

Franz probably deliberately left the alarm clock on the table. I have always loved being tied up for long periods of time, several hours at a time. But I cannot tell which is more difficult: having no notion of the time passing or, on the contrary, having a clock at sight. In the first case, I am constantly asking myself: how long have I been in this position? How much time is left? But in this situation, my brain quickly goes into subspace and wanders, letting time lengthen or shrink as my thoughts wander. On the contrary, with the clock in front of me, time seems to pass more slowly, with the time on the clock reminding us of the reality of things every time.

We have been attached to each other for nearly an hour now. Tom is surprisingly calm, given that he does not seem to have any bondage experience. It has to be said that the position is easy and, above all, pleasurable. The hardest part will be holding the standing position for 4 hours, but for now it is manageable, both for Tom and for me.

Continue reading 7 Days in Berlin – Part 10

Long Term Confinement – Part 05

By Scribe

Discipline Technologies would like to notify interested clients that it has added services, equipment and modifications to its long-term confinement cells. Please refer to our prior announcement (Long Term Confinement Part 01) for a basic description of the prison. Our clients have suggested enhancements to their stay which we have tried to accommodate. Some of these services are free of charge but others come at an additional cost. Some of our guests want just the basic cell while others feel the enhancements are well worth the additional expense.

We have modified many of our basic cells so that no light can penetrate the cage. The rubber mats now cover the entire cell including the ceiling. Ventilation tubes are curved to allow air but no light to enter the cage. The food slot has two doors. The inner door can’t be opened by the prisoner unless the outer door is closed by the guard. The guard can’t open the outer door until the prisoner puts its food bowl on the tray and closes the inner door. This deters any interaction with the guard as well as preventing any light from disturbing the prisoner. The inmate is kept in total darkness and can never see anything inside or outside the cell. The ability to communicate with anyone or hear anything outside the cell is also reduced as the heavily padded cell absorbs most sound. The padding also helps prevent any self-inflicted injuries. While there is no light fixture in the cell, there is wiring for cables to electrified hoods, collars and chastity devices if needed.

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My Trip to Paris – Chapter 15

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 15: Congratulations. You Are Here Forever

“Just do what I told you,” 8363 said.  “Do what I did.  It worked for me.  They’ll never throw me out of here.”

That’s what I was thinking about while Officer Yan marched me across the Parade Ground to the Examination Rooms, which were part of the Classroom Building.  It was February; snow was falling; I’d been in prison for almost a year.  I was having my one-year Custodial Review, which would be conducted by an officer in one of the Rooms.  I repeated to myself the answers that 8363 had given me.  Then I repeated them again, until I was sure I’d got them right.  They worked for him; they’d work for me.  There was no difference between us.

My assigned officer was Lieutenant Connors.  In the corridor, I waited in line, cuffed and shackled, behind the five other criminals waiting to see him.  One by one they went in and came out.  A couple were crying.  The rest appeared stoic.  Or indifferent, fated.  But in a situation like that, restraints need to be applied to everyone.  Officers can never predict when a criminal may do something unfortunate.  Then I heard “G023104411!”, and I entered the office.

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My Trip to Paris – Chapter 14

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 14: Sewing Your Own Prison

We entered the Pen through the gate.  No more front door and lobby for me.  I was promptly escorted to the Colonel’s residence and locked in the cage in the servants hall.  6839, 1057, and 9555 were buzzing around, preparing for Mr. Patrick’s afternoon snack and casting sidelong glances at me, afraid to ask what had happened.  Afraid, or indifferent.  More glances were cast as 9555 stepped into the role of conveying the snack, and a very long time elapsed until he returned.  I was in the cage, looking out through the bars like an owl in the zoo.

Then, while 1057 heated the stove for the couple’s first course at dinner, the Colonel himself strode in, ordering everyone out of the servants’ area.  They scuttled away, 1057 casting anguished eyes at his stove—puzzled, like all of them, where he was supposed to go.  My prediction was the servants’ john.

“You did a good job today, convict,” the Colonel said, walking up to the cage.

“Thank you, sir.”

“It was a privilege never given to any other convict.”

“Yes sir.  I am grateful for my privileges, sir.”

He was pacing restlessly, but always keeping my face in view.  Every time he passed the cage, I could see his dick growing harder behind his pants.  At first I wasn’t sure.  Then I was.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 14

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 13

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 13: Stage Struck

“Thanks for the gossip,” 8363 said.  “You know how it turns me on.”

“Anything to serve,” I said.

“You definitely like serving the Colonel.”

If you can shrug when you’re wrapped up in a bunk with the guy you’re shrugging at, I shrugged.

“Too bad,” he said, “that he’s just running a test.”

“Yeah.  To see if I’ve been tamed.  He said he could tame me, and he was right.  He’s got his answer.”

“Actually, he’s testing himself.”

“Sure, sure.”

“You can’t fuck something that doesn’t get you hard.”


“So you think he likes being turned on by the tool he’s made out of you?  I like it, but that’s because I’m a tool myself.”

“I’m glad you’re screwed onto me.”

We played for a while.  He had an amazing tongue—great in my mouth, great on my toes, great when it slithered across my bald head.  Then he told me, “He’s testing himself to see if he wants to be like you.  If he wants to be tamed . . . punished . . .  shackled . . . worked . . . .”

“Who cares?  Just keep doing what you’re doing . . . .”

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 13