Category Archives: Story

Put It On – Part 2

By Marknorth

Part 2

“I’ll say it one more time and then there will be consequences.  Put it on.”

The guy in the cell looked down at the device that had just been set on the small shelf in the door.  He shivered a little and glanced around the small cell one more time.  When he had been locked in it he had still been hooded, but had been stripped naked and even the cock-cage he had been wearing was removed.

Continue reading Put It On – Part 2

The Prince of Pain

By Quandt

I just got home after a weekend of play in the mountains of Georgia.  I want to share it with you.

I have been playing with Mike for about 15 years now.  We make a date for every six months and then alternate Top and Bottom positions so we bottom to each other at least once a year.  Anticipating our play dates keeps a lid on our excitement and gives us time to negotiate and roughly plan what might happen.

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By Mortice Deadlock

I’m an average guy. I’m not very fit or particularly attractive.  So why was he interested in me?

He was great – mid-twenties, quite a fit body, pretty face, one of the cuter guys in the bar. So why did he take a second look at me?

Simple, he must be rent. He was chatting to me without mentioning any money, and I liked chatting to him, so I’d let him and see where it was going.

Continue reading Thumbs

Xmas Domination

By ChastitySub

A few weeks before Christmas, I started to get the feeling that my boyfriend Mike was up to something. There were a number of sizable packages arriving in the mail addressed to him, and he had prohibited me from going down to the basement work room. And by prohibited, I mean he put a padlock on the basement door.

By way of background, Mike and I have been living together for about six months. From the start, he was clearly the dominant sexual partner in the relationship.

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Mike and Rory

By Aussielthrbiker

I walked back to the dorm I lived in after a late lecture that evening.  I had barely sat down when there was a knock at the door.  “Come in” I called.  Mike and Rory entered my room.  Now seeing Mike and Rory was always a treat for me – they were both around 6 foot and athletic build.  Mike had short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes; Rory was blond with blue eyes.  Tonight was extra special as they were both in army cammos. I figured they must have either been to or were about to go to a University Regiment meeting.  I wasn’t out at this time but I certainly noticed great looking guys like Mike and Rory.

Continue reading Mike and Rory

Locker Room Tales – Resigned to Fate

By Marknorth

The rest of the school year went by slowly.  I was able to get a job working in the main cafeteria during the day and cleaning up the classrooms at night. The team captain had somehow arranged it and he told me that there was no reason for me not to work all day – I wouldn’t have any kind of social life, anyway.

Continue reading Locker Room Tales – Resigned to Fate

Close Calls With Self-Bondage When I Was a Teenager

By Bind

I have had several close calls with self bondage.  It is a very dangerous activity.  Here are four times when I was a teenager when I nearly killed myself by accident, or caused serious damage to myself.


Story 1:  The Dog Chain


We owned the stupidest dog in the world.  It was completely un-trainable.  It couldn’t even learn “sit.”  Every time anyone went into the back yard the dog jumped all over them and sniffed their crotch.

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