How is everybody doing?

Hey prisoners, guards, slaves, Masters, dogs, pups, cucks, Sirs, boys, bois, gimps and pervs (you know which one you are), just a quick note to let you know that Metal loves you and hopes that you are staying safe, sane and healthy, wherever you are!

Here in NYC, I’m staying inside almost constantly and only going out for short walks and to go to the store. I have plenty of food and everything I need, and I feel completely fine health-wise. Thankfully I am still employed, doing my full-time job as an editor and writer from home. I have also been working on the Metalbond site as well, mostly after hours and on the weekends. Many of you guys have sent stories and pictures, which I will be posting in the coming days and weeks.

Meanwhile, no matter how bad things get in the real world — and things are likely to get worse before they get better — we should all try to hang in there as best we can, take care of ourselves and check with friends and family, and try to keep a positive attitude.

7 thoughts on “How is everybody doing?”

  1. Thanks Metal. Social distancing is much easier when you have some good reading material. Keep doing what you do best!

  2. I’m fine… I’d like to know of you know if Mister x Spartan is well (his stories are my faborites ones).

  3. Doing well. No loner any excuses to not wear restraints 24/7, currently at a minimum leg irons and heavy collar at all times. Hardest thing to adapt to is realizing that physically going to work distracts me from the fact I’ve been locked in chastity for months. Now that the distraction of daily life isn’t as present I’m finding it harder to ignore the frustration that comes with having been unable to see or touch my cock since November!

  4. Thank you, Metal! Keep going strong, and stay healthy! In these times you are more important and helpful than ever for your dedicated followers!

  5. I got laid off, unfortunately, but luckily I’ve been able to move back in with my family. Hopefully this will all blow over before too long!

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