Iron belt

Check out the email I got from a friend of mine (posted here with the permission of both the participants):


Hey, Metal –

I wanted to tell you about an experience I had last weekend while visiting my friend Yossie.  As you know, he is a blacksmith and metalworker, and likes making his own Irons which he enjoys riveting onto his prisoners.

He has been talking about making me an Iron Belt for some time; something he can use to fasten me into my cell (as if it was really needed. Total Bondage Overkill!)

Anyway, he took me to his workshop and fitted a flexible copper tubing around my waist which took on the basic shape; he was able to remove it while holding the shape of my waist.  He then placed it on a piece of paper on the floor and traced around it.  Now, the paper had a template for my waist.

Next, Yossie cut two strips of metal from one long piece of strapping.  He then used a special metal bending device to mold it into shape.  It took a long time, and many tries always checking against the template, but eventually he had bent the strips into halves of an infernal Iron Belt fitted totally to my body!

Then came the welding of the hinge.  Pop! – Hissss! He fired up his torch, and fused a hinge into one end of the Belt.  Next, he welded on some tabs which will eventually hold two rivets.  Then he drilled the holes in the tabs.  After cooling the whole thing down, he tried it on me for size.  It fit – well, like it was MADE for me!  He secured it with a padlock (rivets are for more long term) and I wore it the rest of the afternoon.


Fucking HOT if you ask me! I hope next time you get the rivets and stay in it for days or weeks!

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