Tag Archives: Bondagezine

56 Hours

By PFC Pflege

I knew when the fifty-six hours were up, roughly, by meal and toilet time. Those were the only times I was partially released, but still hooded over my eyes, and chained. I was fed from a bowl like an animal, and after toilet time, was hosed out with a garden hose. There’s nothing sexy about a naked man, handcuffed and hooded, having his ass washed out with a garden hose. Then I was returned to my cage, hog-chained, gagged, and hooded. Or chained to that damn chair I hated so much. I learned later that I had been hog-chained to that chair in several sessions, totaling just over twenty-four hours of the fifty-six.

Continue reading 56 Hours

New video at Bondagezine: ‘BOUND 2 SERVE’

Master Jack sent these pictures from a new Bondagezine video, BOUND 2 SERVE:



“I think it’s one of the best we’ve done,” Master Jack says. “The rapport/conflict between Billy Santoro (who’s appeared in a lot of Kinkmen stuff) and Master Morgan was great.”


A free preview of BOUND 2 SERVE, as well as ordering information, is available here.