Tag Archives: chastity

Reader contribution: londonslv in self-bondage and chastity

Check out the pictures and information from londonslv:

londonslv in self-bondage and chastityDear Metal,

Here are pics and a description of a self-bondage session I had a while ago. The chastity itself was a russian-roulette game I sometimes play to lock myself up, as I’m still in search of a local key holder to control access to my cock.

To start the session, I assembled everything I’d need on the floor. The padlocks were checked working, then the keys placed on a high shelf, where I wouldn’t be able to reach them until the end of the session.

londonslv in self-bondage and chastityPrior to the session, I’d edged myself for a couple of hours, before locking my cock in its prison. The key to the CB went into my safe. The combination of which is in a text file on my PC. (It’s 8 digits, and I set it a long while ago so I would forget the combination).

So, having assembled everything I needed, I put padlocks through the top eyelets in my boots – they’re not coming off until the end of the session.

Next, I put on and padlock my Mr S Leather muzzle. It’s quite a trip. As you can see, I have padlocked the self-bondage lock (from MEO) to the collar of the muzzle. Padlocked to the end that releases is a chain, and the handcuff key. The handcuffs are padlocked to the other end of the chain, so I can never “lose” the key, even if it tries to bounce away when it lands.

Now I’m almost ready, I start the “russian-roulette” part for my chastity. Using the timelock software, I set it up to encrypt the file containing the safe combination for a random time up to 4 weeks with a bias on the longer side, but with a hidden timer so I can’t see how long is left to run. I don’t start the encryption however. I have a gaming keyboard with 16 macro buttons, so I’ve programmed each of these to start the timelock software running, after various delays from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

I push a macro button at random, then complete the self-bondage. My hands are now cuffed, with each cuff also going through the loops of the DM boots.

Now I’m trapped, horny, desperate to cum thanks to the edging earlier. Having to wait while the self-bondage lock melts, dripping cold water onto me. It usually releases after about 45 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.

londonslv in self-bondage and chastity 4So while I’m in bondage, I can only wait, wondering which macro I pushed, whether I’d get free before timelock starts, sentencing me to up to 4 weeks in chastity, and having to watch the PC do this to me while I’m helpless to stop it. (The PC base unit and keyboard and power switches are out of my reach).

The last picture shows me a little later on, the ice lock can be seen to have melted somewhat.

This was quite a fun session, and ended up with my cock horny, frustrated, and locked for about 5 weeks. (In two of the macros, I had programmed a couple of booby-traps – one would start the timer, then add 1 week, the other would add 2 weeks!)


You can find londonslv on Recon

The chastity predicament of Rbbrstorage

Check out the pictures and information that Rbbrstorage recently sent:



Hi Metal:

I hope things are going well for you. I thought you might appreciate an update on something that you played a significant role in inspiring (and feel free to use this on your site if you want):

I have now spent just over eight months in chastity, enforced by my boyfriend. Nearly all of it has been spent in a CB-6000s with a slightly modified KSD-G3 add-on to prevent pullout, and no extra spacers (which means a tight fit for the smallest of the devices). We tried the Birdlocked early on, but I turned out to have an allergic reaction to the material it’s made from. I’ve gotten surprisingly used to it, and am usually not even aware of it. My cock seems to have adjusted. It doesn’t struggle so much in the middle of the night to get hard, and my boyfriend is convinced that it’s actually shrunk in size (he likes the pic, below, showing the size comparison).




I’d love to claim that it has never come off, but real life interferes with chastity on occasion, and it has been removed for things like doctor’s appointments and the occasional abrasion that needs time to heal. I’m not sure how anyone could do chastity without breaks for things like doctor’s appointments, but am curious if others have managed to make that work. Even with these breaks, I’ve probably spent 90% of my time with the device locked in place over the past 8 1/2 months.

I thought some of your readers who are into chastity might appreciate a few tips on making long-term wear possible. Here’s what I’ve learned from my experience:

A balance of lubrication and cleanliness is important. Some sites say to keep everything dry, but that led to abrasions whenever my cock would try to grow, which meant having to remove the device to let it heal. I clean inside with soap on a Q-tip while in the shower every morning, and then apply vegetable oil with a Q-tip so that it can move comfortably without chafing. So far, that has worked great and hasn’t caused me any problems.

The right underwear is key. The first few weeks were painful because I was wearing boxers. I’ve learned that I have to wear something like a jockstrap that completely covers my balls inside the pouch to avoid pinching and chafing.

Shaving around the ring helps a lot, since otherwise the hairs can catch in the device and cause little painful moments.

Getting the ring size right makes a huge difference, since a ring that is just a size too small can cause a lot of pain in the middle of the night when the cock is trying to expand. If it hurts enough to wake you up at 4 a.m., the ring is probably too small.

How does it feel? Well, I have to admit it’s a turn-on. I like the feeling of being that controlled, and I guess humiliated, though it’s something that stays between the two of us (well, except for when he walked me around the last Anvil party in a sleepsack with legs, with the cb-6000s sticking out). My BF is actually very generous with the orgasms, about twice a week. He seems to enjoy edging me. And, there are studies that show a higher risk of prostate cancer for men who don’t come quite regularly, so … he’s very nice to me about that. But, of course, the cage comes off right before he edges me, and goes on right after. I have to be in bondage to come, and I have to have his cum inside me first. So, I guess I have to earn it. Just picture me in my leather sleepsack, hooded and gagged, sometimes with a couple tens patches on my ass, maybe a plug in there, with a Fun brand vibrating masturbator over my cock – an awesome machine – being edged for up to an hour before coming. Lots of fun.

Yes, the bondage/cum inside me rules make it a lot hotter for me. I found early on in the process that if we went many days without feeling sexual, the chastity device lost any feeling of sexual turn-on for me, and just become this hunk of plastic that was getting in the way and that I would start to resent. But we quickly got past that, and the device is an integral part of our sex life. I think my BF really likes that I don’t even get to see my cock get hard when he lets me cum. I can just imagine it through the hood. And I have to admit that I really like that, too.

Anyway, thanks for inspiring my journey into chastity a few years back, and keep it up with the great site.

— Rbbrstorage


Metal would like to thank Rbbrstorage and his boyfriend for sharing the information above and the pictures.

Get a chastity device by clicking here

Metalbond’s Chastity Challenge

Locked Into Spiked Hell For Hours

A true story of painful chastity

By Chuck

Chastity has always been fascinating to me. To have your sexual pleasure taken away from you, while having all other bodily functions available, seems like a dream come true to this versatile sub. But finding or making a device to do this, and also to offer a level of discomfort or even pain at the same time, makes an even more interesting proposition.

I’ve had a CB 3000, a Meo 9000, a metal cock cage, and a locking leather jockstrap-like device (bought used, from Worn Out West in The Castro). I’ve even built a system that uses a metal MMA protective cup (I’ll be submitting that story here soon), and all of these have had painful pleasures on me for one reason or another.

The little beastie. Kind of reminds me of a shark’s mouth.


And sometimes I like to see how much pain I can control, so when Metalbond offered a Punisher if a subject could keep it on for 29 hours, I jumped at the chance to try it. I had never been in a soft chastity device, much less one with spikes (though my CB 3000 had the Points Of Intrigue), so I really wanted to give it a go.

It seems The Punisher was designed with two things in mind: First, to deprive the wearer of any orgasms or even hand contact with ye olde penis. Second, to inflict about as much pain as possible without causing any open wounds. I have to say that it succeeded quite well at both.

I was surprised when I was picked to wear the Punisher, but gladly accepted the challenge. Metalbond provided a link to the Official U.S. Time Clock that I could use to stand in front of and take pictures, to prove when I was locked up. That clock is set on the Eastern Time Zone; I’m in the Central Zone.

As soon as the Punisher arrived, I tried it on to make sure I had it right. I didn’t want to put it on, click the lock shut, then realize I had screwed something up. A little advice for future Punisher wearers; if you have a little bit of a hard-on, you can slip into it easier than being totally soft. A little amount of lube or lotion helps too.


Let the time begin!


So at Noon, Eastern Standard Time, on Sunday, January 23, 2011, I put the Punisher on as practiced, and snapped the numbered plastic lock into place. Good old lock number 580571. Nice, it sounded like a real convict’s number. No turning back now, I said to myself. Almost immediately, I felt the spikes trying to poke holes into my most private and prized of possessions.

After two hours in the Punisher, my nuts were burning. The lower restraint strap had done its work well, separating and pushing both testicles away from each other. My sack was stretching, had turned red, but there was nothing I could do about that now, except to grin and tough it out.

Three hours into this, I noticed my left leg was wet. I dropped my sweatpants, and found a stream of precum had settled in the thigh area. The sticky goo was somehow pleasant, and it reminded me how much I love chastity play!

Of course, it didn’t help on Sunday night that my friends over at SeriousImages / SeriousMaleBondage were doing a webcast, strapping my bud Mikey up for a couple of hours. I watched Mikey and Daddy Tony have a great time, along with a little help from others there. Let’s just say that I couldn’t watch for long, as the Punisher became very small and the spikes became very sharp(er).

About 9 hours in … so far, so good!


I went to bed at about midnight, and slept well for three to four hours. Then the lower nut sack burning started. I’ve had this trouble with other devices, so I guess I’m just over-sensitive in that area. Applying a good lotion stops the burning for a while, but during this night, relief came only for about an hour at a time. I would just get to sleep, then wake up in excrutiating pain, and would have to apply the lotion again.

4:35 in the morning, my time. I can’t sleep, it’s hurting so bad.


These were the times when I really thought about calling it quits. But I was already more than halfway through the 29 hours, and I knew if I could just last until I got up, I’d be OK. For whatever reason, the devices don’t burn me in the daytime; standing and moving around is OK. It’s just after I sit or lay down for a few hours, do they start burning me.

I’ve tried every lotion I know, I’ve tried Vaseline, and even placing a cloth between my nuts and a device… nothing works for long. The area gets very warm and starts burning. Does anybody have a fix for this? If so, I’ll gladly submit to permanent chastity, most likely by my Dom who has me both collared and permanently marked, Yossie.


(missing image 5)

At the 24-hour mark!


At 29 hours. Mission Accomplished! …or is it?


 At 8 O’clock (EST) on the second night.


After the 29-hour minimum had passed, I wanted to see how far I could go. 36 hours was the next goal, as I would have been able to take it off right before bed. However, after 32 hours passed, the spikes had done their job so well that it was time for freedom. I had reached my limit, had met the challenge, even earned some bragging rights… but now I had to break free.


Oh, the pain… the pain.


 This image might look a bit gross at first, but the residue is from the lotions I used to try to relieve the burning. And yes, it did smell pretty rank after 32 hours of confinement. The red marks, impressions, indentations, and irritated ball sack speak for themselves.

The only complaint I have about the device is that the locking hole was not large enough to allow a tiny Master lock to fit into. A small, other-brand lock would fit, but not with the numbered plastic lock also inserted. I had wanted a keyed lock as a reinforcement to keep me in the Punisher all night, but I didn’t want to drill into a device that I had not yet earned.




Now it’s January 26, 2011, two days after the 32-hour ordeal. I’m back in the Punisher, this time with one of my smallest locks on, but with the key about a half mile away, back in my play cabin. And that’s a long walk back there, especially in 36-degree weather.



  I’m not sure how long I’ll have it on this time… we’ll just have to see.


Metal would like to thank Chuck for the pictures and the report.

And extra special thanks to Marknorth and JT for making Chuck’s torment possible!

Chastity devices available for purchase here

How to lock your cock and make it SECURE

Hey prisoners,

As you know, I am fascinated by things that LOCK.

And when it comes to chastity, there is nothing better than a device that has a serious locking mechanism. Like the Carrera. Lately I have been quite intrigued by the this particular device, and so I asked a ccontrol, a reader of this blog who is familiar with both the older and newer models, to describe the actual locking mechanism.

The pictures and information below is from ccontrol.



How the LOCK for the new Carrera chastity device works

By ccontrol

The old belt is built around an Abus brass padlock. A slide knob above the lock is for releasing the tangs after the lock is unlocked. A push tab on top secures the tangs and locks the padlock. The teeth are hidden inside the front panel, and the tangs have simple knobs on them that are engaged by the teeth.

The new belt is built around an Abus Diskus lock. There is a similar slide knob, but it doesn’t do the same thing. Instead, you put it in the up position to be able to turn the key, and you put it in the down position to be able to move the tangs in and out. The teeth are on the tangs, making the new belt seem even more like a giant handcuff than the old one.

Much like a handcuff, the new tang ratchets in. With the old belt, the tang is inserted and then engaged with the hidden teeth by feel. You can count step down the slope of teeth until you get the fit you want. With both belts, the teeth give you some adjustability.

On the new belt, there are short levers in the insertion slot, just below where the tangs go in. These must be pushed upward to disengage the tangs for removal, after you have unlocked the lock.

You can see on the old pics where the key is inserted vertically into the bottom of he padlock:

To make it into this recess, Walter had to trim one side off of the head of each key. This confined area means that the key can’t be on a keyring when you are unlocking the belt — and not having the key on a ring makes it easier to lose (I only lost one of my two keys, LOL). The new key goes straight in and can therefore be left on a ring. On the other hand, it can’t be removed while the lock is unlocked. This is a minor detail, but it means that you can’t send someone the belt to lock themselves into without them also having the key (for example).

The old belt has a flat steel strap in back. It has 5 holes drilled in the top where it attaches to the back of the belt, so it can be adjusted for size.  The new belt has a coated steel cable instead of the strap. It also has 5 holes on the end tab for adjustability.

The new belt is curved downward along is top edge to accommodate a bit of belly. However, the whole front part is a little taller on the new belt, so is more likely to dig in to those of us who aren’t perfectly flat in front:

You can’t see them in the pics, but there are drain/vent holes on the underside of the tube. They are of course too small to allow for any stimulation … and there’s no big gaps to bulge through like there are on CBX000 or Curve devices.

On the inside pic you can see a screw hold in the base of the cable. This is for attaching an oval plate with a slot in it. An optional butt plug has a metal bolt that engages with the slot. The slot means that the plug will be in the right position to line up with your hole, but it is not removable while the belt is on.

These things are the Rolls Royces of chastity belts. I saved up for years to afford them, and they’re worth the price and the pain of waiting for them to arrive, and the time spent bending them to make them fit, etc.


Metalbond would like to thank ccontrol for the information and pictures above.

Stick your cock in THIS if you dare

“ccontrol” send the pictures and information (below) of his Carrara chastity device:

Hey Metalbond!

Love the site. Here are a few pics of the newer Carrara belt design with the new locking mechanism and the new, coated cable in back.

The front of mine is flatter below the locking mechanism than the one you posted pictures of a few days ago. This is not because of the new design. It’s because of the tube size. My 4-year-old Carrara belt is also flat in front. I was bummed when it arrived and it didn’t have the bulge, because I think it looks better the other way. On the other hand, I have it on good authority from Walter and a few other people that the belt is most effective at orgasm prevention if the tube is the absolute smallest you can coax your dick into.



Metalbond would like to thank ccontrol for the pictures and information.

Metalbond locks another dude’s cock in chastity when he’s in a cage

Tonight (Wednesday) I had the opportunity to use a chastity device  on a NEW play buddy, a guy I just met two weekends ago at the Eagle. So … after I chained this dude by the neck into my cage, I ordered him to beat off without any lube:

After he shot his load on the floor of my cage, I told him I he was not getting released until he put on the chastity device. It took him a while to work his cock and balls through, and it took a bit of coaching and coaxing on my part, but eventually he managed to lock up his junk:

I kept him chained by the neck inside the cage as he inserted his balls and cock into the chastity device:

You may notice in these pictures that we used a plastic numbered lock, not the regular brass lock that came with the device itself. This is because my new bondage buddy has travel plans this coming weekend that will involve him going through airport security, and this plastic numbered lock won’t set off the metal detectors:

That’s right, he is heading out of town for the weekend to play with a serious BDSM top. In anticipation of the trip, this Top Man has ordered that my friend refrain from beating off from midnight tonight. So, thanks to the new cock cage and numbered lock — note that it is No. 081072 — we will be able to verify that his cock will be locked up for the next 48 hours at least. Perhaps longer if Top Man keeps him locked after he gets there. Here are some pictures of my bondage buddy before I sent him on his way (unfortunately I had to take the large chain and padlock off his neck):

Richard Hunter says I am a wimp

Hey fellas, I know a lot of you have been wondering whatever happened with my new Punisher cock cage from Mr S. The one I had promised the owner of Mr S, Richard Hunter, that I would wear for 48 hours nonstop:

The Punisher Cock cage

Well I can’t lie to Richard, and I can’t lie to you, the readers of Metalbond. Here’s the truth: I failed miserably. I know, I know, this is a terrible admission to make. Here I am running a blog about all different forms of lockup, including locking devices for men’s penises — and I can’t even handle having my own cock locked away for two days. Sad, but true. The fact is, I simply could not handle the pain associated with wearing the Punisher device.

Here’s the text of the email I sent to Richard explaining the situation:

Hi Richard,

I hate to tell you this but I must be honest with you. I only lasted about 15 minutes in the Punisher. It was the spikes. I could not take that much pain on the head of my cock. I am so sorry — because I had promised you I would stay in it for 48 hours. The spikes actually left little red “nail marks” in the head of my cock for some time — and in fact I am still feeling the “pain memory” from the spikes. This surprises me, because when I felt inside the device with my finger those spikes seemed rather harmless.

I did, however, find the rest of the device very interesting. It was a little tricky to get it on, but I followed your instructions and took my time and it worked just fine. I liked the feel of the silicone material around my cock and balls, and I also liked the way the whole thing locked together. I also liked the way the device looked when I had it on.

Anyway, I feel terrible about this but I just can’t wear it, and I can’t lie to you and say I did.

What I would like to do with the Punisher, if you agree, is to get one of my friends to wear it. He lives here in NYC and he is a huge CBT freak. Will that be OK? He’ll allow me to take pictures while he’s wearing it.

Again, I apologize for being such a wimp with the cock cage,


It only took Richard about 15 minutes to reply:

Dear Metal,

You are a wimp — 15 Minutes — that’s it! — 15 minutes — Of course they left little red dents in your cock head — that’s what they are supposed to do — that’s why we called it the “Punisher”! It won’t break the skin — just annoy the piss out of you — They are harmless — physically.

You should have been tied up for about 6 hours so you couldn’t have taken it off and then you would have HAD to deal with it — maybe a few cries or tears. OK, you certainly can let your friend try it and see how he does with it — At some point though — you should put it back on and maybe have a nice drink or two and cuff your hands behind your back and then connect the new time lock to your cuffs, so you’ll be there for about 2 hours and not be able to take it off. You should be able to at least get 2 hours wearing it — 15 minutes — that’s what you get for probably getting hard while you were wearing it. Bad dog — No biscuit!

How about putting that Punisher back on and then sucking a big old hot cock while you’re wearing it — that will make you rock hard and hurt like hell, which will just make you suck that cock in your mouth all the more, making you even harder — I love it when tears roll down the guy’s eyes while he’s sucking my cock.

I’ll have to send you some more pictures to look at the next time you get that locked on you — 15 minutes — geeezzzz!


So there it is — an email smackdown from Richard Hunter. It’s enough to make me want to hang up my handcuffs in shame. I’m going to try again with a cock cage, however — this time with the Trainer device:

This one is the exact same design as the Punisher, except without the spikes. I just ordered it, and I WILL wear this one. Since it doesn’t have painful spikes I should be all set.

ALL chastity devices currently available from Mr S here

controlling another man’s cock

A local buddy is getting a new cock cage from thechastitycage.com, and I am going to lock him in it. This device is serious stuff. My buddy has a PA, which will be locked into the device itself with a surgical stainless steel piercing with a locking hasp. Our agreement is that that the device will stay locked on for as long as I want. He’s having the device with its high-security locking mechanism and key shipped directly to me. Stay tuned for more details, pictures, etc.

The Chastity CageThe Chastity CageThe Chastity CageThe Chastity Cage