Tag Archives: jail cells
The Cell by slavebladeboi
The bolt made no noise as I pulled it back. I didn’t expect it to considering how well oiled it was but still I was careful. I doubt if he’d have heard much even if his ears were not sealed with the plugs I had inserted, with them in place he was in complete isolation a far as sound was concerned. He probably felt a slight shift in the air temperature but that would have been all.
Just added to Prison Library: Bind spends a week locked up!
Hey guys check out Bind, who was recently locked up by Master Jack and Guard T
You can read “My Week Locked Up in a U.S. Marshal’s Holding Cell” in the Prison Library by clicking here.
Chuck is locked in Yossie’s cell
This is a private cell owned and built by Yossie, the famous handcuff collector (see Yossie’s Handcuff Collection). It features concrete and rebar walls, and a 4-inch thick concrete reinforced ceiling. If you look closely you can see a loop of rebar protruding from the floor in the back corner of the cell, which is used for attaching chains. In this case the chain is attached to the prisoner’s collar and is of sufficient length to allow him to stand but not long enough for him to reach the barred wall and door of the cell. His collar is RIVETED on, and can only be removed with a power saw.
You can see more pictures of inmate Chuck in a posting titled “The Chain gang” at the Serious Male Bondage website.
This cell will hold you for a long time
Yes, this jail cell is for real. Get locked in here and you are not going anywhere, perhaps for a very log time.
I know this because I have personally spent many long weekends locked in this very cell. Really. Sometimes bolted to rings in the wall or floor. Sometimes left in total darkness. Once or twice with other prisoners, even. It was in this cell that I was once kept totally naked and locked in darbies-style handcuffs, behind my back, for 26 hours nonstop (which is a whole other story in and of itself).
The cell shown here is one of several owned and operated by Harold Cox, who was recently profiled by Serious Male Bondage. To find out more about Harold and his rather interesting tastes, click here.
To learn more about the Serious Male Bondage website, click here.