Tag Archives: Men On Edge

Ride Along as a Prisoner – Part 5

Ride Along as a Prisoner Part 5 – Service Area Again

By asiancuffs

15 Aug 2017

The wagon left the detention center and drove through the city roads heading to the highway entrance, again a few vehicles passed us and the passengers or drivers looked at the “prisoners.” After we were on the highway, there was nothing else interesting on the road except fast passing vehicles. I start looking at the jailmate, he is a guy in his mid-20s, dressed in shirt without tie, suit and black dress shoes. He looked a lot more decent than me in a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. He sat quietly looking down, at most times looking at his cuffed hands as he moves his hands. He also checked his shackles and moved as the extent of the chains allowed. I look at him all the time and once we have eye contact, he turns his face around to avoid a direct look at me.

After half an hour on the highway, it was planned that I request a washroom stop so I speak out loud enough that the officers heard my request. The officers replied that there will be a service area and we can use the washroom later. Then I asked jailmate if he wants to pee or not and he says he does not have the need. I tried to open the dialogue with him by asking questions like why are you arrested, have you been arrested before and similar questions. The replies I got from him were just single-word answers, “Yes,” “No.” The rest of the ride he just lowered his head, playing with the connecting chains.

Continue reading Ride Along as a Prisoner – Part 5


By Rubrpig

Sean sighed in relief as it was finally the end of the day after a very trying day at work. Since it was Friday he would have a couple of days to relax, have some fun at the Eagle and enjoy himself. Things were getting tense at work with the rumours of an impending take-over and the resulting downsizing that always occurred when companies merged.

After getting his Dainese jacket from the lockers provided by the company along with his boots, helmet and gloves he walked out to the parking lot and got on his BMW 1200. Looking forward to the evening at the Eagle he headed home to his condo.

After having dinner, showering and deciding since it was Gear Night at the Eagle he would wear his racing leathers and boots. Taking his black, blue, and white Alpinestar Race Replica suit from the closet he climbed into it after putting on his compression gear. He would not wear the chest and back protectors as they might interfere with the fun he hoped he would have at the club. After putting on his Sidi Race boots he picked up his helmet and gloves, he tucked his ID, drivers licence, some cash and a credit card into wrist wallet and put that on. Heading down to the garage, he got on his bike, fired the engine and headed to the club.

Continue reading Inked

The New Cadet – Chapter 1

By Chain Slave

I had just turned 18 and finished my schooling. I was determined to get away from my abusive parents however did not have the means. It was always Matt do this Matt do that. One of my friends fathers suggested that I join the police force. Little did they know that I had a fascination for cops and their uniforms. I was a strong, well-built guy and never struggled to get attention from the ladies. I acted straight but deep down knew i was different and attracted to men in uniform. Perhaps this was a way that I could live true to myself.

I downloaded the required forms. Did the necessary medicals and sent them off. I was expecting to wait a month or so before I got a reply. It was only 4 days before I had a reply. I was instructed to report within 2 days. That was it my folks were not home, I packed a rucksack with my toiletries pulled on a vest and jeans. Laced up my prized boots and headed off after leaving a short note to my parents saying they can be happy now as I was out of their lives.

Continue reading The New Cadet – Chapter 1