The Hood by boyryan54

The Hood by boyryan54

By boyryan54

There was the familiar quiet jangle of chains. I sighed out of frustration. I quieted my breathing and tried to focus on any sounds, tricky considering the latex hood I was wearing, but the house sounded quiet. I shifted around, and there was “clang” from my left ankle shackle hitting a bar on the cage. I got very still, again listening for a sound for a few minutes.  Nothing. I sighed again, but this time, I sighed out of relief. I didn’t seem to have awoken anyone. This time I very slowly shifted around, pulled up a thin blanket, and curled up in a ball on the cage floor to fall back asleep.

I woke to the sound of water running through the walls. Someone was up! But was it Master or Alpha? No way I could tell. I hoped it was Master, but my gut told me it was Alpha. Master getting up meant that I might be released soon, but Alpha got up earlier for work, so rationally Alpha was showering. After a few mins, I heard the floor boards creak, someone walked past the playroom door, and disappeared. A little while later, heard the front door sensor chirp as it was opened and closed again. Alpha clearly left for work. No idea how much longer Master would sleep in. “Wonder if he was awake now, maybe watching it on the nanny cam”, I asked myself. But no way I would be able to tell.

It’s been two days now. Two infuriating days where I have been kept in this latex hood. Two days of wearing a latex hood, open mouth, two small nose holes, and no eye sight.

I asked Master to push me. I had wanted to find a point in bondage where I would be overwhelmed by it. Get to the point where bondage was too much. I knew realistically there would be periods of “loose” bondage like now, shackles and a cage, and other times of being immobilized.  In all my years of bondage, I had yet to experience the point where the safety I felt in bondage turned to torment. Granted I haven’t had many experiences for long term play, but surely 48 hours would prove enough right?

Master has been wonderful in messing with my mind. Getting my mind to focus on him, and service. Not sure how he does it, but he has a spell over me. When I asked for a prolonged session where I would be pushed, he took a few minutes to answer, and I saw that fire in his eyes. He responded with a “okay, slave. I look forward to testing you”.

I hadn’t planned on the hood. My Master’s new favorite hood. Such a simple object, right? A thin latex hood, snug fitting, mouth opening, nostril openings, and eyes covered. I had spent a few sessions in it for a few hours. I enjoyed having my eyesight removed, being dependent on Master to help me move around; enjoying those moments of touch and gentle guiding. My caged dick throbbed every time. My mind started replaying the past 48 hours.


“We shall start simple slave! Some casual bondage for a few hours, hooded, shackled, and caged while I go about my work for the day.”

Okay. Seems reasonable and simple. My heart sunk a bit, hoping for something more challenging, but whatever. After getting me hooded and secured, he left to work from his home office, and I relaxed in the cage. I eventually heard him get up, and mess around in the kitchen. He came into the playroom, and then placed something into the cage. He then guided my head down to what I discovered was a bowl.

“Eat slave.  It’s some pasta salad. Time for lunch. Eat up so we can continue. I’ll be back in 30 minutes after a meeting. I expect that to be empty. There is also a bottle of water about a foot away. Even without eyesight, you should be able to remove the top and drink”

I heard him leave. I ate and drank in silence, and chuckled to myself remembering the dining trend years back where people paid tons of money to eat in darkness, and here it was eating for free! Suckers!

Master came back a little while later, heard him pick up the bowl and bottle, and leave. He came right back, and unlocked the cage.

“Bathroom break slave! Let’s get you ready for the next position.”

He guided me out of the cage, helped me stand and stretch my limbs, and we walked to the bathroom together. He assisted me over to the toilet and helped me to sit to pee. I didn’t love this, as I have always been bathroom shy, but hey, part of the reality of a prolonged bondage session, right? If he was okay with it, who was I to complain.  I did a shake to get off dribbles off the cage, and he helped lift me up, and he helped me shuffle along back to the playroom.

Once back in the playroom, he unlocked the shackles, then guided me back a bit. I felt the back of my legs come on contact with some cool leather and metal, and realized I was about to be strapped into the bondage chair. My dick twitched.

“Ah! See someone is happy to revisit the bondage chair!”

I mewed in agreement.

He pushed me down into the seat, arranged the legs and arms, and proceeded to strap me in. After he secured the legs, arms and chest, and right before he secured my head, I asked…

“Permission to speak Master?”

“Granted slave”

“May we remove the hood, please, Master?”

Master grabbed my hooded face, pressed into the seat back, and secured the head strap.

“No slave”

Then he proceeded to give me a heavy, deep kiss. I struggled, trying to will my body to break free to just touch my Master, but no luck. I tried to press my head forward to try and convey the fire he lights in me, but was unable to. I just moaned in frustration, and Master just chuckled into our kiss.

The next few hours was a haze of kissing, touching, and some torment with his devilish carbon fiber cane he loves to use on my thighs. I knew I would be showing marks for a week,  but that thought helped me endure the caning. The bruises would almost be his branding on me. He would come and go, alternating between working and working me over. I just loved being stored for him, and kept waiting. I was his toy to play with. “God, I am so lucky!”, I would think to myself over and over.

Eventually Alpha came home from work. He came in, greeted me with a gentle pat on the hooded cheek

“Hey there slave! Looks like Matt is giving you a good time! I’m going to start dinner.”

And he left. That meant I was alone again, and my mind wandered to Alpha. I didn’t know too much about him or even how he and Master came to be friends, much less roommates. I just knew him as “Alpha” and he was mostly Dom, and would occasionally submit to others. He was an excellent cook and it was my duty when visiting to clean up after him. This meant I would be able to see again soon! I would need eyesight to do the dishes!!

Master came in after a bit. I could smell the amazing aroma of garlic drifting into the playroom. I was hungry! Master proceeded to unstrap me, help me up, reapplied the shackles, and then escorted me back into the bathroom. But instead of the toilet, he helped me into the shower. He turned on the water.

“Time to get you prepped for dinner and the evening slave!”

I was confused. I then heard him fiddle with some valves and I finally understood.  He was going to clean me out.

“Please Sir! May the hood be removed? May it have some privacy to prep?”

“No slave. I want that hood on a bit longer.”

“Please Master. This is a bit too much for it. It’s not comfortable”

“That’s okay slave. Trust me. We will do a little at a time, your hands have enough freedom for you to wipe and tend to yourself, but I’ll be here to help you in and out and to maneuver around. I am about to hand you the shower shot. If we are to continue this path of submission and training, you will have to get used to being exposed like this.”

I was so embarrassed, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been. I was able to fill myself up and he helped me to the toilet, back and forth a few times. By far the least sexy moments of play I have ever had, but a necessary one. Being a slave means being vulnerable. And I had never felt so vulnerable. Once the humiliation was over, I was given a quick soap down and then taken back to the cage and locked in. Master returned with yet another bowl of pasta salad and a bottle of water, and left.

About an hour later, Master came in and helped it from the cage.

“TV time slave!”

“Thank you Master! Looking forward to cuddling with your legs!”

I heard him walk over to the gear closet, wrestle with some stuff, then he handed me a mass of neoprene and guided me into the living room. I felt the hardwood change into carpet and knew I was in front of the tv. He then pressed me to my knees, undid the shackles, and told me to sit down.

“Time to get you into the sleepsack slave!”

“Yes Master”.

A few mins of wrestling me into the tight neoprene sleepsack, Master pushing my arms into the sleeves, and then the feeling of compression and the sound of the zipper as everything was secured.

“Thank you Master. What are we watching?”

“Alpha and I will be watching Shogun, slave. You just lay back and relax”.

“Please Master, the hood, it can’t see”

“Exactly slave. Just a bit longer. I am enjoying you being so dependent on me right now. Quite the thrill knowing I have robbed you of one of your most basic senses.”

“Please Master”

“Just a bit longer, slave. I want this”.

“Yes Master”

So I was left for an hour, two hours?  Not sure. My mind was trying to come up with the visuals, and make sense of the plot based on the sounds I was hearing. Occasionally I would shift or move, less out of a need of being comfortable, and more just trying to be noticed. I was getting irritable from this damn hood.

There must have been some streaming issues, because I started hearing the same scene over and over and finally I heard Alpha yell “fuck it” at the tv, and heard the tv go quiet.

“I think it’s time that I tuck the slave into bed, and call it a night, Alpha”

“Of course! Sorry about the TV, but we can try again tomorrow! Enjoy your night”

I then felt Master pull my top half up into a seated position, he proceeded to put me over his shoulder; and then lifted me up and carried me out of the living room, still snug in the sleepsack. A quick time after, he pushed me off, and with a soft thump, he threw me onto his bed.  I felt him get onto the bed, and some shifting on the bed before I realized he was straddling my bound form. He then lowered himself onto me, and we started kissing.

After a while and a lot of squirming and moaning, I felt Master pinch my nose shut and his mouth clamped over mine. He proceeded to suck the air from my lungs. Once my lungs were empty, I started grunting and trying to suck in some air. He did something with his mouth or throat and allowed me to get air through him. Fuck. Has there been anything hotter? I pressed my body as best as I could into his, and Master proceeded to pull air from my lungs again.  And he repeated. Over and over. I was a sweaty, leaking, moaning mess, lost in the high only reachable at the hands of a Dominant. Master was pressing his body and dick into me and the sleepsack. I was waiting for him to explode, or to decide to make use of my mouth.

Then nothing. He got up.

“Think that’s enough for us both slave! Time for bed”

Woah what?

He quickly unzipped the sack, helped me out, pulled me to the edge of the bed to sit up for a few moments. He then reattached the shackles and guided me into the bathroom. After using the restroom under his watch yet again, he took me to the playroom, helped me into the cage and locked it. He handed me a pill (NyQuil) and some more water.

“Please Sir. May we remove the hood for bed? It will be dark anyways.”

“No slave. You will stay hooded. I don’t want you to know if I am watching on the nanny cam or not. But I will be recording. So don’t you dare take it off”

“Please Sir. No more hood”

“Yes slave. You will. And remember to correctly address me. I might not be your owner, but you insisted that you call me “Master”, so I am holding you to that. I know you’re tired and taxed right now, but that’s no excuse to forget protocol.”

“No Master. No more hood, please.”

“Slave, don’t argue with me. You will be okay. I am here in the next room. The mic is on. We will not discuss this anymore, or there will be consequences. I am disappointed at your resistance.” I heard his footsteps

“Sorry Master. Please mercy”. And then I started shaking the cage door, making a racket. “Don’t please Master, please, please take the hood off”

The Hood by boyryan54

Before I knew what happened, searing pain in my balls. He had quickly moved back to the cage, reached in and grabbed my balls. I yelped.

“No slave. And I am leaving now. You are not in danger, no damage is being done, and you are not in discomfort or pain. We will address your behavior tomorrow. I am disappointed at your behavior. Goodnight. And remember, I will know if you remove it.” He then let go.

And he left. I was horny from our connection on the bed, my balls were aching, I was frustrated at the hood, disappointed that I was struggling so much, and so tired. I knew falling asleep would help. My mind kept replaying the moments on the bed, my dick struggling to get hard. I was amazing that such a simple moment was so intoxicating! I just kept replaying it over and over while I curled up in the cage and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a start. I felt Masters hand on my hooded head and he gave a chuckle at my surprised reaction.

“Morning slave! See the NyQuil worked! You have had quite a lay in. How are you mentally feeling today slave?”

“Doing okay Master. Feel better after sleeping.”

I nudged my head against his hand that was still resting on my hood. I was relishing the feeling of his touch. I then felt his other hand reach through the bars and lightly stroke my back, one of my secret spots. I moaned and started twitching in the chastity cage.

“Today, as part of your punishment for your begging last night, the hood will remain on, slave”

I whimpered. He continued to rub its head, and stroke my back.

“Please Master, it needs more of you. May it be released to touch you Sir?”

“Not yet slave. Let’s just exist right now. I am enjoying my caged pet”.

I whimpered again. This was infuriating! The need to touch him, please him, feel his body warmth and to feel that physical that spark was making me ache. While most of our play and service was more on a mental and headspace level, at that moment, I desperately wanted more, I wanted to feel his dick harden in my mouth, feel it twitch down my throat. I groaned louder than I meant to at the idea.

“Hehe. Silly slave. Am I in your head right now?”

I whimpered again, not sure how to respond.

“I asked you a question slave, am I in your head right now?”

“Yes Master”

“Good! Let’s go shower.”

He unlocked the cage, and helped me to my feet. We did some quick stretching and then he took me into the bathroom. He got the water running, and then he guided me into the shower, shackles and all.

“Feel me slave. Here is some soap. Wash me. Touch me. Rub my back.”

Oh happiness. I got very close to him, kissed the back of his neck, and started soaping and touching his back. After a quick soap, I started at the top of his back and started to work some of my fingers into his body. Then I pressed my thumbs on either side of his spine. I dropped my shackled hands, and pressed my body into his back, relishing the warm water and contact with his body. The occasional loud noise from the water hitting the hood served as a distraction from this peaceful moment, but other than that, I didn’t mind the hood right now. I felt Master turn around.

“Take a step back and kneel slave”

He helped keep me steady and down to my knees. My pulse quickened. Had he read my mind?

“Time we worked on some watersports, slave. Now open”

I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and waited. After a moment, I heard a new stream hitting the hood, then the stream made its way to my mouth. While I wasn’t a stranger to drinking Masters piss, I always take a second to get used to the taste. I swallowed as best as I could, allowing some to spill over my body. We were in the shower after all.  Eventually the stream finished and I felt Masters hands lift me up and pulled me into the shower stream again.

“Good slave. Getting better! Soon you will be drinking straight from the tap without spilling!”

I heard him mess with some valves and then the muffled sound of the shower shot starting again. Crap. But I knew better than to protest. After every shallow flush of my hole, he would help me to the toilet and back to the shower. He then proceeded to soap me down and then rinsed my body. I was grateful when he  helped me out of the shower, dried himself off, then used his towel to dry me off.

“Let’s get you back in the cage for your meal time and some quiet time before I set you up in the gimp sack while I work”.

I groaned. The gimp sack was always a struggle for me. The latex sack is thick, and doesn’t give much. The pressure on the arms is usually what make me start to beg for freedom, or the overheating if I am crawling around too much.

Master chuckled.

“I know, I know. But I have a few quick meetings online, and would like to have you curled up at my feet, slave. You are my bondage pet after all, and in time we will get you used to longer periods of bondage. In fact, I think you should be thanking me slave…”

“Yes Master. Thank you Master”, I replied quickly. There was a subtle sharpness in his voice with the last sentence, and I know I don’t want to push my luck. As much as I admired my Master, I equally feared him and his sadist side.

“Good slave”, and he patted my hooded head. “Get down now, back into the cage”

In a matter of 5 minutes, I was locked back in the cage and eating yet another bowl of pasta salad and more water to drink.

I waited, and waited, but it was clear that Master was busy with something. I curled up in the cage, trying to adjust the shackles so they were comfortable, and rested.

I woke with a big “Thwump” on the padded floor in from of my cage.

“Look at how comfortable you are getting in my cage slave! Good slave!  That will be your safe space and home while under my roof, more and more. My meetings will be starting soon! Let’s get my pet ready!”

More and more? My sub mind perked up! That means he still thinks of me as worthy enough to continue training me.

He pulled me quite roughly from the cage, kept me on all fours, and proceeded to unlock the shackles. He then pushed the sack close to me.

“Hop to it slave! Time is ticking. Let’s get you into the gimp sack.”

This thing was the bane of my existence. Limbs folded on each other, attached hood, 1mm rubber all seemed like a great idea when I ordered it, but the reality of the sack was that it just makes me suffer. I just had to trust that Master knew his meetings weren’t going to be too long. I then sensed Master get down to floor level next to me, helped lube me up, and guided me into the sack, first starting with the bent knees, then squeezing the feet into the pouch, then elbows. Next the tug to pull the latex enough to get the hood ofer my current one, and then felt the zipper being pulled up. With great strength, Master then scooped me up, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me into the other room. Then, a quick movement that felt like falling, then a slow movement, and felt myself landing on pillows.

“You’re under my desk slave. I was lying when I said meetings. Just have the one that will take about 45 minutes to an hour. I know that is your max. Trust your Master, slave.”

It just whimpered into the hood, then felt Master’s feet on me. I quickly rolled to its side, and since I had no hands to grab, I curved my body and torso, bent as much as possible to try and cuddle Masters feet. While neither of us are into foot worship, I was just so desperate to have some kind of touch or contact with Master. I just settled into the pillows and tried to replay some of my comfort songs in my head to try and cope with what I knew was coming. Sure enough, about 45 mins in, my right elbow really started aching. Master was still on his call. As any long term bondage lover knows, there is a point of and ache where you can handle it, but then, a switch gets flipped and you will do anything to get out. I had to keep myself from getting to that point.

I tried shifting my weight. Then rolling on my back. Then getting onto my front. I heard the Master click his fingers, which meant I must have been making too much noise. I started to freak out. The rubber was becoming too much, the arm aching so badly. But I didn’t want to mess things up with Master! I started to breathe faster and faster, silently freaking out. All I could hear was the sound the air passing through the nostril holes, and I started getting overheated.

“Hour and five minutes slave! One more second and you will be out of that. Good slave! I knew I could trust you not to make a scene.”

“Please Master, please Master, it can’t take it. Need to stretch the arm, please Master”

I felt the zipper open, hood pulled down, and then my right arm freed. I screamed in pain and relief, and collapsed into the pillows, blubbering “thank you Master”

I had drifted off to sleep again, half out of the sack, face down on the pillows under Masters desk. I just laid there still, enjoying the tapping sound of Master on his computer keyboard. I quietly lifted myself up, and Master took notice!

“Ah! Slave is awake again. Guess your mind is finally being taxed.” He chuckled. “Let’s get you back to cage and fed, bathroom break, and then into the bondage chair again. Alpha and I have a busy afternoon between work and then the dinner party we are having! Can’t wait to show off your training, kneeling at my feet while we eat! I know you will make me proud.”

Yet again, the routine started; back into the shackles, quick meal of pasta salad in the cage, and a quick shower and clean out. Before long, it was strapped back into the bondage chair, straps keeping its arms and legs spread wide, and one across the forehead kept its head immobile. Master had placed noise canceling headphones over the hood, and started up a few hypno tracks to help me pass the time.  It felt Master’s fingers apply lube to my hole, and a plug was inserted. After a few moments, I started to feel a slight tingle, which started to get stronger. My dick grew in the cage, and I moaned in frustration. Master then secured a gag in my mouth. I could feel a breathing tube in the gag, which meant I would be here for a while, and drooling all over myself. I hate that.  I felt him pull away one ear of the headphones.

“That’s what I was looking for slave. Going to leave you here for a bit, but don’t worry. You know we will be checking in on you now and then.”

Master patted my cheek, replaced the ear of the headphone, and I was left blind, gagged, and deaf to the outside world.

Not sure if I fell asleep or not. The mind just drifted in an out before relaxing, random thoughts, and quiet. I felt the headphones being removed from my head, and heard Alpha’s voice

“Hey slave! Matt is busy with our guests, but he asked me to release you. Everyone will be sitting down to eat soon, so I am to guide you to your position by the table for the time being.”

I felt the straps being removed, and then the electro power being turned off. I waited to be guided out but then felt the plug pulsating again.

“There we go. Wired you up to the portable unit!”

Heard him chuckle. He then undid my gag.

“Thank you Alpha”

Felt him rub his hand on my head.

He then helped me out of the chair and into the middle of the room, where he applied leather restraints, and then guided me out. After walking me over to the dining table, he pressed my shoulders which I took to mean to kneel.

“Good slave. Now stay here, and don’t speak unless spoken to, nod if you understand”.

I nodded.

He patted my head again, and I heard him walk away. And then I waited.  After about 20 mins, heard the guests walk in and take their seats. Heard drinks being poured, conversation going, people laughing. Occasionally, Someone would rub my head, which I assumed was either Master or Alpha. Eventually, I heard the clink or silverware and noticed the smell of food, and I heard Alpha present his dishes: watermelon feta salad, and fresh made pastas, scallops, and more.

“Slave. I am going to push a dish down in front of you. Eat up. This is all you will be having tonight. You may reply”

“Thank you Master. Very grateful!”

I then felt Master press my head down and forward till my nose nudged a bowl. Sure enough, pasta salad. Getting really tired of pasta salad. But I ate it in silence. Once I finished, I sat back up, and then felt Master wipe its mouth. I nuzzled my head into his hand. Master then guided my head to his leg, where I rested my chin for the remainder of the dinner. Master rested his hand on my hooded head, and I felt a warm tingle that has nothing to do with the plug that was still firing away. I allowed my head to float, and occasionally heard snips of Master saying “my slave…” now and then, which made my dick twitch in the cage. I have been hoping to wear his collar, but we also haven’t discussed anything. Eventually the dinner came to an end, and heard the chairs being pushed back.

Master whispered in my ear: “I enjoyed having you kneeling by me, slave.  But now, I am going to demonstrate my violet wand on you with a few of my guests. They haven’t seen one before. I need you to know this is not punishment.”

“Yes Master” I said in a shaky voice. I didn’t like where this was heading. I have only faced the wand a few times in my past, and every time, it was just pain. But I knew my Master wouldn’t put me in harms way, but still, I knew there was no real way to make that thing pleasurable.

Master lifted me up, and guided me back into the playroom. I leaned into his body as he removed my restraints. For a moment, we stood there together and I rested my head against his chest. I felt him kiss my hooded head. He then pushed me backwards into the chair. The electro was unhooked, but the plug remained. Felt the straps then secured over its head, arms, and legs, keeping it exposed. I started sweating from nerves. I didn’t want to fail Master, but I was nervous as hell. I then felt a large gag being pressed into my mouth, so I opened my mouth to accept it, hoping this would be over soon.

I started feeling multiple hands on my body, and I felt my heart rate quicken, waiting for what was to come. I heard Master open the box, and explain some of the attachments. “This won’t hurt as much as there is more surface to conduct” and “this will focus the whole current through this one point”. I just held myself still, waiting for what was to come, while listening to Master explain more of the concept, and then I jumped when I heard the wand fire up. “Slave is a little jumpy! Don’t worry slave, we are going to try it on each other first so they can feel it before to use it on you!”

For an eternity, they played with each other. It just waited, blind and gagged, for my suffering to start. I heard their jumps, and yelps, and ooohhs and awes. Finally Master turned his attention to slave.

“Since we tried the basics, why don’t we try some on the slave? Start with this one…”

Zap! I jumped and groaned into my gag as I felt the charge go through my nipple.

“Oh yes! One thing I find helpful, is to first touch the spot or trace the path you will take with the tool with the power off, then do it again with the power on.  That way he knows where to expect it.”

I then jumped again, as I felt the glass tip against the other nipple, then heard the wand fire up, and groaned again as the zap hit the same nipple.


Over and over, they played with the glass tip all over my body. Balls, and, inner thighs, nipples. Every now and they turned it up as I got less jumpy.

“And now, boys, I will show you my favorite tool. It is a metal pad that I can rest on my skin, which then allows me to become the tool”

I jumped and squirmed as Master danced his fingers just above my chest, and felt the little little charges jumped to my skin. Masters guests laughed with excitement. A few times, he would bring his index finger just above a nipple. I would grunt and pull at the restraints when the spark touched the nipple.

“And now I will show you a tool if you are feeling particularly sadistic…”

I squirmed. I didn’t like where this is going. Even after all this time with Master, he is still full of surprises. I think that is why I am so drawn to him. Never really know the whole deal. Just have to trust him. I heard one of the friend squeal in delight. My heart sank a little.

“This, boys, is called a wartenberg pinwheel. Normally it will make a slave squirm by itself. But, with my body acting as the conduit between the wand and the wheel, I can pass the electricity though these tiny spiked points, one at a time, while I run the wheel across his body.”

I moan and squirmed as I felt Sir trace the wheel across my chest, the pins slightly painful. I was dreading what came next. I heard the violent wand fire up, and braced myself.

I roared into the gag! It felt like my skin was being cut open.  And then again. And then again. I was yelling and thrashing. Sir then repeated the tracing the powered up lines down its legs. Sides of its body. Above its dick. What was only a few minutes felt like an eternity. I was moaning and shaking in the chair. I didn’t even notice Sir turning off the wand and putting it away, I was breathing so hard around the gag.

“Why don’t you guys head back to the party. I am going to help this slave get ready for bed. I’ll be rejoining the party shortly.”

I heard the others leave. Master rubbed my head for a while. I cherished the feeling of his firm fingers on my skull, lulling me into the safe subspace. Afterwards, he undid the restraints, helped me out of the chair, and then to the bathroom. After supervising my restroom trip, he handed me a pill and a bottle of water.

“This is NyQuil slave. It’s been a long day and tomorrow will be the end of your session. I want to make sure you are well rested for the morning.”

I responded “yes Master”, and swallowed the pill and some water.

He then guided me back to the playroom, helped me kneel, reattached the shackles, and then pushed me into the cage.

“Sleep tight slave”.  I heard him go across the room and close the door. Shortly after, I fell asleep to the amazing l sound of Master laughing with his friends.


That leads me back to the present time. Just waiting in the cage for Sir. I can’t wait to get this hood off. I wonder how long it will take my eyes to adjust after being in the dark for so long.

Eventually I hear the door open and Master comes in. I feel him reach into the cage and he undoes my restraints, and with some loud banging, pulls them out of the cage.

“Well slave. Good job on remaining hooded for so long. But, it’s time we have a serious discussion. Your hands are free, so please remove the hood. I have the lights level very low so it shouldn’t take much for your eyes to adjust. We will gradually turn up the light for your eyes to adjust. But as that happens, we need to talk.”

My heart sinks. He sounds so serious. With shaking hands, I unzip the hood, and peel from my face. The fresh air on my damp skin feels so good. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to open them just yet. After about a minute, I slowly open them, worried about what I might see.

I look through the bars and I see Master looking into my eyes.  My tummy does a nervous flip. I lower my gaze and see his hands. He is holding a heavy silver lock and chain in the right hand, and in the left, some papers which I can just barely make out the words “slave contract”.

Metal would like to thank the author, boyryan54, for this story!

4 thoughts on “The Hood by boyryan54”

  1. Excellent! Well-written! Felt like I was in the slave’s place (so believably written)…and really would have enjoyed having everything (almost) done to the slave. Glad he earned his collar!

  2. Oh my word!
    That was an intense read and it felt so real. Got my imagination going.
    I will share this with my pup friends. Hopefully someone will take pity on me and subject me to something similar, hehe.

    Thank you BoyRyan54!!

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