A Few Hours of Suffering

By keepmetiedup

They say “write what you know,” so here’s a short story that actually happened to me (with just a teeny bit of embellishment). This story contains descriptions of breath control, some CNC, and pain.

At breakfast this morning, I noticed my jaw still ached when I started to eat my toast.  Later, in the shower, the hot water made my nips hurt again.  When I looked in the mirror, I saw the black and blue marks across my back and ass.  All souvenirs of a good time suffering for a demanding top three days ago.

I visit my family every few months and I often try to schedule a play session before or after my time with my family.  Sometimes, it doesn’t work out.  On this trip, however, I succeeded in setting up a date with a trusted top I had visited many times before who is into pain, cbt, bondage, and – yes – breath controI.  I went over to his place.  We chatted about limits and preferences, and I told him I was interested in playing a bit more with breath control.  I reminded him that I hadn’t visited him for about two years, and he said that he would have to punish me for not coming to see him again sooner.  I smilingly agreed that he would indeed need to punish me.

He told me to strip down to my birthday suit, to go into the next room, and to wait for him with my hands behind my back and my head bowed.  Naturally I complied.  The second room was quite dark and without my glasses on, it was hard to see anything.  I waited.  Eventually, I heard him walk up behind me and he slipped a blindfold on.  Now I couldn’t see anything at all.  I heard him walk around in front of me.  He told me to present my arms to him.  He attached what felt like leather cuffs to each wrist and he fastened these together in front of me with what I’m assuming was a short length of rope.  He didn’t ignore my nips.  He clamped each one with something snug and secure.  I never did see what they were, but they did their job and hurt.  He guided me around the room to a different position.

Then he took my bound wrists and lifted them up over my head to attach them to something, which naturally shot some pain through my nips as my arms were lifted.  Next, I heard a cranking sound and my arms were slowly pulled up until they were stretched snugly above my head.  He grabbed my balls and gave them a long tug.  I moaned from the pleasure and the discomfort.  I felt him start to wrap my balls and cock with what I later learned was some sort of long rubber cord.  Really tight.  I mean painfully tight.  I moaned some more.  I heard more cranking sounds and my arms were pulled even higher.  When I started to make a bit more noise than he seemed to want, he told me to keep quiet.  Well I tried, but when he stretched me so much I had to go on tiptoe, I cried out.  Next thing I know, he has shoved a penis gag into my mouth and strapped it behind my head.

He leaned in close and spoke softly in my ear, as he tweaked the clamps on my nipples.  “Hurts, doesn’t it?”  All I could do was whimper.  “Good.”  Another cranking sound and my arms were pulled up just a bit more.  My shoulders and upper arms were now beginning to hurt and I could feel the cuffs beginning to cut into my wrists.  Of course my cock was rock hard and straining at the tight bondage.  To my dismay – and joy – he put his hand on my throat and started applying some light pressure.  Then a bit more.  Here I was: practically dangling from my wrists, my toes just barely supporting me, by cock and balls tied painfully tight, gagged, and blindfolded.

The hand at my throat tightened more, choking me.  With his other hand, he grabbed my balls and squeezed hard.  The pain was awful, but with his choking and the gag, all that came out of my mouth was a kind of gurgle.  Did my cock deflate?  Of course not.  I was getting hornier by the minute.  He released both my neck and my balls at the same time, but the relief was just momentary.  He used both hands around my neck to strangle me.  I could feel the pressure building in my head as his hands gripped me mercilessly.  I was gasping and whimpering at the same time.  Then he let go and I coughed and gulped in air.  A minute later, he had one hand on my neck choking me forcefully and the other hand swatting at the clamps on my nipples.

He asked me “Have you had enough?”  I nodded my head and tried to say “yes” through the gag.  I guess he understood me, because he replied “Well, too bad.  I told you you needed to be punished.”  He resumed strangling me, applying pressure to my balls, and torturing my nips.  Alternating randomly.  Every now and then he gave my hard cock a good smack.

Eventually, he must have seen I was getting weaker.  He stopped all his torments.  I heard some cranking sounds again, but this time, I was lowered.  First I was off my tiptoes and my feet were firmly on the floor again.  Then my arms came down slowly.  My arms complained, but the relief was good.  He untied my wrists but left the cuffs on.  He allowed me to flex and stretch my arms for a moment or two.  Carefully, he guided me to a bed and told me to lie down on my stomach.  He helped maneuver me into the right place on the bed (I was still blindfolded).  I was facing down, but I propped myself up a bit because of the tit clamps and bondage on my cock and balls.

I felt him get on the bed.  “I said lay down” he commanded.  So I gently tried to do what he told me, but the tit clamps were in the way.  He lay down on top of me and his weight pushed me fully onto the mattress, sending brand new pain into my nipples and balls as they were crushed under me.  I gasped into the gag.  With his whole body essentially immobilizing mine, he grabbed one wrist, pulled it out to the left, and locked the cuff to something at the upper left corner of the bed.  Then the same with my right wrist.  He got off me just long enough to attach cuffs to my feet and secure them to the lower corners of the bed.  I was spread-eagled facing down.  He lay back down on top of me.  His renewed weight again painfully ground my nips and balls into the mattress.

He sat up for a moment and next thing, he struck my ass with what felt like some sort of wooden switch.  I yelped in surprise.  “I said be quiet.” He hissed at me.  He struck me again on the ass.  I grunted as quietly as I could.  He resumed hitting my ass, somehow finding the same couple of spots over and over again.  The stinging pain increased and I struggled to be as quiet as I could.

He stopped after a few minutes of this.  Suddenly, I felt something more blunt hit my back between my shoulder blades.  I have no idea whether this was wood, rubber, or something else, and I have not idea how large or small it was.  But it hurt.  He repeated hitting me with this new object.  At first it was more surprising to be hit, but quickly enough, it became painful and the pain increased as he kept hitting me.  There was no way for me to escape his strikes.  I bit down on the gag to keep myself quiet, but whines and whimpers leaked through.  “Now, I’m going to hit you 10 times in the exact same spot.”  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – I counted off each number out loud as best I could through the gag.  At 9, I added a garbled “thank you Sir” and at 10, I counted the number and again said “thank you, Sir.”

He lay down on top of me, again grinding my clamped nips and bound balls into the mattress.  He reached around with his right hand and clamped it over my mouth and nose.  This action pushed the gag further into my mouth and cut off my air!  A few seconds ticked by and I started to struggle a bit.  He removed his hand.  “Good” he said.  “We’ll start with a count of 10.”  He put his hand again over my mouth and nose, sealing both closed.  I could feel his hard cock in my ass crack!  He counted to 10 slowly.  Since he had given me a little warning about the count, I could hold my breath a bit, so it wasn’t too bad.  He removed his hand so I could breathe again.

“Now to 11.”  He closed off my air again.  The count to 11 took a little longer.  Then 12.  Then 13.  Each time, he held his hand over my mouth and nose with a vice-like grip.  By the time we got to 14, he slowed his count and this prolonged my suffocation even more.  During the count to 15, his hand slipped just enough for me to gasp in a little bit of air.  When he heard that, he really doubled down on his hand’s pressure over my mouth and nose – and he paused for a loooong time when he got to 14 on his way to 15.

“I was going to stop at 15, but now you’re going to have to go to 20.”  I moaned.  He gripped my face, covering my mouth and nose and he held them like this for a few seconds before he started counting.  By the time he got to 15, I was whimpering and trying to shake his hand loose.  Of course it didn’t work and I could swear his cock felt even harder.  The count to 16 was just as hard.  When he let me breathe, I was heaving air in as much as possible.  He delayed the count to 17 for a few seconds before starting to tick off the numbers.  I couldn’t believe it – he actually counted off 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 much faster.  But the pause between 14 and 15 was so long.  Same thing before he said 16.  I was really trying to inhale, to shake him loose, to do anything for air.  He finally pulled his hand away at 17.

“Now for 18.”  I tried to say no, I couldn’t do it.  But of course the gag didn’t make much sense of my words.  Needless to say, 18 and 19 were so hard to manage.  My whimpering and whining had no effect on him.  When he clamped his hand over my nose and mouth for 20, he just held me there – and he only started counting when I began to stir under him.  We got to the halfway point OK, but as he started say 11, 12, etc. I was almost at my wit’s end.  I whimpered, umphed, whined, thrashed, shook, anything to get some air.  At 19 and 20, I was practically screaming into my gag.  My lungs were exhausted from futilely trying to inhale.  Finally, he let go.  I sucked in air at last.

He untied my arms and legs.  I was so weak, it was easy for him to flip me over and tie me down spread eagle on my back – still gagged, blindfolded, nips clamped, and cock and balls trussed up.  I sensed him moving around.  Next thing I know, he applied what I gathered was a clothespin on the underside of my upper arm.  Another and another joined the first.  And another and another.  I lost count.  He repeated this on my other arm.  Of course these hurt, but my cock was straining in its bondage, it was so hard.

He lay next to me and started stroking my cock.  I practically came immediately because I was so horny.  “No” he said sternly.  “You may not come until I give you permission.  Trust me, if you come before I tell you to, you will really regret it.”  He started stroking me again.  He was a good judge of body language and succeeded in stopping every time I go too close.  The edging continued for some time.  I begged.  I pleaded.  He ignored all my entreaties.  I couldn’t take it and started to cry from frustration and agony.  “I like it when you cry” he said.  At long last, he gave me my wish and permitted me to come.  Apparently, he came at the same time!  Wow.

We lay quietly for a while.  Eventually, he undid my arms and legs.  Removing the clamps from my arms and nipples – as well as the really tight bondage from my cock and balls — gave me new spasms of pain, but what a sweet price to pay for such delicious suffering!

Metal would like to thank the author, keepmetiedup, for this story and welcome him to the prison library!

Liam Skye worships Devin Franco

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