Category Archives: Story

Troy’s Side of the Story

By Collector2

This story is the sub’s side of “Plans for the Weekend

I’ve been fascinated by the leather lifestyle and bondage for quite some time.  Unfortunately the few guys that I have gone out with have had no interest in it.  So I decided to try going to a leather bar I had heard about.  My first thought was “I don’t want to stick out” so a quick trip to the local B & D store saw me outfitted with leather pants and a harness.  I must confess that, even thought that is a fairly tame outfit, I felt uncomfortable in it.

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Plans for the Weekend

By Collector2

As I sit here, my back to the wall, I carefully survey the bar. I have very special plans for this weekend but they require the participation of the “right” candidate. So far no one suitable has caught my eye. Dressed in full leathers with a latex shirt I know I present an imposing figure. Very few even dare to approach me, which is the way I like it.

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By Jackson Amacher

I’m not an expert in paintball, but I had played a few times before. My friend Jonas knew that, so he invited me on a game at a famous site in western North Carolina with a couple of his friends, and

I agreed to go along. We drove out there Friday after work, doing about 90 in Jonas’ new Ford Explorer. There was the two of us, plus three other guys Jonas knew.

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Stud Farm

By Catdude

A sharp buzz roused me out of my sleep, grey concrete walls were the first thing to welcome me back to the world of wakefulness; that and, of course, the thick steel bars. I stretched out, the thin mattress on the floor was only slightly better than nothing at all, which was the price I would pay for disobedience.  I reflected on this as I stretched, every muscle ached, but I was used to that now, the dull throbbing pain had become just another part of my everyday life.

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Caped Captive

By Straitjacketed

Constable Jim Johnstone put down his book and sighed inwardly.  He was bored: bored with the rain drumming on the tin roof of the tiny two-man watch hut, bored with the task he’d been allotted – sitting night guard on one of the more remote Royal Canadian Mounted Police supply warehouses, which had been broken into in recent months – and, most of all, bored with having to play nursemaid to Hank.

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The Craftsmen — The Final Chapter

By Marknorth

Almost 7 months had passed since Roger was locked up in his suit.  The longest that I had kept him in it was about 12 days.  Then the suit was removed and he was allowed to shower, get all of his hair removed, “relax” in his solitary cell for a few days – then he was locked back up.  I varied the duration that he was in the suit and the time he was out to keep him off balance.  After a few of these cycles he had become very compliant and did not struggle against my guards when it was time to be locked back in.  While he was locked in the suit I enjoyed taunting him from time to time.  I never knew exactly what I was going to say when I picked up the mic from the monitoring console, but something always came to me.  These mind games were an important part of his imprisonment (for me anyway).

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Kangaroo Court – Part 3

By PrisonCub

I was guided into a concrete block room with a cubicle made of the same metal as the toilet in my cell.  A black phone receiver was connected to a metal cord that fed into the wall.  A shelf stretched across the cubicle and in the middle of the shelf was a metal ring that was bolted to it.  On the floor directly under the shelf was another metal ring except this one was bolted to the concrete floor.

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