James — 2024 Update

By Thunder

Note: This is an update from a long-standing story by Thunder. To start at the very beginning, click for Part 1.

It’s been over five years since I updated this story, so I hope you will remember me. You know how it goes though, you wake up and think, “today is the day I am going to write an update” and then your head hurts, or a ball bounces by, or, in my case, your husband refuses to take off your paws so you can type while telling you that dogs don’t choose when and when they are not human, at least not anymore.

So a really fast summary update, and then I will go into more detail. It’s 2024, I am almost 58 years old now, and I have been married to Alan, husband, trainer and owner, for almost 30 years. For the past six years, my husband’s boyfriend, Todd, also my trainer and theoretical owner, has also lived with us, with me being the unofficial cuckdog throughout this time.

When we last left you, Alan, Todd and my business partner, Mike, had invested in a training facility in southern Georgia/South Carolina, and that was going well and being run by them with Mike’s son, Cody, working there as an almost full-time dog. Business was good initially, and, luckily for us, an affluent Master from Wyoming was so enamored by the facility after they trained his ex that he decided he wanted to stay and offered an amazing buyout of the rights and property to all three partners in February of 2020, and the sale closed on the 28th of that month. Todd rejoined the police department, and Alan reinvested in his restaurant, while Mike just kept doing what Mike did, which was running our now downsized company, though my daily duties were almost nil as I was already semi-retired. Cody, surprisingly, was quite taken with the “cowboy Master” and decided he was very happy and stayed at the facility full time, which was actually quite good for him.

Now, in 2024, things look almost the same, except that I retired fully in 2021 after Mike unfortunately passed away very quickly due to Covid. We closed out everything in the estate, and Alan and I were beneficiaries and now control a nice account for Cody, should he ever need it. Alan and Todd are well, and I spend almost all the time on fours, almost to the point that walking on twos is painful at first. Cody is still with the Master and his ex, though the facility is now pretty much just a kennel for a few select slaves and dogs when their owners are traveling and has not actually operated as a training academy since right after it was sold. We still see him a few times a year, and he just looks so incredibly happy. His owner restricts his speech, but you can still just tell it’s where he needs to be.

Finally, I added the dates in this story because it’s quite a factor in our lives as Covid, like it did for so so many, changed our lives drastically. Looking back, the timing of selling the facility was incredibly fortunate, though it was an awful time to have just reinvested in the restaurant too.

I will never forget Saturday, March 14, 2020, as that was the first day a public health emergency had been declared in Georgia. That was the first time there was talk of closing the restaurant, and Alan and I talked, and it was decided that he would close for the week, maybe two, and just see what would happen. It was at that time that we had no idea about the full extent of what was coming, and we laughed about the term “social distancing,” thinking that it might turn out to be a good thing and we could just get away from people and it just be the three of us. We both guessed about the length of the lockdown, and that is when I made a stupid agreement with him and pretty much said that, since we would be home together, would he make sure that I stayed in the husband-dog position non-stop until social distancing was no longer “a thing” according to the CDC. Todd came home shortly after that, and all three of us agreed that it would be something new, as we had never had any type of outside “force” to help us determine days on fours and that only emergencies would mean I got dressed, unlocked, and walked on twos.

I thought it might be a month or so but had no idea that it would last until August 11, 2022, two years, five months, and 27 days. I only was in an “upright” mode with full human capabilities for about 10 days total during that period, and every bit of that was to attend to Mike’s affairs, close the business, go to a few medical appointments and, of course, do that awkward covid style burial where everyone stood 10 feet apart in a graveyard and pretended it was normal. Cody and his owner were there, and it was the first time I had seen him upright in years. He did fine and still looked amazing in a suit. We had a toast to his Dad but each laughed about how hard it was to actually hold a glass.

If you will remember, we have our house set up well for me as a dog, all our close friends knew and are comfortable with it, and I am considered a full member of the household. Up until March 14th, I was allowed to participate as a husband, have conversations, and decide when and if I was in full dog mode (most of the time) and life was great. It still is, but on March 15th that changed to a degree.

It was Sunday morning, the first day of lockdown. I woke up that morning in my kennel that is quite large at the foot of Alan and Todd’s bed, my former bed. The door is always left open so I can come and go into it as needed, so I woke up, went outside through the “James door” (aka a large dog door) that led to the enclosed outside area where years ago Alan had installed a shower, sanitation, and all things controlled by push valves and water flow. Tails had always been important to Alan when we were around people, but for the most part I rarely had mine in at home because of the practicality of it, which allowed me to completely take care of my hygiene with just my chain collar, titanium cock cage, and rubber like neoprene paws and kneepads on, aka my uniform, that Alan or Todd had fitted me with.

I went outside, did my thing, showered and was on my way back in where Todd met me with my largest tail in his hand. He asked me to turn around so he could install it and then forcefully pushed it in me in a manner that he had not done since the original training days. Fuck it hurt, but I remember thinking it was hot, though I was a bit worried but just a bit. After he installed the tail I went to go into the kitchen, where Alan usually had a bowl of coffee for me, but Todd told me to go to me kennel and he followed me into the bedroom and, when I was situated, locked the kennel door, something that had not happened in years. I thought we were in for a fun day, and my cock pushed against the cage also thinking that maybe, just maybe, they would let me out to orgasm, though I knew better because the year ended with a zero, which meant zero orgasms for me as I patiently waited for my one next year (which coincidently came on December 31st, 2001, followed by two on January 1, 2022, ending that year all in one day.)

I settled in and wondered while smelling an amazing breakfast cooking, which I knew had to be special because we were using up all the food Alan had in stock at the restaurant. At some point I realized it was taking a long time and then finally Todd came in, unlocked the door and told me to go eat and that my bowl was waiting. I was right, the food was amazing, even in bite-sized pieces, but there was no coffee in my bowl, just water. The two of them had eaten without me, another something odd, but I finished and crawled into the living room where they were, thanked them for breakfast, and then politely inquired about where my coffee was. It was then that Alan started to talk, but Todd cut him off, opened a drawer and produced a small but effective gag and inserted it into my mouth and locked it with a padlock on the tab in front. I must have looked horrified, but they told me to sit and they would explain.

Like a good dog I sat and Todd said: “James, we are very thrilled that you agreed to be in full dog mode during lockdown, especially not knowing the duration. Remember, you asked for this. We don’t think it will be too long, but we decided that we’d step it up during this period, and, while you are still loved as a partner and your opinion counts as always, we have decided to take away your voice and some other basic cuckdog functions during this period, just for our fun and for yours as well. So, during this period, you will not speak unless allowed by us. To help you remember this, you will be gagged for a few days when not eating, so you can acclimate to this basic function again. You will communicate silently, since we have always agreed that men don’t bark. Also, no more freedoms like an unlocked cage or being able to walk leash-free in the yard. Dogs don’t have those freedoms, and neither will you during this time. Alan and I will be leaving the house, and when we do you will be in the big kennel inside or the dog run outside if the weather is agreeable. Also, on business days you can see your phone and email for 15 minutes every hour of the business day, though we will show you the message and reply for you. If voice is needed, you will be allowed that right, though the paws will stay on in most instances. Of course, regular cage cleanings will happen twice a week and your paws will be changed daily or multiple times if wet. And, finally, the tail is 24/7. You know how to alert us when it needs to come out and that will always happen, but when you are done and cleaned it will immediately be reinstalled. Do you have any questions? I hope not, because we are not letting you ask them. Now, it’s 70 degrees, so go outside and think about this. We will come get you later. Again, remember, this was your idea.”

Fuck, this was hot and intimidating. I have been a dog for 15 or so years now, so this is nothing new and we have had times like this in the past that have lasted a weekend or two, but the unknown was making me feel like a new puppy again in some ways, yet also making me fall in love more and more with these two. Fuck, I wondered how long it would go, but I turned around, crawled through my “James door” and then, as I heard the lock click, knew I was in for something more.

Luckily, it’s just a few weeks. Surely, just a few weeks.

Metal would like to thank the author, Thunder, for updating this story!

To read the previous part, click here

To start at Part 1, click here

Also check out a related series: Rex: A James Story

male bondage fantasy stories Sodomy Squad

10 thoughts on “James — 2024 Update”

  1. First off sorry to hear about mikes passing. I’m glad to see an update to everything and everyone for the past few years.

  2. So glad that these tales (tails?) are being revived and pup is keeping its paws crossed that will be many more episodes.

  3. Thunder, it’s a delight to see an update from you! Much sympathy to you and your extended family for Mike’s loss.

    I am very much looking forward to reading the continuation. I have a feeling you have the best – um, worst? – most unusual, at least! – “how I spent the lockdown years” story of anyone!

  4. Thanks so much for the update – the saga has been very real and the update is great and with an evil twist to the COVID lockdown.

  5. Metal, do you know these guys? I think this is just amazing that it is out here. I once knew a M/F couple where the husband was in the same role as James and I used to love holidays at their house. Thank you for publishing this and hope you have more.

  6. What an amazing update! Sorry to hear of the passing of Mike. But very glad that his son Cody is happy living as a dog slave to his new master. If it wasn’t in the last updates am curious about the how that master trained his “ex” husband, unless ex means it is now a dog too. And wow so hot that you spent all of covid in forced heavy dog mode no speaking and with the huge tail plug in addition to the locked paw mitts

  7. Thanks for sharing your Story. Is there any ways to contact you James? Maybe on fetlife or other platforms. I would be interested to ask a couple questions more to you or to your handlers if that is possible.

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