Side Effects – Chapter 7

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesI shook my head. He just stood there with his arms crossed.

“You said it was worthwhile…”


“Prove it.”

I felt the blood rush from my head, AND from my dick. HE had actually crossed one of MY boundaries; one I didn’t know I had, because this scenario had never occurred to me. Not with him, not with anybody. “This is too much for me,” I muttered. I set the bulb down on the counter and started to leave the bathroom. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

“Liam. I’m OK with this, obviously. Why can’t you be?”

“Dude, it’s SHIT!”

“So it’s not worth it after all?”

“You’re just trying to push buttons now, aren’t you? See if you can reach my limits? Well you have.”

He considered my words. “I figured, guys who are into anal, especially after what you said last night, are just, you know, used to it. Like… like a dad dealing with his kids’ diapers.”

I grabbed the enema bulb and shoved it in his hands. It squirted some water from getting squeezed. “You’re not a kid, I’m not a dad, and neither of us are into that sort of kink.”

Adin looked at me very hard. Then he said, “Liam, would you like me to experience the raptures of prostate stimulation? With a toy, mind you… Probably a small one I guess?”

It’s a trap! I thought, but I nodded.

“Do you want me to try this thing YOU are into SO MUCH that you will do the nasty work, to make it easier for me to try it? Maybe I’m not convinced it’s worth it enough to go to the effort. Maybe I want to see how serious you are.”

My brain started spinning, trying to do some sort of balance sheet with no prices on it. Then, to my own surprise, I found myself digging in my cupboard for a couple over-the-counter single-use enemas. No need to share, uh, personal hygiene tools.

Ugh, that was awkward. Other’s people’s shit smells a LOT worse than mine. It is known.

Then he made me clean MY ass out. Didn’t stay to watch, the coward.

When I came out, all ‘freshened’ up, Adin was digging around in my closet again, and my toy chest was open too. We were really going to play again! This helped me shake off the weirdness of what happened in the bathroom. “Can I make some recommendations?” I asked.

“Nope!” He laid out cuffs, the leather sleepsack, a gasmask, a couple of gags, and the box with my anal toys, one of my other steel chastity belts. Once he was done rummaging, he pointed into the box. “I was wondering, why do some of those plugs have metal attachments on the end?”

I pointed to one kind. “These’re actually dildos. They attach to the chastity belts and can’t be removed by the wearer.” I pointed to another kind. “These are like strap-on attachments that go on the front of the chastity belts.”

He squinted up at the ceiling, then said, “Ahhh! so you can give satisfaction without getting satisfaction!”

I nodded. “Yeah. They came with this brand of belts. I don’t use them.”

“Show me.”

I sighed. I should never have kept those things. It was weird, playing with someone else. He went through my stuff and came up with options and arrangements I hadn’t thought of, or which didn’t quite fit my fantasies. But it occurred to me that I had better learn to be flexible, to say yes more, if I wanted to play more often. Of course with him, it was very hard for me not to say yes.

I picked up the belt from the bed, and one of the dildos. I slid it onto the metal band that ran up the front of the belt. It made an audible click. There it was, sticking out obscenely from the front of the belt. I set it down. Then, on an impulse, I grabbed Adin’s shorts and yanked them down around his ankles. “Hey!” He raised his arms and looked down the way people do when surprised by this maneuver. I picked up the belt again and set it at his feet. Like the one I was wearing, this one didn’t spread open enough to just wrap around the hips. You had to slide it up around the legs, forcing it open enough to go up around the hips.

I grabbed one ankle and pressured him to let me raise it out his shorts and into the belt. He went along with it, then did the other foot himself. I tugged the tube out of the front shield and grabbed some lube from my night stand. A squirt and a wipe and it was ready to go. Feeling much less hesitant now around his body, brought the tube to his cock, which I noticed was getting a bit chubby.

“Dude, you never again get to tell me you are not kinky” I said, as I slid the tube up onto his cock, before his cock could puff up and defend itself. Then I grabbed one of his hands and made him hold his own cock down.

“Dude, I am not kinky.”

“ ‘You will pay for your insolence’ trope.” I slid the belt up from the floor, worked it over his hips, and brought the ends together. The metal is pretty thick, so you have to work to close it up. The ends came together, the post on one end poking through a hole in the other. I selected the hole that best fit on him. Lucky our builds were similar.

“I really don’t think I am. But there’s a sexual charge to this whole thing, isn’t there? These are sex toys, I’m engaging in sex play… and it’s still fun to just be willing to try things.”

“I was kinda thinking the same thing,” I answered, as I brought the shield up to the tube and fiddled the little prongs into the slot that held the tube in place. Then I forced the shield, dildo and all, up to the lock on the belt. I could see his cock had filled the tube and extended a bit past the bottom end. This excited me. With one last yank, without knocking him over, I brought the last piece to the post. Now for the lock. I looked around. I thought I had set it on the bed when I picked up the belt…

Adin tapped me on the head with it. I reached for it, but he raised it out of reach, shaking his head. He could tell I was really disappointed, because he said, “Not just now. It will be worth the wait.”

“Grrr.” I said, standing up.

“Now you,” he said, gesturing at the the other lock-on dildo.

I grinned triumphantly. “Can’t be done while the belt is locked.” Now he’d have to reveal where the keys were…

A few minutes later I was sitting in pitch darkness and total silence. He had made me stuff plugs in my ears, then lace myself into my own sensory deprivation hood. I felt the fumbling and the click as he padlocked the collar shut. Then he manhandled me into a kneeling position by my bed. More fumbling, then I didn’t feel him near me anymore. I tried to straighten up, and discovered the hood was attached to the bedframe. I groped around and verified that it was one of my steel cables, attached with two more padlocks. I like this guy!

Then he was back, and he flipped me around so I was sitting on the floor with my back to the headboard. I felt him unlock the belt, pop the front band off, and of course slide the dildo on. The he locked me back up. I hadn’t seen my cock at this point for about 12 hours…

I was a little disappointed when he released me from the bed and the hood. I had only been helpless for a few minutes. I looked down at the red thing sticking out in front of me. I hated it already. Some experimental tugs confirmed I wouldn’t be removing it without the key. And I noticed he wasn’t wearing his belt anymore. This is what happens when you let other people take control.

Aside from the sleepsack, he had me move all the stuff he had laid out from the bed to my dresser and chair. I still didn’t know if that was for him or for me. To express my wishes, I climbed onto the bed…

“Uttuttutt!” He shooed me off. Hmm.

Adin tucked his feet into the sleepsack and stretched out on it. He had unzipped the sleeves (a customization I had ordered). “Okay, some rules. That and only that in my ass.” He was pointing at the plug on the bed next to him.

I had steered him towards my smallest World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug, which was now sitting on the night stand, next to a condom and some lube. “Don’t gag me or blindfold me. I want to be able to communicate if I’m freaking out.”

I nodded, eager to begin. I was going to put Adin in bondage! But I didn’t understand the toys he had picked out. If he wanted the belt, why was he lying in the sleepsack before I put it on him? Oh well, one thing at a time. At least he had taken the stupid strap-on dildo off of me.

Adin had his eyes scrunched shut and was taking short sharp breaths through his teeth, like he was working up the courage to do something he was afraid of. I said, “Look, Adin if you claustrophobic we don’t need to… ”

He snatched up the canister with his experimental drug from where I had left it earlier. Before I could even react, he planted it on his face and took a deep breath. Then he tossed it aside.

“Like I did to you.” was all he said. His dick was undergoing a remarkable transformation.

I’m afraid I showed him an evil grin. But in my defense, what I said was, “Are you sure about this?”

He didn’t nod. “Ah, shit!… yeah, I want to… know… how different… ”

“I get it.” I crouched down beside the bed, fascinated by his face.

“Watch… the clock… ”

Good point. I glanced over, marked the time.

“Shit!” again.

“You knew this would happen!” I said. I picked up his nearest hand, dropped it. Weird.

“Nnnnnnnng… yeah… but… ”

So the sleepsack was for later, I guessed. No need for it now. I wondered when I should use the plug, then I wondered if I even should. It would be pure torture.

Speaking of torture, I thought, might as well get started. Slowly, hesitantly, I reached out and ran one finger down the length of his shaft. He didn’t move, but he said, quietly, “Oh fuuuu… ”

I had the urge to demonstrate his helplessness to him. Of course he knew exactly how helpless he was. I guess I mean I wanted to demonstrate his powerlessness. I climbed onto the bed and straddled him, up near his shoulders. I lowered my steel-covered crotch toward his face. The look on his face was priceless as his eyes locked on the thing looming unavoidably. I shifted slightly to one side so the metal didn’t squash his nose. Instead his nose ended up nestled between my thigh and my nut. “Still like what my pheromones are saying, Mr. emo-genius?”

“Don’t… ”

I was already discovering the quiet voice with no lungs behind it was harder to read, in terms of emotions. That would make things more challenging. Even as I was teasing him, I was laying out a game plan. Some things would be better when he could express himself better – and when he could shout.

I raised myself, moving up over his head. The drain grill, right over his mouth, dripped.

“Does your emotional cognition work on your taste buds?”

“Please… Liam… ”

I felt a twinge of doubt. Was I just grossing him out, making him hate me? I climbed off of him, laid down next to him so I could bring our faces close. “Was that too weird?” I asked anxiously.

“My dick… you dick” he muttered.

Okay then. I remembered how my cock had consumed all of my attention when the drug came on. It had seemed like nothing else mattered. Not that giving in to the cock’s demands would do him any good.

I grabbed his head and rocked it from side to side, just to show I didn’t jump when he said jump. I was still working on the powerlessness thing. Instead I went for his nipples.

He made some incoherent noises while I circled and pinched. After a minute I stopped, and he said, “… the fuck?”

“I guess yours weren’t erogenous zones before either.”

“… nnnuh.”

I bent down and licked one for a while. He started whining.

I sat up and started to rub his torso, from shoulders on down, slowly and sensuously, taking my sweet time to get to his cock, which was pointing at his chin and stiff as a board. A little pool of precum gathered on his belly. I scooped it up and brought it to his mouth.

“Noooo,” he said, but I ignored him. He tasted it, swallowed, then said, “Gay.”

“So gay.”

Eventually I reached his groin. I spread his legs a bit, and caressed his inner thighs, then the sides of his cheeks.

“Please!” he moaned.

“You asked for it!” I said, and I touched one finger to his cock head, just below his slit. I just touched, then took it away. I looked at his face closely. He looked like he was holding back a scream. Slowly his face relaxed and his eyes opened again. He looked frightened.

“Are you sure about this?” I said, “It will be… really, really hard.”

“Do it,” he answered.

I thought about straddling him like he had me, but I didn’t think it would rock his world the same way, and I felt like I need to keep an eye on his face. So I sat on his thighs, his cock close to where mine should have been sticking out, and I lubed up my hands. Remembering his light touch, and how devastating it had been, I kept it very very gentle.

Watching his face was like watching an intense drama. In no time, tears were leaking from his eyes. I paused when he seemed to have difficulty breathing, like I had. Mostly he made incoherent little noises, but the words, “please”, “no”, “fuuuuck”, “can’t”, “stop”, “more”, “Liam”, and “God” were liberally sprinkled throughout. One time, when I thought he was asking me to stop, I stopped. Had he had enough?

“More!” he gasped.

So from then on I let him say whatever he wanted, and I just kept going. I lubed him generously, and I varied strokes, directions, rhythm, whatever came to mind. I let my fingers play his instrument, and his body danced. Yes, he was bucking involuntarily like I had, or trying to. My weight on his thighs held him down.

The whole thing was intensely hot for me too. One of my hands kept trying to get to my cock through the steel band, and my cock tried to burst free and reach Adin’s. I felt just about as hot as I had while still under the full influence of the horny drug. Every so often my back would arch, and I had to maintain enough presence of mind not to do anything that would hurt Adin.

I made it last until the 20 minute mark, then I flopped down beside him. He was breathing in panting gasps, staring blankly at the ceiling. Then he started weeping in earnest.

Something welled up in my chest, and I found my eyes blurring. We had a new bond, a shared near-religious experience. I knew just how devastating his experience was. But he wanted more.

I had decided to wait. I wanted him to be able to provide more vocal feedback before giving him such a new and unusual experience. So I got up and got the water bottle, and gave us a little break.

After drinking, Adin said, “told you… couldn’t… satisfy…”

“Bastard!” I retorted, then did something for him he wouldn’t do for me. With my mouth.

A while later, he wailed loud enough to wake the neighbors, so I slid my mouth off him with a pop. I couldn’t believe it had happened! I had given Adin a blow job!

Adin was gasping hard, but also muttering, “anything… anything.”

I think I knew what he meant, but I couldn’t really help him with that. But the noise he was making meant it was time for phase two, or three, or whatever.

I pushed his legs apart and picked up the already-loaded lube-shooter, a handy gadget that had completely changed my experience of being plugged. First I applied some lube outside, and traced the tip of the shooter around his hole.

“Jesus fuck!” he exclaimed, “What the hell is… nnnnghk!”

He lost his train of thought when my finger gently entered him. I just moved it about a bit, spreading some lube. Then I pulled out and inserted the shooter, squeezing out lube along the entire distance of its travel. Then I pulled it out.

“Was that… my prostate?” he said, with wonder.

“Heh, no.” I set aside the shooter, and unwrapped the condom. It would make the sensation a little less smooth, but I wasn’t going to share anal toys. I unfurled it on the steel plug, then held it up in front of Adin’s face. His eyes tracked it like it was a snake.

“You don’t have to do this.” I said. He looked like he was trying to make up his mind. While he did, I pressed the tip to his ass.

“I… ”

“Just raise your hand if you want me to stop,” I said, and gently pushed.

He sucked in his breath, held it.

“Don’t hold your breath,” I said, “If you are not relaxed, relax.” I figured the drug would make the relaxing issue moot, but just in case…

I kept pushing, slowly, gently. Just as Adin said, “I don’t think I can… ” it was in, leaving just the very slender rubber stem passing through his hole. That’s what made it the world’s most comfortable.

Adin got a faraway look, trying to process a new sensation. If he was like me, his first reaction was rejection, based on the fact that nothing like this had ever happened to him. But he was no doubt also trying to figure out if he was actually in discomfort, or if he was actually getting any pleasure from it. I helped things along by grasping his cock and giving it a couple of strokes. He gasped, then gasped again. I took my hand away.

“Oh God I’m going to fucking cum!” he shouted, though of course he was mistaken. That feeling when the prostate gets in on the action is normally quite hard to resist.

“Breath!” I said, and when he did, I started stroking him again. This time I didn’t stop for a while. Man, I wished I had a plug in me right then.

I’ve run out of ways to describe the noises Adin made. Let’s just say he was worked up.

When I stopped, and he started vocalizing again, it was to say, “I can’t do this! It has to stop! Please, make me cum!”

Even if I had wanted to, that was something I couldn’t help him with. I glanced up at the clock and realized I had to get going with the next step. I pulled the leather sleeves of the sleepsack out from under him and around his arms. “Oh, shit…” he said.

“Yep. I’m serving up the meal you ordered. I did tell you about the kids menu.”

I zipped up one sleeve, then the other. Then I snapped the collar shut beneath his chin. This may seem out of order, but I still had another toy to apply before I laced him up.

His legs were still spread, the base of the plug gleaming below his beautiful sack. I brought them together, then leaned down off the bed to grab my other chastity belt. “Oh, shit. Shit shit,” he said.

No more smoothly than he had, I got the belt worked up his legs and around his hips. There was still the classic problem of the too-hard dick to be resolved, but I set that aside for the moment. I was watching the clock closely, and knew he could become mobile at any moment, so I bent his knees and worked his feet back into the bottom of the sleepsack, then I wrapped the sack around his shins. I started the lacing process with the very long laces, but stopped at his knees and tied it off. That oughta hold him!

I went to the kitchen and prepared an ice pack. When I got back to my bedroom, he was trying to sit up. I stood and watched. It was his idea to get in the sleepsack, so if he wanted to get loose before the job was done, I decided I would let him. But I didn’t think he would succeed, and I didn’t think he really wanted out.

“This is surprisingly comfy,” he said.

“Which makes it good for hours of confinement.”

He flopped back down. Unceremoniously, I dropped the ice pack on his crotch. He yowled in pain. I crammed the bag against him, trying to hurry the process. He tried to squirm away.

A few minutes later, his dick was pointing in the opposite direction. Before snapping the lock shut, though, I went back to my toy box and got out one of the strap-on dildoes, and clicked it into place. Then I clicked the lock.

Adin was looking at me with a sort of pained grin. “You’re digging this, aren’t you?” he said. On an impulse, I bent down to kiss him. He turned his head away. I pulled back, disappointed.

“Shoulda tried that when I couldn’t turn away,” he said. Then he looked confused.

“Shoulda run away in disgust when I rimmed you last night. You did promise.”

Adin squirmed and sighed. “I’m soooo fucking horny right now!”

I went back to lacing him up, closing the sack opening with the dildo jutting out. With the lacing, a leather sleepsack becomes much more confining. You can’t really do the kind of squirming you can do in a latex or neoprene sack. I’ve found that it’s important not to get carried away with the tightening. Even if the wearer asks for it to be extra tight, tighter means a shorter session.

I patted him twice on the chest, and he immediately started struggling. I’ve always enjoyed struggling against my confinement, and I think he did too.

Suddenly he started making surprised yelps. “Oh God no! No no no no no!”

I was alarmed. “What’s wrong? Should I untie you?”

He shook his head, gritting his teeth and making that back-of-the-throat whine. Then I got it.

“It’s the plug, isn’t it? Now that you are moving, it’s knocking and rubbing, isn’t it.”

He nodded, his eyes scrunched shut. His struggles turned to bucking. Instead of fighting to get out, he was now trying to maximize the stimulation.

In an instant, he stopped and asked me, “Am I hurting myself?”

I shook my head, “Not really. Though you might feel it tomorrow. It’s all very smooth and well-lubed”

He started moving, more slowly this time, arching his back and gyrating his hips. I knew exactly the maneuvers he was trying, how they zinged the prostate. Then he arched his back off the bed, as much as the sack would let him, and flopped flat. His head was drenched with sweat. He shook his head and said, “I think I’m losing it.”

“You probably are.”

“Why is it like this? If it feels so good, why can’t I just enjoy how good it feels?”

“And if we want to get off so badly, why do we want this feeling to keep going on?” I noticed I was rubbing my chastity belt again. On an impulse, I reached out and started stroking the black sort-of-phallic-shaped thing sticking out from between the laces of the sleepsack. Adin snorted.

I got some more lube, and I lubed the rubbery shaft. Then slowly and deliberately, I gave it my best hand-job.

Adin’s expression changed, and his eyes didn’t leave my hand, stroking up and down, up and down, with a little swirl near the top. Up and down, up and down. He started panting, and his hips started gyrating again. My hand rode with it, and kept gliding up and down the shaft. Adin shouted, “Oh God, STOP!”… and then he was weeping again.

Remembering what he had done for me when I was in that state, I immediately moved myself so I could put one arm under his head and embrace him, stroking his hair.

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