Tag Archives: About This Site

Holiday greetings from inside the cage

Hey fellow prisoners,

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season.

Thanks to all who have supported the Metalbond site by sending in stories, pictures and positive feedback. Also thanks to my fellow bloggers who kindly link back to me!

And for those who have pitched in to the upkeep of this site by making a direct minimum-security, super-max or life-without-parole payment using the Contribute to Metalbond PayPal button in the sidebar to the right — thanks VERY MUCH for the support! Everything posted on this site is free, but it is not cheap to host and it is certainly time consuming to collate. So thanks for the help.

Many of you are traveling at this time to be with friends and family, and I wish you happy travels and a safe return. Others might simply be enjoying some much-needed “me time” (or getting lots of overtime) — and I hope you too are enjoying the spirit of the season.

If you are lucky, you might have some extra time to surf the net for gay bondage stories, pictures and videos — in which case I hope you visit the Metalbond Prison Library, or you can click through to one of the many pay sites that advertise on Metalbond and treat yourself to a porn site subscription or three.

Keep in mind that patronizing a site like Serious Male Bondage, Dream Boy Bondage or Kink.com is yet another great way to help support the Metalbond site. Especially if you got a new laptop under the tree this year, you will definitely want to load up on some gay bondage videos, right?

Speaking of the Prison Library, there will be LOTS more stories coming in the new year. So keep checking back often. I’m also kicking around some ideas behind the scenes on some enhancements that might make your enjoyment of the gay bondage fiction section even better. Provided you are not locked in chastity of course.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

— Metal (December 23, 2016)

Update on the Metalbond Prison Library

Hey fellow prisoners,

Just an update that there are LOTS more gay bondage stories coming to the Metalbond site. There will be new chapters of some long-running stories — and some brand new ones by long-admired authors, plus some new authors as well. So keep checking back often.



There are a couple important things about the Prison Library to keep in mind, though:

First, for those of you who are into the new “VRansomwear” story by POW, I want to warn you that an upcoming chapter of this series is about to get VERY heavy — in fact, it might be too intense for some readers. This particular upcoming chapter will come with a “read at your own risk” warning, but I wanted to also warn you guys well in advance about this one.

Secondly, I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. For best results, it is recommended that you be locked in some form of restraint, or have someone else locked up, while you are reading stories in the prison library. Handcuffs, leg cuffs, darbies, cages, collars, or chastity devices of any kind — even a simple cup jock — are all acceptable forms of restraint. (The prisoner shown above is properly attired.) This important policy is in effect for everyone’s safety and enjoyment.


Stories to beat off to



Here are some of the many stories in the Metalbond Prison Library:

Keagan Goes Shopping: An Excerpt

An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

Another Bondage Fantasy World Client

Another Bondage Fantasy World Client — Part 2

30-Day Test Subject – The Story Continues

Danny in the Dorm


For those of you who send stories, thank you very much! But please remember to put your author name on the top of the word document. When you send me stories, I save them to my hard drive and beat off to them. But then I go take a shower and start my workday, and by the time I go to post the story on Metalbond, I have forgotten who sent it to me. So, if you sent me a story that I did not post yet, that is probably why.


Three ways you can support this website and keep it going



There are three ways you can support the Metalbond site and keep it going:

1. Patronize the companies that advertise on this site by clicking on the banner ads and buying a subscription to a pay site, or purchase gear from a vendor that advertises here. There are lots of sites to choose from, listed on the Metalbond Links page. When you spend money at these sites, it helps Metalbond!

2. You can make a direct contribution to Metalbond (via PayPal) by using the “Contribute to Metalbond” button in the column to the right, or at the bottom of the column on the right on the About page. The money is for site hosting fees and other administrative expenses. It goes to “Locker Jock,” and you can pick between three options: “Minimum-security,” “Super-max” and “Life Without Parole.”


3. Please link to Metalbond and write about Metalbond on your own website, and on the message boards and chat rooms that you go into. If you have a website of your own, please put Metalbond in your links section! The more web traffic coming here to Metalbond, the better.



Gay bondage stories in the Metalbond Prison Library


Here are some of the many gay bondage stories in the Prison Library:

Tricked and Tickled

Master Piece

A Non-Consensual Encounter

The Weekend Box

Session with the Baltimore Master

Past the Point of No Return

Keep checking back frequently for new bondage fiction.


As always, you can pitch in for the upkeep of this website by clicking on the “Contribute to Metalbond” button in the sidebar to the right.





After the Olympics: Story week in the Metalbond Prison Library

Hey fellow prisoners, if you are like me you have been enjoying the Olympics. It’s been great to watch the men’s swimming and diving, and the men’s gymnastics. Did you catch Danell Leyva’s strip tease on the parallel bars? If not, google it! But closing ceremonies is on Sunday — and that means we will all need something else to do! So, back by popular demand, we will have STORY WEEK here on the Metalbond site.



That’s right, every night next week starting on Monday, there will be a new piece of bondage fiction in the Prison Library. A number of authors have sent in brand new stories, or new chapters of ongoing stories — so get ready to pound your cock to some written-word bondage smut. Provided you are not locked in chastity, of course.

Need to catch up on your reading now? An alphabetical list of stories is here, and a list of authors is here.