Tag Archives: About This Site

Story writer needed

I have an idea for a gay bondage story, if someone wants to try their hand at writing something new for the Metalbond Prison Library. It’s based on something that has been in the news recently. If you are interested in hearing my idea and you are genuinely interested in writing, get in touch with me privately. It’s helpful if you are familiar with VR technology such as Oculus Rift and online communities such as Second Life.

‘Truckbound,’ ‘Hot Young Muscle Stud’ and ‘Leather Bar Encounter’ are among the many gay bondage stories in the Metalbond Prison Library



Click the links below to read these gay bondage stories in the Metalbond Prison Library:


Hot Young Muscle Stud

Leather Bar Encounter


And check out these old favorites:


Closet Trick in a Suit

Half Masked

The Cuffed Squaddie



Plus … check back frequently for even more gay bondage fiction.  

Metalbond mail

Some letters in the in-box recently:

Boi214 writes,

Hello Metal,

I am in search of some guidance. I am having trouble bringing up the topic of bondage to my boyfriend since we have had a bumpy road with the topic. I want to start incorporating it into the bedroom and need some help.

Metal responds,

Hey there, Boi214. You did not say whether you want to tie your boyfriend up, or if you want to get him to tie you up. You also said you have had a “bumpy road” with the topic. Did he have a bad experience at some point? Or maybe you brought up the topic but he said he is not into it? Perhaps he is totally vanilla, while you are kinky? Or maybe he is wildly turned on by bondage, in secret, but he has hang-ups or is afraid?

My advice would be wait for the right moment or opportunity and bring it up again. Tell him what turns you on and what you fantasize about. Also, encourage him to tell you about what HE fantasizes about, which might be completely different from what you might expect.

Show him the Metalbond site, especially if there are particular postings or stories that turn you on, and encourage him to do the same with what gets him going. My hunch is that between the two of you, you’ve got some hot sex fantasies that intersect and you can go absolutely wild at some point.


Callum writes,

I was just wondering how i can get in on this please as i absolutely love the site!!!

Metal responds,

Hey guy. How can you “get in on this”? Well you are in it, mister! But to get the full effect, you really should be locked in something — anything from a chain/padlock around your neck, to handcuffs or leg cuffs or even a chastity device — when looking at the Metalbond site! Or have someone else locked up, if that is what you are into.

Trust me, it’s much better that way.


Anonymous writes,

Hey Metal! You may be happy to know that I slept with my jailhouse locked on — wearing only my red UA boxerjock and my American leg cuffs.

Metal responds,

Good job, prisoner! And you set a good example for other readers of this site by getting into the spirit of things with the proper attire.


Chain writes,

I know I will be locked back up by June 3. Heading to a buddy’s for a weekend of bondage play. He always wants me locked. He likes seeing me locked up tight.

Maybe I will have a solution for long-term wear by then.

Until then, keep up the great work with your blog. It has been one of my nightly stalks for years. I do love reading the stories in the Prison Library.

Metal responds,

Thanks for the update, Chain! Please send more updates and pictures when you can.


Picture and letter from a Prison Library reader

fnor from Recon sent me this picture and a short note.



Hi Metal,

Stories I have wanked to and ejaculated without permission:

  • Edge Device
  • Cop and Dom
  • The Motivator
  • Chastity Game
  • Tied Up and Edged in a Hotel
  • The Yogis
  • Crime and Pubishment

This is just the start of the list.


Thanks, fnor, for the picture and list! Good to see you are in chastity as you explore further.

Always remember, guys, that it is highly recommended that you be locked in something, like handcuffs or leg irons or a chastity cage, like fnor is demonstrating, while reading stories in the Prison Library — or have someone else locked in. Further information on this guideline can be found here.

I am curios to know from other Prison Library readers: Which stories are your favorites, and why? Full alphabetical list of stories here.


Coming soon to the Metalbond site: Lots more gay bondage stories!

Starting tonight (Monday, Feb 15) there will be new gay bondage fiction in the Prison Library each night, though the end of the month.



For more information about the Prison Library, click here.


For those of you who are writing stories, definitely keep them coming! (But please remember that this is a gay site for men, so no more female characters or references! Because girls are yucky.)



End-of-year message to Metalbond readers

Thanks to all of you who follow this website!

2015 was a great year, with lots more excitement planned for 2016. To date there have been more than 4,000 blog postings, and 500 stories in the Prison Library! Currently about 3,500 unique site visitors come to Metalbond every single day, so thanks for checking in here regularly!

And extra special thanks to those of you who send stories, pictures and web links. This stuff is awesome, so please keep it coming!

Speaking of stories, have you noticed we are on a roll lately, and there are lots more stories coming. Watch for newly posted gay bondage fiction to appear regularly in the new year.

I wanted to mention (hint, hint) that there is a “tip jar” on the Metalbond page, at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar column. If you are feeling generous, please consider making a monetary contribution to help keep this site up and running. You can select from three options — “Minimum security,” “Super-max” or “Life without parole.” As you can probably imagine, the Metalbond page uses a massive amount of bandwidth, and I have to pay for site hosting to keep it up and running. I also have to pay my web developer. So whatever you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

An even BETTER way for you guys to support Metalbond, is for you to click through to one of the many porn sites with featured content posted here — sites such as Serious Male Bondage, Bound Gods, Men On Edge, Titan and Dream Boy Bondage, among many others — and buy yourself a subscription. Or, you can click through to one of the gear suppliers — such as Mr S or Sinvention — and buy yourself some gear!

Also check out Bad Boy Bondage – and over at E-Stim Systems, Metalbond readers who use the code “METALBOND” at checkout save 10 percent off their order (offer is good for one time only).

Have fun, guys!

And remember, whenever you patronize one of these advertisers by purchasing a porn subscription or gear, you are actually also supporting the Metalbond site and keeping this all going.