Tag Archives: About This Site

Christmas greetings and goodies

Thanks to all of you guys who sent special holiday greetings for Christmas. I was especially moved by the gay erotic artist RH of Mencomix, who sent me a hand-drawn, fame-worthy card, illustrated with a boot, a cage and a ball and chain — all in his own inimitable style. I won’t post the image here because it is personal, but here is a teaser:



And fellow kinkster Trikoot, who is a guy from Finland into rubber and BDSM, sent a very cool card, showing himself encased in rubber and leather alongside his crotch rocket. As a special touch, he even used the Tom of Finland postage stamp on the envelope.



And a number of guys made end-of-year monetary contributions to Metalbond. I got two “minimum-security” level offerings, and one “super-max.” You guys know who you are, and a big THANK YOU to you all. If anyone else wants to follow suit (“life without parole,” anyone?) — the PayPal button is in the sidebar to the right. Just select your desired amount in the pull-down under “Contribute to Metalbond,” then click on the PayPal link.


Metalbond (hate) mail

Seems that not everyone who visits this site is completely satisfied. Here are some recent emails, followed by my responses.

“I have a love/hate affair with this ver 4 of your site. It does look nicer, however it takes three times as long for a page to load!”

Metal responds: I’ve had a few hiccups with things recently, but the site should be loading much faster now. If you continue to have problems, let me know.


“[Your site re-design] is a fresh cut at the stuff you offer, but you make the advertising level stuff the highest priority and the real reader content level material second level priority.”

Metal responds: Hmmmm, I do try to strike a good balance of content here. Have you noticed there are nearly 400 stories by 80 different authors? And I make no apologies for having ads on this site, or for posting sponsored porn content. Hosting and development costs money (more than just a “few hundred dollars”), not to mention the amount of time I put into the whole endeavor, which is substantial. Plus, I personally LOVE great bondage porn, and I am going to do all I can to publicize all the latest offerings.


“Would love to see some professional English writer assistance on the site. Chat is what we do, and your fiction could really use some English help.” (This comment was accompanied by a “minimum-security” $20 contribution to my PayPal button.)

Metal responds: The funny thing is, I work as an editor for my day job. So I really have no excuse. You are absolutely correct that I need to do a better job of copy editing the stories. And thanks very much for the monetary contribution, which is very helpful, and very much appreciated : )


But not all prisoners are disgruntled. I also received this message, via a very hot-looking, 20-something stud on Recon:

“I wanted to let you know I’m a huge fan. I love your profile, and your website truly is amazing. Thanks for sharing your interests with us to such degree. It helped me grow beyond belief, and it gives young guys a positive outlook instead of thinking of it as a constant taboo. Keep up the great work.”

Metal responds: Thanks! It’s messages like yours that tell me I must be doing something right!


Story week

Did you guys enjoy story week? Which was your favorite entry?

Story week will return probably in the fall, but meanwhile I’ll try to add a new story to the Prison Library every Monday night at 7 pm eastern time. Maybe more than that, but definitely every Monday.

To learn more about the Prison Library and to find out how you can be one of the authors, click here.


The Prison Library now has updated (and improved!) navigation

Hey fellow prisoners, I would like to draw your attention to the new-and-improved page navigation system for the Metalbond Prison Library. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and I must acknowledge tallglassofoj for setting this up! I hope that whether you are a brand new visitor to this site or a longtime follower, that you will check this out under the drop-down menu:


Hover your pointer on Prison Library up there. Now, you can see ALL the stories in three different ways:

STORIES BY DATE lists all the story postings in order of when they were posted, starting with the most recent.

STORIES BY TITLE lists the all the stories ever posted (more than 350 of them so far!) in alphabetical order.


STORIES BY AUTHOR lists all the authors with two or more stories. By clicking on an author name, you’ll see a list of that guy’s stories. (Note that many of the one-time-only authors are listed under Featured Authors, and others with no byline are listed under “unknown.”

Finally, I have added an ABOUT THE PRISON LIBRARY page, listing more information, including policies, as well as some guidelines for authors. Check that tab out, too!



For those of you who are accessing this site via a mobile device, you can get to ALL of this content by clicking on the “hamburger” icon in the top right, and everything will open up for you. Check it out, fucker. In essence, you can now think of the Metalbond Prison Library as your very own ‘personal bondage porn kindle’ — and it’s all accessible to you for free!



When you read something you really like, be sure to leave comments for the authors (and me!) in the comments section.


Once again, a very special appreciation for making this all possible goes to web developer tallglassofoj. He set this all up, he’s a great guy to work with, and I can’t thank him enough.



Metalbond 4.0

Welcome to the newly re-designed Metalbond site. Do you like it? I must give a big thank you to tallglassofoj for his professional web development services. This new look marks the fourth iteration of the Metalbond site. And I am so glad to have this fresh look online, just in time for this weekend’s Folsom Street East block party here in NYC, where Metalbond will be one of the official exhibitors! If you live in NYC or are visiting, be sure to stop by on West 27th Street between 11 and 4 tomorrow, Sunday, June 22, 2014, and say hello in person (more on that below).


I started Metalbond on May 18, 2003, to be exact, on Blogspot, which was the forerunner to Blogger. That original site is still online. Way back then, a friend and play buddy at the time, LTHR EDGE, was doing a project in which he wanted to get 100 people to start blogs, so I figured what the heck and started one of my own, under his encouragement. It was text-only, more of a journal really. Here is what that original site looked like:


Then in 2009, I got more serious about things and started up a new site, hosted by the (now-defunct) Thumblogger free service, complete with lots of pictures and external links. Kristofer Weston, aka Mr. Kristofer, helped me out quite a lot back then, to get started. Sadly, Thumblogger vanished a few years back, but if you go to the WaybackMachine and search for metalbond.thumblogger.com, you can still see that old site, which is surprisingly intact. This is what my old Thumblogger site looked like:


Fortunately, by the time Thumblogger vanished, I had already migrated to paid web hosting, where I have been ever since. It has been a lot of fun running this website as a “side project” (I work full-time). Looking at my back-end dashboard just now, I see that I there are currently more than 2,400 postings here, including more than 340 stories. That’s a lot of jackoff material, ain’t it?

But it’s fun. And through this website, I’ve had the opportunity to meet lots of great guys and have some very cool adventures, including multiple visits to Serious Male Bondage, where I got to be featured in some of their photo shoots and videos. Mark of Serious Male Bondage has been a huge help to me over the years, offering tons of advice and encouragement. Another highlight for me, made possible by Mark, was getting to meet and interview Van Darkholme of Kink.com in person at the Armory in San Francisco. I also got to meet Bind of Men In Chains, and Richard Hunter of Mr S, and Ruff of Ruff’s Stuff, among many, many others. Last year, I was featured in a podcast over at the No Safe Word website, which was great fun, as well. (I haven’t met that crazy pervert Marknorth yet, or Rbbrstorage, but hopefully someday.)

So that brings us to New York City’s Leather Pride Weekend 2014, and Folsom Street East.

I was at the very first Folsom Street East. And the second. And the third … and way too many for me to remember. I was a bootblack back then, and I still have pictures somewhere of me doing that. Folsom Street East was founded by GMSMA, an organization I was involved with at the time. Back then the block party was on West 13th Street, in front of the LURE. Of course now the event is in Chelsea, near the NYC Eagle.


So, be sure to stop by the official MetalbondNYC table at Folsom Street East and say hello. A few of my bondage buddies, including Pisslurper, will be there. We’ll be giving away free T-shirts, which were graciously provided by Master Mike. And we will have some handcuffs and other locking metal gear to try on, if you are brave enough (just ask). And I’m also going to try to do some live blogging from the event, as well. It should be fun. You’ll want to look for the guys in the orange prison jumpsuits.

