Tag Archives: Bind

My Experience Getting Buried Seven Feet Down in a Backyard

By Bind

After months of planning, my friend dug a hole seven feet deep.  The plan was for me to be buried alive in the hole.  I wasn’t sure how he would dig me out, and I wondered why the hole was so deep.  I was starting to wonder if I was going to be buried, or just trapped in the hole and covered with a plywood board or something.  But, knowing my friend and his creativity, I suspected the unexpected.

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Close Calls With Self-Bondage When I Was a Teenager

By Bind

I have had several close calls with self bondage.  It is a very dangerous activity.  Here are four times when I was a teenager when I nearly killed myself by accident, or caused serious damage to myself.


Story 1:  The Dog Chain


We owned the stupidest dog in the world.  It was completely un-trainable.  It couldn’t even learn “sit.”  Every time anyone went into the back yard the dog jumped all over them and sniffed their crotch.

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My Week Locked Up in a U.S. Marshal’s Holding Cell

By Bind

I like all forms of bondage. I have very diverse interests, but my favorite kind of bondage is imprisonment that lasts for days. I have a severe prison fixation that I have had to keep under control. In addition to the prison fantasy, I like role plays where I get to become a convicted felon with no freedom or rights, locked up in a cell.  It is a kind of escape from reality being someone who is not like me, playing the bad guy.  I had done some prison scenes lasting up to three days, but I wanted a longer time in lock up.

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