Check out this gear and brand new cage, built by Redneck Mark:
The cage was built for Jacketed by Redneck Mark — the same fucker who built MY cage!
Check out this gear and brand new cage, built by Redneck Mark:
The cage was built for Jacketed by Redneck Mark — the same fucker who built MY cage!
and ass up in a cage:
Thanks to RUFF for today’s caged men pictures!
Tonight (Wednesday) I had the opportunity to use a chastity device on a NEW play buddy, a guy I just met two weekends ago at the Eagle. So … after I chained this dude by the neck into my cage, I ordered him to beat off without any lube:
After he shot his load on the floor of my cage, I told him I he was not getting released until he put on the chastity device. It took him a while to work his cock and balls through, and it took a bit of coaching and coaxing on my part, but eventually he managed to lock up his junk:
I kept him chained by the neck inside the cage as he inserted his balls and cock into the chastity device:
You may notice in these pictures that we used a plastic numbered lock, not the regular brass lock that came with the device itself. This is because my new bondage buddy has travel plans this coming weekend that will involve him going through airport security, and this plastic numbered lock won’t set off the metal detectors:
That’s right, he is heading out of town for the weekend to play with a serious BDSM top. In anticipation of the trip, this Top Man has ordered that my friend refrain from beating off from midnight tonight. So, thanks to the new cock cage and numbered lock — note that it is No. 081072 — we will be able to verify that his cock will be locked up for the next 48 hours at least. Perhaps longer if Top Man keeps him locked after he gets there. Here are some pictures of my bondage buddy before I sent him on his way (unfortunately I had to take the large chain and padlock off his neck):
We were settled in a remote island, far from our base…
This island was quite isolated, and a desert… Actually we were the only ones on this island, a group of 25 legionnaires, 3 NCOs and an Officer.
We were here to be protect a wide area of sea… Don’t ask details, it was “Secret Défense”…
Days were boring. We had 2 shifts of 12 hours…
A team of 3 was on duty at the top of the hills, where you can have a large view at sea…
Another team of 3 was patrolling up and down the island…
Others were either resting, either working on the settlement for food, laundry, etc…
When not on duty, we were able to go at sea, and swim… it was a paradise on earth for the sightseeing, but it was boring days after days…