Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

The dangers of hitchhiking


Cam, a small-town dude looking for work in the big city, is out hitchhiking when he’s picked up by a man in a Lexus. He doesn’t notice the guy hunched down in the back seat with the bottle of chloroform and a rag. He wakes up in a dark dungeon, where he is stripped, tortured and sexually humiliated. Now his is locked in a stockade and about to be brutally bull whipped up and down his lean, muscular back and ripe ass.

Cam03 Cam09 Cam13

You can see his whole ordeal unfold at Dream Boy Bondage.


Up Your Alley – Part 2

By ty dehner

After arriving home, I am led back to the play space and laid down on a bed. Soon Kevin is putting me into a heavy rubber sleep sack. I struggle a little bit, for I thought it was late and I should be returning to my hotel room. I try to remind him through the gag that keeps my mouth open and continue to drool. He shocks me and talks forcefully into my ear.

Continue reading Up Your Alley – Part 2