Tag Archives: Frock The World

Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 05

By AlphaMetal

Trey was back in his room after a long day of class. It was time to change into gym clothes for his afternoon workout.

Trey sat on his bunk and unlaced the military boots he wore during the day. It felt good to slip off one boot, and then the other, and take a moment to sit on the edge of the bunk in his socks. He liked wearing the boots — they made him feel tough, like he could walk over anything, and he liked the way they gripped the ground, firmly anchoring his body so he could make full use of the strength if he needed to. And, to be honest, he thought the boots looked hot; sometimes he would look down at his own boots during the day and feel… sexy. In fact, before they locked the cage on his cock, sometimes he would drop his pants when he got back to his room and jack off looking down at the boots on his own feet. But while he liked the boots, they were also warm and heavy and made his feet sweat, and so it felt good to take them off and relax for a moment.

But it was time for the gym, so Trey pulled off his thick socks and the rest of his uniform. He walked naked across the room and grabbed his PT clothes from an open shelf, but he paused before putting them on. Standing naked reminded him of yesterday’s procedure in the medical room, and instead of getting dressed he sat down on his bunk and allowed himself to think about what happened.

Continue reading Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 05

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 20

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 20: Opportunities for Success in Uniformed Service

I’m leaving out a lot of stuff about the “guests.”  The kids that trip you in the hall.  The people that open their doors and see you and squirm and slither away as far as they can get, hoping not to catch your disease.  The old gentlemen who like to tell you jokes.  “Hey boy—how many slappies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?  Don’t know?  Well, what DO you know?  Ha ha ha ha ha!  I heard that one on the tour today.”  The young ladies who check in for their bachelorette party, four to a room, and totter off to shop for their bridesmaids’ dresses, leaving their puke on the couch.  The boyfriends muscling them past the ugly slappies that would otherwise want to rape them.  The annual guests who’ve learned that if Housekeeping turns up at an inconvenient time they can always say “Corner,” and the slap will have to find the nearest one and stand there facing it until the guests are ready to leave their room.

It was good that during those first days I had Dave to keep me standing at attention with my hands behind my back, anytime there might be trouble.  And to teach me a lot more things than how to change a hotel bed.  He went way beyond what hotel management calls Guest Relations.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 20