While wearing a SlickItUp hood and rigid metal wrist restraints:
While wearing a SlickItUp hood and rigid metal wrist restraints:
If you like your restraints REALLY serious, check out Martin’s Rigid Cuffs
Click for Martin’s Rigid Cuffs aka cuff24.com
Also you can see this stuff in use quite a bit at Serious Male Bondage
Check out the images and text below, from Dr Mad Max. (He put me in this contraption once, and it is every bit as nasty as it looks!)
Dr. Mad Max writes:
I designed the 7-point in 2005 or so with the idea that a hog tie should be inescapable and immobilizing from head to toe. Redneck Mark made several of these devices for me.
The collar attaches to the long thin metal bar in order to restrict the limbs and head movement. In most cases the collar will be locked to a floor ring to complete the immobilization. Trying to move is going to be painful and difficult and hence the predicament feature of the 7 point: don’t move a muscle and no pain, but after awhile the spasms set in, try and move – it hurts – pure pleasure at the thought.
The biceps and wrist bar are attached as are the ankles to the single thin adjustable bar spine running up the centre. The spine allows legs to be attached at different angles and wrists and biceps can be adjusted for arm length. Typically we add some means to keep the ankle bar from digging into the shins now that is not nice. For me I like to use an overhead point to tie off the wrists and ankles overhead to further limit movement, or in the words of the famous Engineer Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe “Less is More” mine is “More is More” There can never be too much restraint and immobilization.
Depending on the agility and endurance of the prisoner it is usually an experience of 1 – 3 hours maximum although I have managed 4.5 and took a couple days to get the soreness out after.
I am Dr. Mad Max, Max Cita
This is a famous picture of Lewis Thornton Powell, who was one of the people arrested after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865:
This is an early police mugshot of Powell (also known as Lewis Paine or Payne), who was one of the people put on trial and later executed for taking part in the conspiracy to kill the 16th president of the United States. What I like about this picture, of course, is the rigid wrist restraint he’s locked in.
According to the website A Little Touch Of History, strict security measures were put in to place during the trial, including the use of canvas hoods for the prisoners, to prevent them from talking with each other.
During the trial, the Military Governor showed compassion towards the prisoners and said the inmates who wore the canvas hoods could be allowed to take them off — EXCEPT for Powell, because “The hood didn’t seem to bother him as much as the others.”
Powell and George Atzerodt were also reportedly restrained with a ball and chain, although I was not able to find pictures of the ball and chain.
Here are more pictures of the restraints, and a shot of Powell just before the execution:
To see more like this, go to Serious Male Bondage