Thanks to all of you guys who sent special holiday greetings for Christmas. I was especially moved by the gay erotic artist RH of Mencomix, who sent me a hand-drawn, fame-worthy card, illustrated with a boot, a cage and a ball and chain — all in his own inimitable style. I won’t post the image here because it is personal, but here is a teaser:

And fellow kinkster Trikoot, who is a guy from Finland into rubber and BDSM, sent a very cool card, showing himself encased in rubber and leather alongside his crotch rocket. As a special touch, he even used the Tom of Finland postage stamp on the envelope.

And a number of guys made end-of-year monetary contributions to Metalbond. I got two “minimum-security” level offerings, and one “super-max.” You guys know who you are, and a big THANK YOU to you all. If anyone else wants to follow suit (“life without parole,” anyone?) — the PayPal button is in the sidebar to the right. Just select your desired amount in the pull-down under “Contribute to Metalbond,” then click on the PayPal link.