By Rubrpig
During the morning Skype check-in Daddy Mike noticed that his gear boy Adam was obviously very distracted. As it was a day that he was working at the office, Adam was dressed in gear, this day it was 20″ Wesco Big Boss Engineers, Langlitz competition breeches, a black t-shirt and a leather bar vest. Although Adam was fully geared he still was distracted by something other than his gear or the check-in with his Daddy.
Even though Daddy Mike was in his usual Carhartt work gear and boots as it was a working day, the sight of his muscular furry Daddy did not even arouse him. Adam stood but really did not communicate with his Daddy as usual. The call ended as both men had to leave for their respective jobs, however, Daddy Mike left for work and spent the day wondering what was up with Adam. He was worried that Adam was at a breaking point as it was now almost 4 weeks since he agreed to being locked up in the cararra chastity belt for an entire year along with spending the year in leather or other gear to prove his commitment to him. Daddy Mike grew more and more anxious as he felt that Adam was going to request an end to the commitment.
He finally finished his shift as site manager at the large office building project and left work in his F-150 King Cab and headed for Adam’s home. Knowing that Adam was usually home an hour before he finished work he knew that Adam would be there when he arrived. After 20 minutes in traffic, he pulled on to the driveway of Adam’s home and got out. Using his keys, he walked into the house and called out for Adam.
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