Tag Archives: corporal

Human Cattle – Part 08

By Pickle

“Don’t go anywhere Pick, I’ll be right back.”  He unlocked the door and disappeared through it, closing it behind him.  A few minutes later he returned carrying another army rucksack.  This one was of a more normal size.  My buddy carried it around behind my back and I heard him rummaging through it and taking things out.  I tried to twist around to see what he was up to, but of course, couldn’t move my legs far with the 500 pounds on the spreader bar holding them in place, and Steve had gone far enough behind me that I couldn’t twist my upper body and head far enough to see what he was up to.  He sang his little made-up ditty of …

“The waves come in, the waves go out! 

The waves come in, the waves go out!” 

“Kinda almost like a sea shanty, huh soldier?”

The fucker was truly enjoying himself at my expense.  On one hand, I found myself wanting to evict him from my cottage and get him the Hell out of my life, and on the other, strangely kind of liking this side of him.  He had me thoroughly confused.  I realized I was enjoying this intensely macho treatment.  How hard he was testing me.  The punishment he was putting me through.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 08

Strongman – Part 03

By Peter B. and Art Intelli

Chapter Three: The Training

The first few weeks would be harder than I could ever have imagined.  And for the first few days I felt a little embarrassed about the Collar locked around my neck, wondering what people were thinking when they saw it.  But no one even batted an eye.  Maybe they were used to seeing it.  Maybe they had too much respect for Viktor to think disparagingly about anything he did.  So pretty quickly, it became just part of me, and I was proud to be wearing it.

Every day, it felt like I was moving from one task to the next without rest. The carnival was always on the move, traveling from town to town, setting up and tearing down with a kind of clockwork precision. I was no longer just the lonely orphan — I was part of the team, working with the roustabouts to unload crates, set up tents, and make sure everything was ready for Showtime.

The work was brutal. My hands were always raw from the ropes and wood, and my back ached from lifting heavy boxes or pushing the wagons into position. But through all the pain, Viktor never let up.

Continue reading Strongman – Part 03

Craig in the Spanking Tower

Check out what happens to Craig, who is a muscular, 24-year-old straight dude with the look of a Greek statue. He made the mistake of confessing to having been ticketed for driving a car 130 miles per hour. Tom wears Craig’s ass out with his hand, a riding crop and a leather strap.

male bondage spankig Craig in the Spanking Tower

See the VIDEO at Spanking Straight Boys

Title of this update: Craig in the Spanking Tower

gay spanking videos

Polish muscle stud Marcello gets tag teamed for bondage and spanking

At Reluctant Young Men — a site where young men undergo first-time spanking experiences — Marcello gets tied to the rafters and beaten by hand, paddles, crop and cane. The 27-year-old straight guy towers over his captors, yet he is defenseless as they make him dance, hop and holler, his big cock swinging between his muscular thighs, looking anguished, humbled and defeated.

muscle bondage spank

Watch the VIDEO at Reluctant Young Men

Title of this shoot: “Muscle Stud Spanked by Rich and Chic”

metalbond gay bondage

Metalbond gay bondage

A runt is bound to a fuck bench

Handsome young Master Jack is delighted to get his hands again on this worthless worm and cause some serious damage to his arse-cheeks.

The humiliated runt is bound to a bench, and Master Jack has full access to his cheeks and hole. The angry youngster thrashes the pasty rear and causes red welts to appear with his slapping hand, paddle and cat o’ nine tails.

See more like this at Brutal Tops