Tag Archives: edging

Metalbond A to Z: Edging

When it comes to edging a guy — getting him rock hard and keeping him that way, and not allowing him to cum for a long time — having him physically restrained is key, as these pictures show:

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You can also do self-edging with some porn, or some erotic stories like those found in the Prison Library.

Many of today’s pictures are from Men On Edge and Slow Teasing Hand Jobs — two sites dedicated to edging!

Pocket pussy edging

Meanwhile at Slow Teasing Hand Jobs, Rich has Shawn tied to a bar stool and gently strokes his cock thru his shorts while licking and sucking on his nipples.

Pocket pussy edging slow teasing hand jobsWhen his cock is rock hard and throbbing, when it looks like it will burst, and Shawn is desperate to cum, Rich torments him with a pocket pussy.

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He slowly strokes his cock, focusing on the head, stopping every 10 or 15 strokes, or whenever Shawn gets close, slowly working him to the edge as the young man gasps in pleasure while he quietly pleads that he wants to cum.

To see more like this, join Slow Teasing Hand Jobs



Six Teasing Hands

Check out these shots from Slow Teasing Hand Jobs:

six_teasing_hands-102Three older men, six hands massaging, groping, fondling and teasing the body and cock of a spread-eagled young straight guy. He’s their plaything for the afternoon, and they take great satisfaction inflicting 30 minutes of tormenting pleasure and control, teasing and pleasing him before he’s allowed merciful release, only to have his orgasm ruined by the milking of his sensitive, spent cock.

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To see more like this, click through to Slow Teasing Hand Jobs


Edge Device – Part 1

By Strappeddown

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” I commented, holding the strange device in my hand.

“It has extremely advanced electronics in it,” Jim told me. “I have tested it on myself for a few weeks and used it on other boys. It works exactly as advertised — very devious.”

“Does it have a remote control to deliver shocks?” I asked.

“Yes, it can do that — from my computer over there, but that isn’t what I mean. You’ll see if you want to give it a try.”

Continue reading Edge Device – Part 1