Tag Archives: flogging and whipping

Video: Landon in ‘The Handyman Part 7’

Check out what happens to Landon at DreamBoyBondage:


Landon, the kidnapped handyman, is chained to a diagonal beam and forced to get hard and stay hard. Jared strokes his cock until it juts out at a 90-degree angle, then whips him brutally with the single-tail whip. “Stay hard!” he screams as the tortured captive’s cock starts to go limp, then whips him even harder.

See more like this at Dream Boy Bondage

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The Play Pen

By Nate Stone

Sorry for cutting off your questions about my bracelet and vacation earlier today. You deserve the full answer and it’s definitely NSFW. The bracelet is not a political statement. Definitely not a political statement.

It all started a couple of months ago in the Play Pen part of ConCom. Someone posted that he was tired of cyber role play and wanted to experience a real jail and real prison time. A C.O. Jones replied that if the poster wanted something more realistic he should send Jones a private message. I sent Jones one, making it clear I wasn’t the person who posted the original comment.

Jones and I had a long chat online, trading wisecracks as well as credentials. C.O. stood for Corrections Officer, which was what he claimed to be in real life.

Continue reading The Play Pen