Tag Archives: for sale

Bound and Gagged magazine will not be re-launched after all. But you can still purchase vintage mags and vids …

… or you can go ahead and buy the whole company. Bob Wingate, the man who started it all way back in the late 1980s, explains it all here.

BG_01 BG_02 BG_03 BG_04 BG_05


Click to find out how you can purchase hard copies of the magazines and DVDs pictured above.


Bound and Gagged magazine was a HUGE influence for me and countless others.  The magazines are definitely collector’s items — so get yours while you still can.



Gear for sale

gay bondage

A SERIOUS collector of heavy-duty bondage equipment who is located in Ohio is selling some of his gear, including the floating bondage table (pictured above). He’s also got the famous Academy Chair (pictured below) plus an operating table (field military style), and an ambulance gurny, complete with full straps and IV attachment, some metal gear, a discipline helmet and more.

gay bondage AcademyChair_02

To inquire about purchasing this stuff, contact Leatherrestraint on Recon … or send me an email and I will forward it to him.