Tag Archives: Jim Stewart

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

By Unknown

Square One

This was not happening to me. I couldn’t believe I’d been released by the biker only to find myself at the hands of my own men; and no sign of being able to toss off before they all returned for their fun. I kicked and struggled trying to loosen the pegs holding my feet, but when I had been returned, the biker had checked everything and spread-eagled me tighter than when I had been left the first time. And then Dave had retightened the paracord to my balls before disappearing again. So I was in a worse situation than before my abduction if that was possible.

This time I couldn’t rub the blindfold off because of the hood and anyway there was probably no key dangling above me. I tried moving my pelvis to see if the pull on my balls would be enough to at least give me an erection. It was, but only with much effort. My sore dick rose again and began to rub against the rough cotton of my shorts. It was painful but behind the pain was the chance of an orgasm and that was all I wanted now. Eventually I felt some precum begin to leak from my cock.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 02

By Unknown

This story by Anonymous is from Jim Stewart’s Houdini Connections site, which remains online. I do not claim ownership of this story, nor do I know who originally wrote it.



He stared for a long time and when I had recovered enough to speak I very carefully asked what I needed to do to be released. The stranger looked down at my stiff cock and asked “Are you sure you really want to be released.” Whilst it was true I was loving every second of watching this leather man, I also knew I was here for a reason, and against my will, and that sooner or later I was going to find out why. So it might as well be sooner.

“What do you want?”

“Revenge and information.”

“Revenge? For what?

“For what you took away.”

“I don’t know you. How could I have taken something from you?”

“You don’t know me by name but we have met.”


Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 02

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 01

By Unknown

Note from Metal: This story by “Anonymous” is from the Houdini Connections website that was run by the great Jim Stewart, who passed away but whose home page remains online. I do not claim ownership of this story, nor do I know who originally wrote it.


Surprise Surprise!

“Happy Birthday boss!” said the rapidly receding voice of Colour Sergeant Norris, followed by a round of badly suppressed laughter from the rest of the team. And then I was alone. I lay still and tried to assess my position. Staked out, gagged, and blindfolded, in the middle of a wood in the training area I began to wonder how I was going to escape and then I laughed at the irony of my predicament. Being the boss of a unit dedicated to training soldiers in resistance to interrogation and torture here I was totally out of control, tied up, and vulnerable.

We had just finished an exercise to train marines from 42 Commando RM in basic practical resistance to interrogation. I had been at my most inventive this weekend and even though this was only my third exercise in control we had successfully broken a few wills and a few more egos. My assistant was CSgt Dave “Cuff” Norris and he and I established a good rapport. He knew what made marines tick and his own training as a marine ensured we made the exercise realistic and punishing for the trainees – themselves hardened experienced marines. Anyway the exercise drew to a close; everyone was debriefed and packed off home. I was in a bit of a hurry because as soon as we got back to camp my two weeks summer leave began and I didn’t want to waste a second.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 01

Read the Instructions

By Callum Buchanan (of blessed memory)

Note from Metal: I am re-posting this story after a reader contacted me about it. See below for more information about this author and where this story came from.

The boxer’s mouthpiece felt as if it had swollen to fill his whole mouth. It was three o’clock in the morning and he could neither spit it out nor even open his mouth. That thought was the least of his problems and once again he cursed himself for a fool, he should have read the instructions first!

He was fit, and did go into the gym to spar with a trainer on a regular basis. but he also had some kinks and one of them was to dress in the training kit and pretend that he could not take it off. That he was trapped and helpless in it. Unable even to open his front door and get help.

The dream though had now become reality and he was in a real fix. At the gym Bob his trainer had told him about some new extra safe sparing kit. The padding was better so was the fit. there were no laces or straps to cause problems in the ring and you did not even need to wrap or bandage your hands because the gloves were so well made. He had agreed that the stuff looked good and placed a telephone order for the kit from the makers, a local sports goods company he had never heard from before and bought 20oz gloves, a supersafe head guard and cup.

Continue reading Read the Instructions

TBT: Jim Stewart and the history of Fetters

I think in all of bondage, my favorite restraints are the “darbies-style” handcuffs and leg cuffs, shown here:

Jim Stewart and the history of Fetters


The picture above is from the website of a guy named Louis, who has a site on Tumblr dedicated to “Straitjackets, medical restraints and more.” You can click to see his blog (which has NOT been censored by Tumblr!) by clicking here.

As Louis writes on his site, these cuffs and much more were sold by Jim Stewart (of blessed memory) and his company, Fetters.

You can learn more about Jim and the history of Fetters by clicking here.

Also, be sure to check out Jim’s very extensive website, featuring tons of content — including lots of stories — available here.

Oh no! Duct tape!

Jim Stewart (of blessed memory) has a whole section dedicated to duct tape on his website, Houdini Connections.

metalbondnyc_duct_tape_01 metalbondnyc_duct_tape_02 metalbondnyc_duct_tape_03


To read more about TAPE, click here.

And of you like that, you will also want to check out  “Duck T His Movie,” a short film in which a man is attacked by a roll of duct tape. Yes it really does happen. The pictures above are from this movie. Click here for the movie.