Fuck yeah!
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An online buddy from D.C. sent me the following true story a while back:
I can remember overhearing some guys from the Pentagon on the Metro a few years ago. The officer said that one of his guys had been detained by the MPs and put in handcuffs for safety (yeah, I never bought that ‘This is for your safety’ BS line they use when you get cuffed). Anyway, the officer was just pissed because when they were ready to let this guy go, the MP that arrested him was off duty. Based on what he said that they had to wait for that MP to come back since no one else’s handcuff keys could let him out. I assumed he had used the high-security model. The officer was just pissed that they weren’t used a standard key. He felt bad his guy had to wait for this MP to come back to the Pentagon. While I could understand his position (he was stuck waiting, too) still pretty hot that some MPs are using high security cuffs. Now, just imagine that MP wearing mirrored sunglasses with a nice HnT haircut, too. Yep, lock me up bud.
There is nothing better than high-security cuffs, if you ask me!
The future of padlocks is here.
The Master Lock Electronic Combination Lock features an electronic directional interface that offers speed, ease of use, and personalized codes. You even get a backup password stored online, along with programmable guest passwords. And if you’re doubting the security of this digital lock, take note of the anti-shim technology and the boron carbide shackle for increased cut resistance.
Of course it has its limitations too. For obvious reasons, these electronic locks cannot get wet, and are for indoor use only.
Via Gear Patrol
A friend of mine from Vancouver got locked up with a Hiatt-Thompson Blue Box at a bondage play weekend we attended. He was in these for six or seven hours. The thing that makes these so exciting — for me — is the high-security nature of being restrained in them. You see, handcuff keys are a dime a dozen. They are not like the keys for your house or for your car. Most cuff keys will open lots of different cuffs, even cuffs made by different manufacturers, and what fun is that? When I cuff somebody, I want to make sure he can’t get out. That’s where the box comes in. It locks over most standard cuffs, then it locks on with a padlock.
The manufacturer states the features and benefits:
– Handcuffs can be preloaded into box before being put on prisoner.
– Box and handcuffs can be applied to the subject from the interrogation position (no more dangerous face to face confrontations).
– The blue box’s patented double lock slots allow you to set the double locks after the prisoner is in the cuffs and the box is locked to the belly chain. (Some S&W models must be double locked first.)
– The box can be used with all professional chain style handcuffs and can be used with the Hiatts “Big Brutus” chain style as well!
– When used with the blue box, a standard set of handcuffs will limit the subject’s mobility, hide the keyholes, and provide greater safety for the transporting officer.
Corrections officers really use this item, especially when transporting high-escape-risk prisoners who might have smuggled a key. To get this trusty device, do a search for “Hiatt-Thompson Model 7082 Blue Box Cover For Chain Handcuffs.”