Tag Archives: Mr S

Chastity Reward at NYBC

By Radon Berg

It was shortly after New Year’s. Derrick and Ken were both still off work. As was typical, Derrick started thinking about that most common of New Year’s resolutions – getting in shape. His job had gotten stressful over the last several years, and his focus on diet and exercise had waned, with predictable outcomes. It wasn’t a problem for Ken, but Derrick didn’t like the “bear cub” look he was developing. Not that there’s anything wrong with bears or bear cubs, it just wasn’t the image Derrick had of himself. So, he re-committed to going to the gym and watching his diet. He figured, based on his research and previous experience in the gym, that it would take about a year to accomplish his goals.

A year seemed like a long time. A lot could happen in a year, so Derrick developed a plan for achieving his goals. The plan consisted of 13 four-week periods. By the end of the thirteenth period he would have achieved his goals. He would look better, feel better, and have more energy – all the positive things associated with getting fit. The plan relied on Derrick maintaining focus and making progress each period towards his goal, and he came up with a way to do that.

Continue reading Chastity Reward at NYBC

The Convict – Part 18

By Joshua Ryan

Documents Relating to Convict 353308 Rossetti, Jason Scott

Inmate, Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility


Document 1






351699 Cleveland

Inmate, SRLCF



Mrs. Heather Johnston

1112 Detroit Street

Milestone IN



Approved for Transmission




Dear Sis,

I’m sorry I haven’t written to you, its been very busy here. You remember how I said I didnt have a cellmate? Well now I’ve got one. Too bad, eh? Not really. His name is Jason and I like him a lot. He was in college so I guess I’m sort of in over my head, but he’s teaching me a lot of stuff. :-)

Thanks for the birthday gift, which they finaly gave me. You know they only let us have a couple books at a time, so I had to get rid of one of my books before they gave me another one. Big deal, huh? I like that story about the guy that had everything except the one thing he really wanted to have. But listen, the next time you send something I wish youd send me a big book about science, cause Jason is gonna teach me that. (He didn’t say so but he is.) I want to learn about astronnomy so try that. I always liked stars.

Well its Sunday night and I gotta be at the office early tomorrow morning. (Smile) Anyway it’s time for me to sign off for now.

Write soon,


Convict #351699

Continue reading The Convict – Part 18