This is Todd Sanfield, showing off his physique and his underwear at an old run down jail. I stole these pictures from the internet and I hope he doesn’t mind me re-posting them.
You can by Todd’s underwear here, and follow him on Twitter here.
For the letter T let’s look at tattoos. Specifically, I’m talking about men who have chains, collars or other symbols of the BDSM lifestyle permanently inked on their bodies. There is nothing hotter, if you ask me. Behold:
I have blogged about tattoos quite a bit. To see more like this, click on the tag for tattoos, directly below and scroll down.
For the letter S there are lots of possibilities: stocks, sawhorses, spread-eagle bondage, sleepsacks, street fairs and even stress positions. But today let’s take a look at straitjackets and the men who are restrained in them:
Many of the pictures above are from Mr S, which has a great selection of straitjackets in various styles and materials.
Lots of choices for the letter R, including rope, rubber, rigid bar bondage and the Prison Library author rts. But today let’s go with racked, as in these men are bound on the rack:
Pictures above are from Dream Boy Bondage, Rope Burn Studios, and various other sites.
Today’s pictures of rubber slaves are from Serious Male Bondage, and various other sites on the internet.