Runners-up for D included dog training, diapers and Dr Mad Max.
One of the best rope masters around is ropetopsfbay.
You can see more of ropetopsfbay’s work on his Tumblr page, and you can also look him up on Recon
That last shot is from iamalltiedup. “Who near Minneapolis wants the keys?” he asked in an email. As for me, I love that cocksucker T-shirt he has on.
For the “A to Z” series, today is the letter C, and again there are lots of obvious choices, including cuffs, cops, chair bondage, CHASTITY, the subject of “clips vs. locks” (which is one of my favorite topics, as you know) and of course you can’t forget collars.
But today, let’s go with contraptions — those mechanical, complicated and dangerous predicaments.
See below:
Do you ever see a picture online and wonder what the story is behind it? To find out about the one above, click here.
So I thought it might be fun to start a new “A to Z” themed series of blog postings, with a special posting for each letter of the alphabet.
So I’ll start today with the letter A, and call this one Arrested.
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